Conducted on
Conducted by
1) Can everyone reach their place of work safely?<br>ie. are gangways, passageways, passenger hoists, staircases, ladders, scaffolds etc. in good condition?
2) Are there guard rails or is there equivalent protection to stop falls from open edges?<br>ie. scaffolds, MEWPs, buildings, gangways, excavations etc.
3) Are structures stable, adequately braced and not overloaded?
4) Are any holes and openings securely guard railed or provided with an equivalent standard of protection?
5) Are all working areas and walkways level and free from obstructions such as stored material and waste?
6) Is the work subject to a WAH permit and is the necessary permit in place?
7) Are collective safety measures in place and given preference to individual measures?
8) Is the work covered by a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and method statement?
9) Have the operatives been given an appropriate STARRT briefing for the task?
10) Are thee suitable rescue procedures in place?
Assessor Name/Signature