Document No.
State Forest , compartment numbers
Production North
Conducted on
Inspected by
To be checked
Road name
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New road construction located as mapped ?
Grade of newly constructed, upgraded or maintained road <10 deg or <15 deg in specific circumstances. Guidance refer to EPL schedule 5, cond 4 for circumstances where increasingroad grade to 15 is permissible.
Road batters stable? Guidance: no significant slumping (>10cu m) or delivering sediment to drainage feature
Site specific Roading plan conditions implemented on newly constructed or upgraded ground on road slopes >30 deg. Guidance: refer to EPL sch 5 cond 24-29
Site specific mass movement conditions implemented as per Roading plan. Guidance: refer to EPL shed 5 cond 30-32
Site specific erosion and sediment control measures implemented as per Roading plan and maintained. Guidance: refer to EPL sch cond 10 a-e
Road surface functioning effectively? Guidance: no significant deformation, no damage to road drainage structures. Damage can be fixed with rolling in. Road doesn't require resurfacing or regrading
Length of road assessed?
Length of road not significantly deformed
Very poor
Road Crossing
To be checked?
Crossing name
Drainage feature type
Structure type
Road surface and table drain drained at 5-30m (not outfall) or site specific techniques employed to prevent water pollution and road drained at first possible opportunity. Note mandatory on drainage lines and watercourses. Use on drainage depressions where practical. Guidance: refer to EPL sch 5 cond 38
Crossing stable. Guidance causeways must be replaced or armoured if erosion or deformation occurs, gully stuffers must be removed if they become unstable during operation
Right angled clearing and approach. Guidance: approach may be angled if it reduces ground and soil disturbance
Drainage features, filter strips, protection zones and buffer zones clear of spoil and disturbed areas re shaped and stabilised
Disturbed area 20m either side of watercourse, drainage line, wetland or swamp stabilised. Guidance: this does not include road surface, road drainage structures or cut batters. Temporary stabilisation measures must be put in place when the soil is saturated and machinery must not enter the disturbed area. Permanent measures must be put in place as soon as soil is not saturated.
Filter strips and protection zones are clear of substantial debris. Guidance: means logging debris >10cm diameter and >3m in length
Fill batters stabilised where toe of fill enters filter strip or protection zone. Guidance: measures to stabilise the toe may include >70% ground over or artificial cover such as geotextile or erosion control mats
Bridge embankments protected from table drain discharge and structures installed to prevent bridge pavement from entering drainage feature
Culvert outlet stable, fill batter stabilised around pipe, inlet/outlet clear of fill material and structures installed to prevent culvert pavement entering drainage feature
Causeway surface, on upstream and downstream side is no more than 100mm higher than invert level of drainage feature (fish passage)
Soil erosion and sediment control measures implemented where there is a risk of water pollution. Guidance: where rainfall is forecast during construction or upgrading the crossing, the risk of sediment entering the drainage feature is high. Installation of temporary sediment control measures will reduce this risk
Dispersible soil covered with stable material 20m either side of crossing. Guidance: includes road surface and table drain and batters ( if dispersive)
Crossing constructed as per Roading plan including implementation of any site specific conditions.
Number of items checked
Numbers of items conforming
Poor ( no environmental harm) or very poor (material harm actual or potential)
road Drainage
To be checked?
Road name
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Guidance: target sections of road where connectivity to the drainage network is high (ie crossing approaches, lower slopes and valley bottoms, heads of drainage features). Check of minimum of 10 drains per road. Check drainage spacing along other sections where ther is evidence of excessive scour in table drains, road pavement and drainage outlets. Check conformance with site specific conditions.
Drain number
drain number
Spacing - actual
Meets required?
Structure type (inc outfall)
Structure height or size - actual
Meets required?
Outlet stable?
Clear of harvest debris or spoil?
Away from sing track?
Incident severity?
Number of drains checked?
Number of drains that comply
Very poor