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4.1.1 Estop function is available and operational at all times and overrides all other functions and operations in all operating modes of the machine
4.1.4 E-stop meets Category 0 criteria, i.e:<br>Stopping by means of<br>⎯ immediate removal of power to the machine actuator(s), or<br>⎯ mechanical disconnection (declutching) between the hazardous elements and their machine<br>actuator(s) and, if necessary, braking.
4.1.6 Reset is only possible at location where the E-stop was initiated
4.1.6 Resetting the E-stop only permits restarting, it doesn't restart the machine
4.4.2 Is there an E-stop at each operator control station? Is it within easy reach?
4.4.3 E-stop actuator is a direct opening action with mechanical latching
4.4.5 E-stop actuator is red, background behind the actuator is yellow
4.4.6 If there is a label with a symbol, it matches the symbol IEC 60417-5638 (DB:2002-10)
E-stop circuit is de-energise to trip (failsafe)?