Title Page

  • Site Name

  • Local Board

  • Audit date

  • Contractor

  • Auditor

  • When was the work completed by the supplier?

Audit Results

Level Specific KPIs

  • Which contract are you auditing?

  • Which level has the contractor been asked to work to?

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target shrub and understorey species (e.g., Chinese privet, hakea, tree lupin) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target groundcover species (e.g., periwinkle, pitted Crassula, Mexican devil, kikuyu, buffalo grass – but not Tradescantia) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • What type of site are you auditing?

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target shrub and understorey species (e.g., Chinese privet, hakea, tree lupin) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target shrub and understorey species (e.g., Chinese privet, hakea, tree lupin) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target groundcover species (e.g., periwinkle, pitted Crassula, Mexican devil, kikuyu, buffalo grass – but not Tradescantia) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target shrub and understorey species (e.g., Chinese privet, hakea, tree lupin) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target groundcover species (e.g., periwinkle, pitted Crassula, Mexican devil, kikuyu, buffalo grass – but not Tradescantia) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have the RPMP buffer species subject to ‘Good Neighbour’ rules (climbing asparagus, bushy asparagus, ginger, moth plant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting or seeding)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target tree weed species between 2m - 5m been controlled (e.g., tree privet, Acmena, phoenix palm, bangalow palm, willows, wattles)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target vine species (e.g., Japanese honeysuckle, madeira vine, blue morning glory, jasmine, English ivy, Cape ivy, kiwifruit) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target shrub and understorey species (e.g., Chinese privet, hakea, tree lupin) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off)

  • Have non-RPMP ‘Good Neighbour’ target groundcover species (e.g., periwinkle, pitted Crassula, Mexican devil, kikuyu, buffalo grass – but not Tradescantia) been controlled to prevent them reaching sexual / reproductive maturity (flowering, fruiting, seeding, developing aerial tubers or bulbils that are mature / can break off).

Global Audit Questions

  • Have all native plants not been accidentally damaged or sprayed?

  • Have boundary issues been reported?

  • Have weed trees >5 metres in height been reported?

  • Is the site clear of waste products related to the contract (e.g., flagging tape, agrichemical containers, nitril gloves, spray bottles)


  • What SOA level is the site at?

  • Is Tradescantia being controlled if biocontrol agents are not present? (NB: If biocontrol is present, mark as N/A)

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