Title Page

  • Conducted On

  • Prepared by

Untitled Page


  • Count Main Safe & Check money balances in accordance with Safe Count book

  • Check that the Main Safe is regulary balanced two times daily (check past 3 months)

  • Check the Safe Count Book, the Safe Certificate & Vista Cash Desk Match approved cash holdings for the site

  • Check that the treasury area is adequately secure. i.e. Cameras operating above able to see clearly cash movements in & out

  • Has the Safe dial code been updated with in the last 365 days?

  • Is it normal procedure to change the Safe Pin Code when there is a change in personel? e.g. DM leaves. If so when?


  • Does Petty Cash Balance? Does these amount agree with the signed safe book for the site?

  • Is Petty Cash is being used appropriately? Please send to AM Petty Cash Report for last 3 months for review (PDF Cash desk)

  • Are all Petty Cash receipts dually signed?


  • Check that the number of Cash floats boxes. Do these amounts agree with the signed safe book for the site?

  • Check 3 random Cash Float boxes; that they balance and all contain a dually signed cash slip verifying the cash ammount

  • If the site has a Sups float or Play Float or OTHER do these amounts agree with the signed safe book for the site?


  • Is the Change Machine reconciled weekly? (If applicable)

  • Does the Change Machine OR PLAY float balance (within +$10)?


  • Is the Cash Up area adequately Secure? i.e. Cameras operating above able to see clearly cash movements in & out

  • Are regular cash drops performed to keep cash secure (no more than $2000 in a till)

  • Are 4 Cashier Spot Audits regulary completed each week? (check last 3 months)

  • Are the Cashier Spot Audits & their reconcilliations dually signed by the cashier and management and are retained on file?

  • The Cashier Spot Audit reveals no excessive cash and/or voucher discrepancies?

  • Are Cashier unders and overs being monitored, recorded and followed up on regulary? (check last 3 months)

  • Confirm there are no excessive cash variances

  • Have all Daily Closing Report Cash over/under [+/ $50] been explained to accounts, filed & sent in EOW

  • Have all Daily Closing Report out of balance been explained to accounts, filed & sent in EOW


  • Envelope drop book up to date and signed

  • Check last 5 cash pickups. Has the paperwork been completed correctly & matches monies in & out with Vista Cash Desk?


  • Vouchers and comps are correctly recorded and balance

  • Are Vouchers and comps kept in a safe & lockable location (accesible to Managers only)?

  • No excessive issue of complimentary tickets


  • Staff Social Club balances and is being managed appropriately


  • Is there a lockable key cabinet that is only accessible to managers?

  • Is the Key register in place & up to date? Including Master Key Holder


  • Is there a duress alarm on the counter?

  • Are the Alarm codes regularly changed either per user or for the site? (every 365 days) - note when last time


  • Is CCTV operating & recording correctly?

  • Are key areas adequately covered by CCTV?

  • Are all cameras working & in focus?

  • Do the cameras covering POS units record for 90 days?

  • Access to download / edit CCTV footage is appropriately restricted?

  • Has CCTV footage been downloaded and sent for review within the last 3 months? Please note when

  • Was there any items to be investigated from CCTV footage? Please photo investigation piece

  • Time on CCTV matches Vista (variance >10mins = 0 points)


  • Box Office refunds report is reviewed weekly, signed and kept on file

  • No excessive Box Office refunds issued refunds past 30mins can be explained

  • Box Office Analysis and Exceptions Report is reviewed weekly, signed and kept on file

  • Unpaid bookings report is reviewed weekly, signed and kept on file (within bookings report by session, filter unpaid bookings only)

  • Concessions refund report is reviewed weekly, signed and kept on file

  • No excessive Concession Refunds issued

  • Refund function restricted only to management and supervisors

  • Membership Transaction is reviewed weekly, signed and kept on file


  • Are store rooms well stocked? i.e. not overstocked / dangerously stocked -Pic of store room pls

  • Is there adequate security over stock & stock areas? -Pic of Security measures

  • Are all items stored below shoulder height?

  • The 'smoke detectors' and 'sprinkler heads' clear from obstruction in the stock areas?

  • Is the Loading dock; locked at night?

  • Is the Loading dock; covered by CCTV?

  • Are all gas bottles chained & secure? Pic of Chained & Secure

  • Are all fire exits and pathways clear? i.e. no stock stored in the way, Pic of one exit pls


  • Are all Ladders on site are compliant? i.e. Industrial rated & in good repair. Pic of Std Sticker

  • Is the goods lifts or 'dumb waiters' on site compliant & in good repair?

  • Is the scissor lift on site compliant & in good repair? Pic of Service Sticker


  • Are the Payroll reports are kept in a secured location with restricted access?

  • Are Payroll reports have been checked and signed off by management?

  • Are Staff files are kept in secured location with restricted access? Pic of Locked Storage

  • Do all staff have signed Contracts, Rules and Regulations and H&S induction? (HR on board?)


