Title Page
Project Number
Project Name
Date of Handover
Project Completion Client Handover Certificate
Project Completion Certification
I certify that all work on this project has been carried out and completed in a professional, competent manner within the licensing regime and legislation laid down by the Health and Safety Executive, including but not limited to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, Approved Codes of Practice and the Demo One Risk Assessment Method Statement. All air monitoring and clearances have been undertaken by a UKAS accredited laboratory with the project working areas left clean and tidy.
Site Supervisor to enter a brief description of the works carried out on this project.
Certified by Demo One Site Supervisor
Client / Client's Representative Feedback and Comment
Demo One would appreciate a moment of your time to complete the following questionnaire to ensure we continue to provide a high level of service.
Please use the following scale | 5:Excellent | 4:Very Good | 3: Good | 2: Satisfactory | 1: Poor | 0: Very Poor
Would you use Demo One again?
Could you briefly explain why not
Would you recommend Demo One to others?
Could you briefly explain why not
Confirmation of Project Handover
Client / Client's Representative Name and Signature