
  • Conducted on

  • Business unit

  • Region

  • Store name

  • Please take a picture of the store front.

  • Location
  • Region

  • Branch name

  • Please take a picture of the store front.

  • Location
  • Region

  • Branch name

  • Please take a picture of the store front.

  • Location
  • Region

  • Branch name

  • Please take a picture of the store front.

  • Location
  • Site name

  • Weather

  • Approximate temperature

External questions

  • External Health Check questions

  • Does the site have a car park?

  • Can customers/clients park conveniently and in a safe well lit area?

  • During periods of winter weather are car parks cleared and gritted in line with the service specification?

  • Is the car park free from pot holes?

  • Is the white lining visible and in good order?

  • Is external signage in good condition?

  • Please take a photograph of the car park.

  • Are there external footpaths?

  • Are they free from trip hazards?

  • Free from excessive loose material?

  • Well illuminated?

  • Safe to walk on during periods of extreme weather?

  • Is the external appearance of the building in keeping with the standard expected?

  • Are there auto doors on site?

  • Are they fully operational?

  • Clean and presentable?

  • Overall condition rating? (1 being poor, 10 being excellent)

  • Are there areas of landscaping?

  • Is it maintained in line with the agreed specification?

  • Are there any particular areas if concern?

  • Please take a photograph of landscaped areas.


  • Is the fascia clean and in good order?

  • When was the last fascia clean completed?

  • Please take a photograph of the fascia?

  • Has the ATM been cleaned?

  • Are entrance matts in a clean condition?

  • Is the client aware of the cleaning service specification for general cleaning?

  • Is the client aware of the cleaning service specification for window/fascia cleaning?

  • When was the last window clean completed?

  • Can you locate the cleaners file?

  • Is it easily accessible?

  • Is there evidence of it being used correctly?

  • Does it contain relevant and up to date COSHH information?

  • Are store staff aware of the file?

  • Is the client aware of the files purpose?

  • Please advise the client of the importance of the site file.

  • Does the store receive regular contact with their cleaning site supervisor?

  • Does the client find this useful?

  • Does the client have the opportunity to frequently undertake cleaning audits with the cleaning supervisor?

  • Please enter the date of the last audit.


  • Is the client aware of the service specification for the site?

  • Is there evidence that general waste bins have been emptied in line with the service spec?

  • Are there excessive waste items on site?

  • Please advise the clients of the risk of storing excessive volumes of waste on site and the process to arrange for its removal.

  • Help desk link.

  • Are food waste bins in place?

  • Is there evidence that these are being emptied in line with the spec?

  • Please take a picture of the waste receptacles on site.

Emergency procedures

  • Are all staff aware of the location of emergency exits and where they lead to?

  • Advise clients of exits, escape routes and of their obligations in ensuring all colleagues on site are aware of this information.

  • Is there a record of practice evacuations?

  • When was the last evacuation?

  • Are all internal exit routes clear?

  • Understand cause of blockages and advise client of their responsibilities.

  • https://helpdesklink.test

  • Are all external exit routes clear?

  • Understand cause of blockages and advise client of their responsibilities.

  • https://helpdesklink.test

  • Are fire exit routes clearly marked?

  • Are the clients aware of when the fire alarm tests take place?

  • Are clients familiar with the emergency evacuation process?

  • Are evacuation marshals in place?

  • Are clients aware of the nearest muster point?

  • Is he muster point clear, free of debris and clearly identifiable?


  • Is the client aware of how to access the Helpdesk?

  • How do they think they can contact the Helpdesk?

  • When calling the Helpdesk are the wait times acceptable?

  • Does the client know how to obtain updates on work orders?

  • Is the client aware of the escalation routes available?

  • Advise the client of relevant escalation route for their business unti.

  • Does the Helpdesk service meet the clients expectations?

Staff facilities

  • Is the area cleaned in line with the expected standards?

  • Advise the client on the process to use to raise calls regarding the standard of cleaning.

  • Are the following items in good working order?

  • Sink/Drainer

  • Cupboards

  • Fridge

  • Dishwasher

  • Microwave

  • Kettle

  • Cooker/hob

  • Worktop

  • Zip tap

  • Water filter

  • Paper towel dispenser

  • Toaster

  • Have the following items been PAT tested?

  • Fridge

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Dishwasher

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Microwave

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Kettle

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Cooker/hob

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Toaster

  • Date of last PAT test

Contractor Attendance

  • Do contractors sign in on arrival?

  • Is the client aware of the response priority levels?

  • Provide SLA's

  • Do you feel that the contractor responds in line with agreed priority levels?

  • Are contractors presentable and courteous?

  • Do you have any concerns with specific contractors?

Compliance records

  • Is the building compliance folder readily available?

  • Are there copies of the following documents on site?

  • Fire risk assessment

  • Please enter the date the survey was completed.

  • Asbestos survey

  • Please enter the date the survey was completed.

  • Weekly alarm test records

  • Please enter the date last updated.

  • Water hygiene records - Hot water

  • Please enter the date last updated.

  • Water hygiene records - Cold water

  • Please enter the date last updated.

  • Emergency lighting tests records

  • Please enter the date the survey was completed.

  • Please enter the date the survey was completed.

Petrol filling stations

  • Is this locations a petrol station?

  • Are you wearing the appropriate PPE to be on a petrol forecourt?

  • Please ensure you are wearing a hi visibility vest/jacket and other appropriate PPE prior to proceeding with this section of the review.

  • Are all pump displays operational?

