
  • Project description

  • Contract No. GW

  • Contractor

  • Subcontractors on site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Contractor's representative

1.0 General

  • 1.1 Is the Contractor using any Dangerous Goods on site, which may include explosives, flammable liquids such as petrol, kerosene, turps and flammable paints; corrosives such as hydrochloric acid; oxy/acetylene welding sets; oxidising agents such as chlorine and sodium nitrate; and LPG.

  • 1.2 Review Contractors systems to ensure there is a Material Safety Data Sheet for each Dangerous Good, and that it is up to date. Ensure the MSDS provided is for the specific concentration/mixture present on site. Contractor can get these from the supplier or manufacturer of the substance. Are the MSDS sheet up to date and compliant with the above?

  • 1.3 Does Contractor provide correct personal protective equipment for chemical use? Are the PPE requirements of the MSDS being met (gloves, overalls, goggles, respirators etc.)?

  • 1.4 Verify that the Contractor ensures first aid provisions are suitable for Dangerous Goods on the site, including adequate eye wash, safety shower and first aid kits. Do they?

  • 1.5 Ensure Contractor has records to verify workers have been trained in the use of Dangerous Goods. Inspect induction template & records. Do they?

  • 1.6 Ensure workers on site are familiar with the location of appropriate MSDS documents, first aid kits etc. Are they?

  • 1.7 Are JSEA’s/HAZCON risks, hazards & actions up to date and being followed?

2.0 Flammable and combustible liquids

  • 2.1 Contractor should store flammable liquids away from any ignition sources or sources of heat, and keep containers closed when not in use and secured when the site is unattended. Is this being done?

  • 2.2 Has contractor provided a dry chemical fire extinguisher?

  • 2.3 Has contractor removed all combustible materials from areas where flammable liquids are stored, used or decanted?

  • 2.4 Does contractor transfer flammable liquids in a safe manner where a dry chemical fire extinguisher is available?

  • 2.5 Ensure nobody smokes near flammable or combustible substances and display NO SMOKING signs where these are stored. Oily rags can spontaneously combust in hot weather and should not be left in piles. Is this being complied with?

3.0 LPG

  • 3.1 Does contractor ensure LPG cylinders are in an upright position at all times?

  • 3.2 Does contractor restrain cylinders from falling, and protect them from vehicle damage, and keep cylinder valves closed when not in use?

  • 3.3 Ensure LPG is not used near ignition sources or while smoking. Has contractor ensured this?

  • 3.4 LPG cylinders are never to be turned upside down to freeze pipes. Ensure appliances are compatible and a regulator is to be used where necessary. Is contractor compliant with these conditions?

  • 3.5 Store cylinders in a well ventilated area away from combustible materials and provide security for cylinders when the site is unattended. Has contractor ensured this is happening?

4.0 Oxy Welding sets

  • 4.1 Has contractor ensured attached equipment is compatible and a regulator set is provided where necessary? Is a flashback arrester provided? Comment

  • 4.2 Is contractor ensuring cylinders are kept upright and protected from impact, and providing personal protective equipment for welding?

  • 4.3 Contractor to store cylinders in a well ventilated area away from combustible materials and provide security for cylinders when the site is unattended. Is this being considered/ followed?

  • 4.4 Transporting cylinders which are in use in back of work vehicles requires special care and precautions to comply with regulations. They need to be firmly fixed in position and held up right. Is the contractor compliant?

5.0 Explosives

  • 5.1 Is contractor keeping explosives in a locked receptacle?

  • 5.2 Contractor must not leave discarded detonator boxes on the site. Do not leave excess explosives on an unattended site. Is the contractor compliant with this?

  • 5.3 Contractor needs to obtain an explosives licence from WorkCover to buy and discharge explosives. Has this been obtained?

6.0 Chemical storage

  • 6.1 Are chemicals safely and correctly bunded in accordance with EPA guidelines publication 347

  • 6.2 Are chemicals stored in appropriate locations/facilities with adequate ventilation and at a safe distance from ignition sources?

  • 6.3 Is there evidence of appropriate Risk/Hazard/Action items for chemicals present on site in JSEA/SWMS?

  • 6.4 Are all safety procedures/facilities/equipment available and visible on site to all staff members?

  • 6.5 Is appropriate signage present for chemicals/dangerous goods in use? Does the contractor have an updated Dangerous Goods Register in compliance with the Victorian Dangerous Goods Act 1985 Code of Practice?

Additional comments

  • Add additional comments

Action Required

  • Contractor is to review the comments, and consider the recommended actions within this audit. The contractor needs to demonstrate they are complying with their obligations as an employer, what specific remedial action they propose for this site, and if any overall modifications are required to their Health and Safety Plan / safety procedures / supervision. Prompt corrective action is required to eliminate any agreed deficiencies, and any areas of disagreement need to be further explored in writing. All “failed responses” need to be addressed/resolved.


  • Gippsland Water representative

  • Auditor

  • Contractor's representative

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