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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_emergency_response_teams_lps.pdf
Emergency Response Teams Checklist
1. Do you have a formal Emergency Response Plan that identifies what to do for all credible and foreseeable incidents to your activities/site, such as:<br>• Fire/smoke?<br>• Explosion?<br>• Flood or water ingress?<br>• Wind and windstorm?<br>• Freezing conditions/snow?<br>• Escape of fluid?<br>• Chemical, Biological leak/spill?<br>• Gas leak?<br>• Security incidents/issues?<br>• Denial of access, etc.?
2. Have you prepared procedures for safe evacuation of all personnel from the premises in the event of an emergency?
3. Have you appointed persons to assist with the evacuation and confirm that the premises have been successfully evacuated?
4. Is there a suitable means of alerting ERT members of the need to respond to all and any types of incident, e.g. those that are not a fire alarm?
5. Can your ERT reliably communicate with each other;<br>• When they are on site?<br>• When they are off site (if needed)?
6. Have you identified the key roles required to support your Emergency Response Plans for protecting:<br>• Life?<br>• Property/asset and business activities?
7. Incident Control Room - Has essential information to assist the ERT and public Emergency Services been collated within a suitably located “information pack” or Control Room?
8. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Can the Emergency Services shut down power and other utilities quickly and safely?
9. Specialist Advisers - In an incident can a sufficient number of helpers and advisers be summoned to provide advice to the Emergency Services on specific hazards or provide any information which will help minimise impact of the incident on the premises and local environment?
10. Fork Lift Truck or HGV Driver(s) - Can a sufficient number of personnel be summoned to assist with the relocation of goods, stock, vehicles and materials, and to assist with salvage operations?
11. Sprinkler/Pump Operator - If the site has fixed sprinkler protection, is there appropriately trained persons to respond to the protection systems?
12. Press Officer - Has a person been nominated and trained to field enquiries from the media, local residents and businesses, and can these enquires be dealt with away from the incident scene and location?
13. Security – Has the role of any on-site security individuals been factored into the ERT?<br>Is the security of the site during the course of an incident considered in the activities of the ERT and the Emergency Response Plan?
14. Are enough ERT members available at all times, including:<br>• When the premises are occupied?<br>• When any processes are operating?<br>• All shifts?<br>• Nights or weekends?<br>• Bank Holidays?
15. Is there appropriate availability of ERT members or trained back up/alternates to cover for sickness or annual holidays within the team (including for all variables as in Question 14)?
16. Have ERT members and/or any alternates received adequate training for their roles?
17. Is there a sufficient quantity of suitably specified emergency response equipment for the ERT to mitigate foreseeable emergency scenarios? Examples include:<br>• Fire/smoke?<br>• Explosion<br>• Flood or water ingress?<br>• Wind and windstorm?<br>• Freezing conditions/snow?<br>• Escape of fluid?<br>• Chemical, Biological leak/spill?<br>• Gas leak?<br>• Security, etc.?
18. Is there a programme of regular exercises and practice sessions for ERT members to rehearse response procedures, including their application to specific scenarios?
19. Is there a system (and is this recorded) of formally de-briefing ERTs after incidents, exercises and practices, to ensure any identified improvements to procedures, equipment or response techniques are implemented and acted upon?
20. Is there a formal Salvage Team for the site or is there a formal contract in place with a recovery/salvage provider as required?<br>Are mitigation measures understood by the ERT to help reduce/minimise the damage during the response to an incident/emergency?
21. Is there appropriate liaison with the ERT and the public Emergency Response Services, including:<br>• Ambulance?<br>• Fire?<br>• Police, etc.?
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