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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_engine_powered_mobile_plant_lps.pdf
Engine Powered Mobile Plant Checklist
1. Have all items of ‘mobile’ plant/equipment been identified and recorded on a formal register? <br>• Manufacturer?<br>• Model?<br>• Value?<br>• Owned or leased, etc.?
2. Has a competent person(s) completed a fire risk assessment including this equipment?<br>• Is it up to date?<br>• Does it take into account different times of day/year and the changing activities of the mobile plant?<br>• Does it take into consideration the mobile plant in operation and when idle?
3. Has a competent person(s) completed a security risk assessment including this equipment?<br>• Is it up to date?<br>• Does it take into account different times of day/year and the changing activities of the mobile plant?<br>• Does it take into consideration the mobile plant in operation and when idle?
4. Are risk assessments updated when new equipment is received? <br>• Even if the equipment is temporary?
5. Are all employees aware and trained on the fire/security hazards associated with the mobile plant?
6. As part of the day to day operations, are ‘burning’ activities completed?
Is the mobile plant prohibited from being within 15m of these activities?
7. Is there a formal and secure key management system?<br>Keys should not be left in the mobile plant when not in use.
8. Is all mobile plant cleaned (air or water jet) at the end of each shift?<br>• Engine compartment?<br>• Wheel arches?<br>• Exhaust areas?<br>• Generally, anywhere where material can accumulate?<br>Is this formally recorded?
9. Are regular inspections of mobile plant and equipment completed, e.g. pre-shift?
10 Is all mobile plant deep cleaned (steam or high pressure jet wash) at least monthly?<br>Is this formally recorded?
11. Is the mobile plant observed by a trained/competent individual for at least 30-minutes at the end of each shift?<br>• Or when it is idle?<br>i.e. like a hot work fire watch.
12. When not in use is all mobile plant left outside of any building?<br>If the security and arson/malicious damage risk isn’t exacerbated, is there a 15m clear separation distance between it and:<br>• Any buildings/structure?<br>• Any yard storage?<br>• Any other mobile equipment?
13. Is maintenance on the mobile equipment completed in a largely sterile area physically detached from any main site activities?
14. Is the mobile plant inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations?
15. Are all operators formally trained to use the mobile plant, also trained to:<br>• What to do in an emergency?<br>• Shut down the engine/equipment in an emergency?<br>• Move the mobile plant to a safer location?<br>• Use portable fire extinguishers and hose streams to tackle a fire on the mobile plant?
16. Are the items of mobile plant protected with an automatically and manually actuated FM Approved fire suppression system?<br>Is this interlocked to shut down the engine before extinguishing agent release?
17. Are any fire suppression systems inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations?
18. Are automatic fixed fire suppression/automatic sprinkler systems provided within any buildings?<br>Can these appropriately protect the activities/processes associated with the mobile plant?
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