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Audit Reference No.
Audit Title
Conducted on
Conducted by
Dangerous Goods in Stores
Dangerous Goods in Stores
Do staff have access to the DG Awareness Guide?<br>Note: it is available through the Corporate DG Manual and the DG Safety Advisor.
(a) Do staff have adequate DG training? <br>(b) What type of training have they attended, online or classroom? <br>(c) Check records and if the training is recurrent, usually every 24 months.
(a) How are DG marked and identified? Check compliance i.a.w the classifications. <br>(b) Are serviceable & unserviceable DG parts appropriately segregated? <br>(c) Some DG may react with other DG, how are DG segregated to avoid such incidents? Is there a segregation chart available to staff?
Is the DG poster available in the work area?
Are the technical instructions & relevant manuals available when transporting DG by air, road or sea (as applicable)? Check revision status to ensure current.
Are handling agents used for transporting DG approved by a governing body? If not, are they trained in-house (check training records)?
Where is the shippers declaration stored? <br>Note: One copy should be with the consignment and one should be with the shipper.
(a) Are shipping documents for DG retained for a minimum of 3 months after the DG has been transported by flight?<br>(b) Where are the shipping documents kept?
(a) When accepting DG, is there an acceptance checklist? Take sample of signed checklist.<br>(b) What procedures are in place referencing the checklists?<br>(c) Does the checklist cover the different type of DG categories?<br>(d) does the checklist consist of checks for leaks and damage? How is this documented?
Dangerous Goods in Line Station
Dangerous Goods in Line Station
(a) Have staff had adequate training in DG? Online or classroom?<br>(b) Check training record
Are relevant aircraft spares and consumables identified as DG? <br>Note: Check parts such as oxygen generators, compressed gas, paint, adhesives, aerosols, wet / lithium batteries.
(a) How are relevant aircraft spares and consumables which are DG identified when removed from the aircraft?<br>(b) How are these items consigned i.a.w the IATA DG Regulations?
Are the operator's stores acceptance staff able to adequately identify & detect DG present in all consignments?
Is there a DG poster available in the work area?
Is the Corporate DG Manual accessible online?
Are handling agents used for transporting DG approved by a governing body? If not, are they trained in-house (check training records)?
Corporate Dangerous Goods Manual
Corporate Dangerous Goods Manual
Who is responsible for maintaining the DG Manual?
How / by whom are the proposed DG Manual amendments reviewed / approved?
(a) How are amendments of the DG Manual distributed? <br>(b) Is there a recall system for old copies? <br>(c) What is the timescale?
(a) How is it ensured that all relevant staff / companies receive the DG Manual & amendments? <br>(b) Is there a distribution list?
How are staff informed of changes in the requirements or operations?
Is the information relating to DG in the manual, such as:<br>* Operators policy<br>* Acceptance / labelling / handling / stowage / segregation of DG<br>* Occurrence reporting<br>* Responding to emergencies<br>* Duties & responsibilties of personnel involved
(a) Does the DG Manual have information regarding procedures for incidents involving DG, such as leaking / damaged packaging or undeclared DG? <br>(b) Is the information available to all staff and handling agents? <br>(c) What are the procedures in place to report to the authorities and incidents reporting non-UK operators?
Training Provider
(a) How are online DG training courses set up? Are online courses tested before going online?<br>(b) How are classroom training courses set up?
Does the nominated person, who has overall responsibility for the transportation of DG, have appropriate training approved by the authority?
DG Instructor requirements. Has the instructor completed the relevant training (Category 6) and have the relevant knowledge / experience?
Are DG training records retained for a minimum of 36 months from the most recent completion date?
Training records must include:<br>* the individual's name<br>* recent training completion date<br>* description of training material<br>* name & address of training organisation <br>* evidence of any tests carried out
Are there records of attendees who have attended classroom training?
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
How is a part determined DG and its classification?
(a) How are DG part numbers set up on the system? <br>(b) How is the DG classification entered into the system?<br>Note: Check parts such as oxygen generators, compressed gas, paint, adhesives, aerosols, wet / lithium batteries.
Are there procedures in place how to set up part numbers?
Do staff have access to the DG awareness guide?<br>Note: It is available through the Corporate DG Manual or DG Safety Advisor.
(a) Do staff have adequate training in DG?<br>(b) What type of training have staff attended? Online or classroom?<br>(c) If classroom, check recurrent training, usually every 24 months?
Quality System
Quality System
(a) Are auditors familiar with DG regulations by air, road or sea (as applicable)?<br>(b) Do auditors have appropriate experience in DG?
Is an audit plan established, which breaks down into the relevant areas of the organisation?
Is the audit plan adhered to?
Are non-conformances raised in the previous audit closed in a timely manner and have adequate responses? Samples couple of NCs.
Does the DG audit checklist cover the relevant areas within the organisation and regulatory requirements?
Are auditors independent from the DG activities being audited?
Do staff have access to the DG Awareness Guide?<br>Note: This is available through the Corporate DG Manual or DG Safety Advisor.
(a) Do staff have adequate training in DG?<br>(b) What type of training have staff attended? Online or classroom?<br>(c) Check records for classroom training and if recurrent, usually every 24 months?