Title Page

  • Geographic location of audit

  • Faller being audited:

  • Auditor:

  • Date:

  • Project:

  • Block (if applicable):

Rainfall shutdown criteria and other block related weather concerns

  • Faller knows rainfall limits and weather concerns

Timber Type

  • Old growth or second growth , average diameter, largest diameter felled

  • General tree condition......% snags and danger trees, % windfalls

Ground conditions

  • Rock bluffs, slide areas, ravines/ incised gullies

  • Average slope

Audit terminology

  • Pass - Pass

  • N/A - not applicable

  • NOB - not observed

  • Fail - fail

PPE & Safety Tools

  • Hard hat ( age ), ear muff condition, face screen condition

  • Pressure band, whistle, gloves

  • Hi-vis shirt & rain gear

  • Approved saw-cut leg protection

  • Road signs / access control

  • Known emergency heli-landing?

  • Caulk boots (sharp)

  • Personal F.A. kit

  • Pressure bandage

  • 2-way radio

  • DT & trail ribbon

  • Axe 3.5lb, 17" min handle length

  • Back up axe - 3.5 lb with 17" min handle length...... if in old growth back up axe must have min 24" length handle

  • 3 wedges + 2 spares

  • Wedges are dressed with no burrs

  • Palm lock, chain brake, ignition switch

  • Safe working distance

  • Buddy system & checks

  • Daily work plan signed off

  • Medivac / ERP doc can be in paper or digital format - must be in close proximity as to allow for quick and easy reference.

  • Map - can be paper or digital - must be in close proximity as to allow for timely reference

  • First Aid Assessment & FA equipment

  • What is a condition of upset?

Workmanship & Professional Practices

  • Danger Trees: recorded, mapped, marked in field, NWZ installed, assessed prior to working in proximity

  • Check, check, and re-check demonstrated

Faller Observations

  • NOTE: Auditor is to be in a safe location which permits observation of faller's work practices

  • Has faller conducted Site Hazard Assessment of his immediate work are prior to commencing falling activities?

  • Falling plan verified with falling partner?

  • 10 minute flagged or cut trail to falling partner?

  • Does faller assess tree condition prior to initiating falling cuts?

  • Is Faller adequately clearing the stump?

  • Use of face screen?

  • Correct hand/ thumb position while using saw?

  • Applies chain brake while walking but not actively cutting when saw is running?

  • Use of axe / wedges - sets wedges before "driving" them with the axe

  • Avoids excessive back barring?

  • Knows procedures for overcoming various hazards

  • Demonstrates procedure for dealing with limb tied trees, pushing trees to overcome a difficulty?

  • Did faller mention the option of calling his partner over for advice and assistance in order to overcome a falling difficulty?

  • Escape route used (+10ft/3m) cover?

  • Buddy check at scheduled 30 minute intervals?

  • After falling, does faller check canopy for overhead hazards, loose ground debris etc prior to bucking or falling next tree?

  • Avoids excessive brushing of standing timber?

  • Brushing-out around tree and escape trail adequately?

  • Stump whiskers removed?

  • Limbs cut flush (no pig ears)?

  • Limbing technique

Timber Lay

  • Matched cuts & dropped

  • Butt defect addressed

  • Weight card followed

  • Working with the timber

  • Avoids runaways

  • Bucking to grade (card)

Helispots & Helipads

  • Heli pad clear of obstructions and loose debris

  • Trees-lines for overhead hazards?

  • Built to SOPs & painted / numbered?


  • Observed stumps - photos required

  • General observations regarding stump quality

  • Photos taken

Other pertinent site observations

  • Observed opportunities for improvement .....these are not safety violations but rather items that will improve the faller's work flow and processes

Corrective action plan for any noted deficiencies

  • Observed deficiencies and associated corrective action & timeline


  • Faller Signature

  • Faller's email

  • Auditor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.