Title Page
Site conducted
Service Area:
Responsible Manager:
Responsible Head of Service:
Conducted on:
Person Completing Checklist:
When to come to work:
Are all staff aware of the health criteria of when they shouldn’t attend work?<br><br>1. They are living with someone in self isolation or with someone at increased risk or extremely vulnerable<br>2. They are themselves in the increased risk or extremely vulnerable category<br>3. High temperature<br>4. Persistent cough<br>5. Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Are all staff aware of the procedure for reporting that they are unable to attend work for the above mentioned reasons?
Are all staff aware of the procedure if they become ill while at work?
Service Area Management Arrangements
Does the service area have a construction operating procedure (COP)in place?
Has the COP been briefed to all relevant employees in the service area?
Has the COP been provided to the relevant contractors for your service area?
Does the service area have an up to date Covid-19 specific risk assessment in place?
Has the risk assessment been briefed to all employees in the service area?
Has the risk assessment been provided to all relevant contractors for your service area?
Have all your Derby Homes employees completed the Covid-19 e-learning training?
Where team meetings have been cancelled, are arrangements in place to ensure staff are communicated with on all company and team announcements?<br>Provide details what these arrangements are:
Travel to work:
Are arrangements in place in your service area to prevent employees from sharing vehicles?
If no, you must consult with the Derby Homes health and safety team on control measures for vehicle sharing
Access and Egress
Do you have arrangements in place for staggered start and finish times to prevent congestion at entrance points?
For any staff working at London Road Depot; have you completed the 'Office Working Approval Form' for any staff member who is required to work at the office?
Has the access to your work areas (including the office space) been organised to ensure a 2m distance, either by staggering access or shifts to limit the number of people in an area at any one time?
Do you have arrangements in place to monitor compliance with these control measures?<br>Detail what these arrangements are:
Site Arrangements
Does the site/work area have enhanced cleaning arrangements in place?<br>Detail what these arrangements are:
Are meetings restricted and where briefings are held is there sufficient room to maintain two metre social distancing?
Are extra bins with lids provided to ensure safe disposal of hand towels and waste with arrangements in place to have these emptied regularly?<br>Provide details of the arrangements in place:
Where a site office is provided is there sufficient space in the site office to maintain social distancing or are alternative arrangements in place?<br>Detail how this will be achieved:
Where a site office is provided; is it being regularly cleaned?<br>Provide details of how this will be achieved:
Welfare - Toilet, waste and hand washing arrangements
Do all your persons have access to sufficient hand cleaning facilities at all times while at work?<br>Provide details of what your arrangements are:
Are welfare areas kept clean on a regular basis and water, soap and sanitisers being replenished?<br>Detail the arrangements to ensure cleaning is maintained
Are there sufficient toilet facilities and do they enable two metre distancing between each other either by being spread apart or having controlled access, etc?
Is signage in place to advise employees to wash their hands before and after using the toilet facilities?
Are surfaces, communal door handles, access buttons, taps, kettles, microwaves, fridges, etc. being regularly cleaned/sanitised?<br>Detail how this is being managed:
Are bins provided with lids and emptied regularly?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Do all employees have access to the PPE required by their risk assessment?
Are employees aware of the arrangements for replenishing their PPE?
Welfare/Canteen Arrangements
Are the welfare/canteen facilities provided suitable for the number of people working in your service area?
Can people sit two metres apart from each other whilst eating and avoid all contact?
Are surfaces being cleaned between people using the tables and facilities provided?
Where drinking water is provided is there an enhanced system in place to prevent communal use of equipment? i.e. individual cups/bottles or enhanced cleaning arrangements in place?<br>Provide details of your arrangements:
Sign Off
Person conducting this checklist:
Checklist completed at: