Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Operative being assessed
Gasco seeker
Sets up instrument in a 'gas free' area.
Checks instrument, sample tube, probe and other associated equipment for signs of damage.
Checks instrument 'service date'.
Attaches all the necessary associated equipment onto the instrument ready for use.
Checks cotton filter and Hydrophobic filter are not contaminated.
Carries out 'Zero' check in accordance with recommended procedures.
Question: What action should you take if the Zero check proves unsatisfactory?
Answer: Repeat the Zero check in a gas free area. If this does not correct the error/fault after a few attempts the Gascoseeker should be put through the depot test equipment. If this does not work, this instrument will require recalibration (follow local procedures).
Checks battery strength.
Question: What would indicate that the batteries need replacing and how would you go about changing them?
Answer: BATT FAULT would be displayed. If BATT flashing is displayed, there would be 1-2 hours of use left, at normal operating temperature. The instrument should be switched off and placed on a firm base where the two screws should be removed using the tool provided. All four batteries should be replaced using only batteries provided by SGN for use with Gascoseekers. This should always be done in a gas free area.
Carries out soundness test in accordance with recommended procedures.
Question - What action would you take if the Gascoseeker fails the soundness test?
Examine the sample line and probe for damage and replace as required. If the probe and sample line
are in good condition, then place your finger over the inlet and repeat the soundness test. If the
soundness test still fails, the Gascoseeker should be returned for repair (follow local procedures)
Taking readings
Selects sample mode on instrument
Takes readings in appropriate locations
Records readings on appropriate documentation, where required
Selects standby mode, when appropriate
Turns off instrument on completion
Cleans all equipment, checks and stores instrument in transit case
Understanding of readings
Question - If your instrument read 80%LEL, what would this be in GIA?
Answer - 4%GIA
Care of instrument
Checks instrument on depot test equipment in accordance with current SGN procedures
Question - How often must the Gascoseeker have a depot calibration check carried out?
Answer - Monthly
Sign off
Name of assessor
Pass or refer for additional training