  • Generic logons do not exist in Vista (with the exception of Bar as some sites)

  • Confirm there are no terminated employees are active in Vista

  • Confirm that all staff do not engage in the practice of sharing access details


  • Is the Managers Office clean, tidy and in good repair? Pic Please

  • Is the Supervisors Office clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Is the Staff room clean, tidy and in good repair? Pic Please

  • Are all the staff bathrooms clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Is the Back of House clean, tidy and in good repair? Pic Please

  • Is the Kitchen area Or Sink area clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Is the Front of House clean, tidy and in good repair? Pic of Candy Bar from a far

  • Is the Loading Dock clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Are all Cinemas clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Are all the customer bathrooms clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Are there plenty of Brooms and Sweeps; floor cleaning stocks; tidy and in good repair?

  • Is the Music in the public areas working, appropriate & at a good level?

  • Do the staff look engaged & happy? i.e. is there an energy around the place

  • Do the staff look good? i.e. Uniform policy… incl. Managers

  • Are the things on the staff notice boards interesting and compelling? i.e. exciting? Pic Please

  • Lost and found property recorded correctly and followed up on purged at least quarterly


  • When was the last council inspection (Food Safety Grade)?

  • Are Temperature logs being completed and is this being done to an acceptable standard?

  • Are there Fire blanket(s) in the kitchen? (if applicable)

  • Is there an adequate amount of fire fighting equipment in the kitchen (i.e. Fire extinguishers)

  • Are the tiles, walls and floors in good repair?

  • Are the Ovens cleaned? (if applicable)

  • Are the Exhaust fans cleaned regularly?

  • Are Allergens stored appropriately and cross contamination is kept at a minimum?


  • Are all items made in advance or pre prepped items dated properly?

  • All items made in advance stored in covered containers? Are all within expiry dates?

  • Do we have Coloured chopping boards in use?

  • Has the Food handling training completed by all staff?


  • Does the Freezer room have external temperature displays?

  • Is there an alarm or warning bells if there is an issue?

  • Can the door can be opened by hand from inside?

  • Is the Freezer room In good repair?

  • Confirm there is no stock stored on the floor?

  • Is the Floor clean & free of spills?

  • Confirm, there is no Stock blocking airflow from the cooling system?

  • All food labelled & dated?


  • Do the display stock and fridges lock in the Bar area?

  • Is the Bar Stock room locked & secure?

  • Is the CCTV coverage of bar adequate?

  • Is the Liquor license for the Bar current, up & on display in a prominent place?

  • Is the correct & adequate signage displayed with regards to? Hot food (menu); Opening hours; Managers on duty; service 18+; transport etc

  • When does the licence expire? Please supply a photo

  • Do all Duty Managers and above hold Liquor Licence Control qualification & Managers Certificate? Pic of all licences pls


  • Have all staff been inducted in Workplace Health & Safety for your site? E.g signed record on staff file

  • Have all staff completed WHS training (ELEVATE Your WHS)? E.g signed record on staff file

  • Have all staff completed Crowded places / work related violence (Barrington's)? E.g signed record on staff file

  • Have all Staff been trained in use of ladders? E.g signed record on staff file


  • Is the WHS Noticeboard on display and available to all staff? Pic Please

  • Is the WHS Noticeboard in a good location & does it look loved? Pic of whole board pls

  • Is there WHS safety on display throughout the site? e.g. Caution Hot or Manual Handling etc.

  • Contractors inducted, permits for each visit filed and visitor sign in book complete

  • Hazard Register has been reviewed in the last 3 months and significant hazards indicated


  • WHS, Consultation & Workplace Rehabilitation policies

  • Drug & Alcohol, Whistleblowing, Emergency policies

  • Safety information: First Aid trained staff, Fire Wardens, Safety Champions & emergency contacts

  • Location of nearest AED displayed?

  • Latest Workplace Health & Safety committee minutes (at least quarterly)

  • Injury reporting flow charts

  • 'Injured @ work' & return to work flowcharts

  • Safety memo's & messaging from Risk Team

  • H&S notice board clearly displays first aid officers

  • WHS: Annual Review Plan

  • Hazard identification sheets available

  • H&S noticeboard's have minutes from the last meeting available (within 3 months) - pic pls

  • Emergency contact list is up to date


  • First Aid Kit available, correctly stocked confirm when replinished & by whom (at least annually, check expiry's - in notes

  • Is there a sufficient number of First Aid Kits for your site? If yes, how many in notes


  • Are fire checks being completed correctly and twice daily - send pic of today's sheet

  • Check staff know evacuation responsibilities –ask 3 staff members

  • All fire equipment is in good working order extinguishers and hoses

  • Confirm all Fire equipment is tested annually - pic of one tag with date clipped or written

  • Confirm all Fire exits are free from obstruction and debris

  • Are the Fire exits corridors are well lit?


  • Projection Sufficient H&S signage and safety equipment readily avaliable

  • Projection Personal Protection Equipment is present and in good working order

TIMEOUT OR PLAY AREA (If applicable)

  • Timeout count book is being filled out at the weekly cash up

  • Are the kiosks cashed up, balanced and reconciled weekly?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.