
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Life Safety/Emergency Response & Evacuation

  • Are fire extinguishers available and properly labeled, inspection dates in compliance, secured and mounted properly?

  • Are exit doors clearly marked and accessible, exit lights lit and inspection dates in compliance?

  • Are emergency lights functioning properly and inspection dates in compliance?

  • Are first aid supplies fully stocked and up to date? Are AED inspection dates in compliance?

  • Are emergency evacuation plans/routes posted near exterior doors

  • Comments

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are PPE stock supplies at par levels, and inspection dates in compliance?

  • Are expired 1000V gloves prepped to be sent out for testing or currently out for testing?

  • Are eyewash stations/saline bottle stations being properly maintained and weekly inspections in compliance?

  • Comments

Hazard Communications

  • Are SDS readily accessible and complete with full list of hazardous chemicals?

  • Are materials for spill clean up and employees trained?

  • Are all containers properly labeled?

  • Comments

Power Tools

  • Are power tools, hand or shop powered, in good repair, properly guarded?

  • Are all corded power tools properly grounded?

  • Are all carts neat, clean and stored in an orderly manner?

  • Comments

Flammable/Combustible Materials

  • Are flammable or combustible materials stored in approved cannisters?

  • Are flammable or combustible materials stored in approved storage cabinet, labeled as FLAMMABLE and securely closed?

  • Are waste containers/storage tanks properly labeled? Above ground exterior tanks protected from vehicles?

  • Is waste area properly contained if a spill were to occur?

  • Comments

Housekeeping, Walking/Working Surfaces (Warehouse)

  • Are service areas, storage rooms, aisles, and other occupied areas kept clean and orderly?

  • Are trash cans and dumpsters emptied regularly and not allowed to be overfilled?

  • Is all lighting functioning properly?

  • Are all floors above ground level guarded properly?

  • Are all stairways illuminated properly and equipped with handrails in good repair?

  • Are non slip treads installed on stairways?

  • Are rest rooms cleaned and stocked?

  • Are battery powered dispensers working properly?

  • Are windows cleaned and in good repair?

  • Are corners clear of cobwebs and general dusting completed?

  • Comments

Housekeeping, Walking/Working Surfaces (Offices)

  • Are walkways clear of impediment?

  • Are rugs/tile clean and in good repair?

  • Are drop ceiling tiles clean and in good repair?

  • Are extension cords being used properly, not as permanent wiring?

  • Are power strips plugged into wall outlets (not another power strip)?

  • Are trash cans and recycle bins emptied on a regular basis and not allowed to be overfilled?

  • Is all lighting functioning properly?

  • Are all stairways illuminated properly and equipped with handrails in good repair?

  • Are non slip treads installed on stairways?

  • Are rest rooms clean and stocked?

  • Are battery powered dispensers working properly?

  • Are windows cleaned and in good repair?

  • Are corners clear of cobwebs and general dusting completed?

  • Comments

Ladder Safety

  • Are all ladders in good condition and inspected monthly?

  • Are all detective ladders tagged and removed from service? Are arrangements made to replace ladders?

  • Are all ladders stored securely, chained against support?

  • Comments


  • Are all electrical cords and outlets in good condition?

  • Are all electrical panels closed and secured? Junction boxes covered?

  • Are all electrical panels easily accessible, clear up to 3 feet from the front and sides of panel?

  • Are extension cords being used properly and protected from traffic or water hazards?

  • Comments

Compressed Gases

  • Are tanks and cylinders properly labeled and stored/secured with chain to prevent damage?

  • Comments


  • Are forklifts in good condition without damage?

  • Are daily inspections being performed?

  • Have all forklift operators completed Internal Combustion Class 4 & 5 training?

  • Are seat belts being worn?

  • Is 3 point contact system being used when entering/exiting the driver's compartment?

  • Are operators not leaving the forklift running while unattended?

  • Comments

Company Vehicles

  • Are all service vehicles in good condition and properly maintained?

  • Are interiors maintained, safety equipment mounted or stored properly?

  • Are monthly inspections of vehicle, fire extinguishers, ladders and PPE being completed and kept in vehicle?

  • Are all trailers in good condition and properly maintained?

  • Are trailer inspection sheets being completed before trailers are towed?

  • Comments

Office Equipment/Break Rooms

  • Is office and break room furniture in good repair?

  • Are break room appliances clean and working properly?

  • Comments

Landscaping/Parking Lot

  • Is landscape maintenance (mowing, weeding, shrub trimming, leaf pick up, plowing/salting) being done?

  • Are any trees in need of trimming or other maintenance to prevent falling limbs or damage to property?

  • Is parking lot lighting functioning properly?

  • Are parking spaces easily visible?

  • Are curbs and parking stops in good repair?

  • Is parking lot signed properly to make navigation clear and safe?

  • Is pavement in good repair (pot holes, crack sealing)?

  • Are sidewalks clear of obstructions? Treated for ice in winter?

  • Comments

Capital/Future Requests

  • Tap to enter information

Actionable Items

  • Tap to enter information

  • Operations Manager

  • Facilities Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.