Title Page
Job #
Date of Inspection:
Weather - Select all that apply
Superintendent (s):
Competent Person:
Prepared by
Items for Inspection
A pre-task plan must be completed and reviewed with supervision prior to start of work
Soft dig required for all existing utilities
Excavation, adjacent areas, and protective systems inspected by the competent person daily prior to start of work and as conditions change.
Competent person has the authority to remove employees from the excavation immediately and stop work.
Employees protected from loose rock/soil that could pose a hazard by falling or rolling into the excavation.
Spoils, materials, and equipment set back as least 2’ from the edge of the excavation.
Barriers provided at all remotely located excavations, wells, pits, shafts, etc.
Walkways and bridges over excavations 6’ or greater in depth are equipped with standard guardrails and toeboards.
Warning vests or other highly visible clothing provided and worn by all employees exposed to vehicular traffic.
Employees are required to stand away from vehicles/equipment being loaded or unloaded.
Employees are prohibited from going or working under suspended loads.
Employees are prohibited from working on the faces of sloped or benched excavations above others.
Walkways or bridges with standard guardrails are provided where personnel or equipment are required or permitted to cross over any exaction 6 feet or more in depth.
Fall protection provisions are implemented where workers are expected to work within 6’ of an excavation that is 6 feet or more in depth.
Utility company or private locator service contacted and/or utilities located.
Locations of utilities marked and markings maintained visible for duration of work.
Underground installations protected, supported or removed when excavation is open.
Unobstructed lateral travel to access point no greater than 25’ in excavations and 4’ in depth.
Ladders used in excavations secured and extended 3’ above the edge of the trench.
Structural ramps used by employees designed by a competent person.
Ramps constructed of materials of uniform thickness, cleated together on the bottom and equipped with a no-slip surface.
Employees are protected from cave-ins when entering or exiting excavations.
Precautions taken to protect employees from the accumulation of water.
Water removal equipment and conditions monitored by the competent person.
Surface water or runoff diverted or controlled to prevent accumulation in the excavation.
Inspections made after any adverse weather event or other hazard increasing occurrence.
Materials and/or equipment for support systems selected based on soil analysis, depth, width and expected loads.
Materials and equipment used for protective systems inspected and in good condition.
Materials and equipment not in good condition have been tagged and removed from service.
Protective systems installed without exposing employees to the hazards of cave-ins, collapse or threat of being struck by materials or equipment.
Members of support system securely fastened to prevent failure.
Support systems provided to ensure stability of adjacent structures, buildings, roadways, sidewalks, walls, etc.
Backfilling progresses with removal of the support system.
Excavate material to a level no greater than 2’ below the bottom of the support system and only if the system is designed to support the loads calculated for the full depth.