Title Page

  • Site Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

  • Inspection type

  • Scheme type

Hazard (potential to cause harm)

Trip hazards

  • Are paved areas/paths, car parks level, free from holes, obstructions, trip hazards, such as potholes, sunken; loose, raised or rocking slabs, raised tree roots, missing, damaged or unsecure manhole /inspection covers? See note on higher risk areas.

Slip Hazards

  • Are paths reasonably free from loose stones, wet leaves, moss, oil spills. (supported housing sites and steep ramps have snow and ice controls as per BHA policy)

Paths obstructions

  • Do paths have reasonable clear space to walk without being injured ? for example: protruding sharp objects/falling fences ,foliage/tree branches

Steps /ramps

  • Do steps and ramps appear safe & undamaged? For example are the edges of steps clearly visible (highlighted with white or yellow paint<br>where necessary) Stair nosing and handrails secure (where fitted)

Fly tipping/Arson risk

  • Are communal areas free from fly tipping ? Consider high risk items such as combustibles/furniture dumped against walls of flats.


  • Do trees appear to be free from obvious visible damage, for example large damaged branches likely to fall?


  • Do communal gates, including powered gates appear safe/securely fixed ?


  • Is the site reasonably free from litter & dog fouling?


  • Are there any obvious visible electrical hazards for example damaged lights/exposed wires.


  • Is there scaffolding in the communal area?

  • Is the 7 day inspection tag attached, up to date & compliant ladder guard in place on ground access ladder?

Temporary fencing

  • <br>Is there temporary fencing erected in the communal area ?

  • Does it appear stable and secure, not causing tenants issues with safe access & egress?

Other hazards

  • Are there other hazards noted? for example communal foliage growing over gas flues, used needles, damaged benches.

  • Please give details

Update the current risk rating for this site- external areas. High & Very High risk ratings to be re inspected within reasonable time to confirm actions completed

  • What is the Risk rating for this site?

Other useful information and photographs

  • Add any other information you wish to include with regards to this site visit? Include any other photographs that you wish to record for this site visit.


  • Name & Job title

A Simple External Inspection walk to spot obvious hazards on BHA communal walkways, traffic routes and shared areas where people are likely to walk or children play.<br>🔺Higher risk areas should be considered when risk rating, for example: known high foot traffic /areas used as public thoroughfare; path known to be used by visually impaired or limited mobility/walking aid users; sheltered & over 55's sites. Especially if there is no safe alternative. Playground equipment must have separate play inspections. <br>🔶Take photos. Annotate photo if you wish. Brief description of problem, location & action taken; for example: reported for repair, make safe or further investigation / expert advice requested.

  • undefined

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