  • Are all pump casings and hoses free from damage.

  • Are there any signs of fuel spills which are cause for concern?

  • Does this PFS have vehicle washing facilities?

  • Are they fully operational?

  • Are drains flowing freely?

  • Is the car vacuum in good working order?

  • Is the tyre dispenser in good working order?

  • Is the vehicle water dispenser in good working order?

Customer area/Trading floor

  • Is the ambient temperature acceptable for the customer base?

  • What is the approximate ambient temperature?

  • Is the area clean in line with expectations?

  • Does the layout offer adequate areas for confidential customer conversations? (Interview/Meeting Rooms)

  • Are these easily accessible?

  • Are there enough till/cashier points available to meet average levels of customer demand?

  • Please rate the following fixtures. 1 being requires replacement and 10 being perfect condition.

  • Lights

  • Please take a photograph of defective lighting.

  • POS

  • Poster holders

  • Please take a photograph of defective poster holders

  • Carpets

  • Please take a photograph of defective carpets

  • Flooring (non carpeted)

  • Please take a photograph of defective flooring

  • Retail display units

  • Please take a photograph of defective retail units

  • Refrigerators

  • Please take a photograph of defective refrigeration

  • Counter

  • Please take a photograph of defective counters

  • Internal partitions

  • Please take a photograph of defective partitions

  • Auto doors

  • Please take a photograph of defective auto doors

  • Queue management systems

  • Please take a photograph of defective QMS

  • Heating/cooling

  • Please take a photograph of defective heating/cooling systems

  • Wheelchair access

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Please rate the overall standard of decor (1 being poor and 10 being excellent)

  • Is there sufficient furniture to meet the client and customer needs?

  • Is the furniture on site fit for purpose?

Disabled access

  • Are there the following facilities in place to assist disabled access?

  • Auto/assisted doors

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Induction loops

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Wheelchair access

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Accessible counter

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Accessible ATM

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Access lifts

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Access ramps

  • Are they in good working order/fit for purpose?

  • Are there any unacceptable hurdles to disabled access

FMSS Engagement

  • Does the client receive communication from FMSS and its service providers?

  • Is the content relevant?

  • Is it timely?

  • Is it in plain English?

  • Is it informative?

  • Does it meet their needs?

  • Is the client aware of FMSS building and service standards and where to find them?

  • Is there any specific information that the site would find beneficial with regard to FMSS and why?

  • Is the store/branch

  • Is the client aware of the landlords responsibilities for the site?

  • Is the client aware of their FCP contact details and where to find them?


  • Are there cycle storage facilities on site?

  • Are these sufficient for the numbers of staff wishing to cycle into work?

  • Are lockers available on site?

  • Are they of suitable size for the clients requirements?

  • Is there a sufficient number of lockers on site to meet the clients demand?

  • Is there a process in place to request a locker?

  • Are staff aware of the process?

  • Are there shower facilities on site?

  • Are they clean?

  • Are they in good working order/state of repair?

  • Is there a gym on site?

  • Is the area and equipment clean?

  • Is the equipment in good working order/state of repair?

  • Are there 1st aid rooms on site?

  • Is the furniture fit for purpose?

  • Is the room clean?

  • Does the room have access to clean drinking water?

Physical Security

  • Are access control points working?

  • Are there turnstiles?

  • Are they in good working order?

  • Are they clean and free of litter and debris?

Communal Services

Toilets - Include disabled access (if applicable) within all categories.

  • Are there sufficient toilets to effectively accommodate the site population?

  • Is cleaning in line with expected standards?

  • Are toilet roll dispensers appropriately filled (given the time of checking and the operational hours of the site).

  • Are soap dispensers appropriately filled (given time of checking and operational hours of the site).

Sanitary waste bins

  • Are sanitary waste bins in place?

  • Are they maintained within the expected standards?

Disabled access toilets

  • Are there disabled access toilets on site?

  • Are they fit for purpose?

  • Are they being cleaned in line with the expected standards?

  • Are they easily identifiable?

  • Are all disability accessories working and fit for purpose? ( grab rails, panic alarm etc)

Meeting rooms

  • Are there meeting rooms on site?

  • Is there a central room booking process?

  • Does it meet the clients requirements?

  • Are rooms clean and tidy?

  • Do rooms have meeting room equipment?

  • Is it well maintained and in good working order?

  • Does it meet the clients/business need?

Catering and vending

  • Are there restaurant facilities on site?

  • Do they effectively accommodate the demand for these services on site?

  • Are the following areas fit for purpose/in a good state of repair?

  • Servery

  • Seating area

  • External area

Trading hours

  • Are the trading hours suitable for each location?

  • Restaurant

  • Coffee bar

  • Vending

  • Shop

Does the caterer provide feedback opportunities...

  • For clients (e.g. Comment cards?)

  • Are responses actioned in a timely and acceptable manner?

Are the catering staff on site generally....

  • Knowledgeable

  • Presentable

  • Helpful

  • Professional (in line with expectations)

Food offering

  • Is there a consistent selection of food available throughout the service?

  • Is it of good quality?

  • Is it priced reasonably?

  • Is it suitable for a range of dietary requirements (e.g. Vegetarian, lactose/wheat intolerance etc).


  • Is there beverage vending on site?

  • Is there food/snack vending on site?

  • Are sufficient machines available to meet normal business demands?

  • Is there evidence of a regular cleaning/fill regime?

  • Does the external appearance meet expectations?

Display cabinets

  • Are there display cabinets on site (refrigeration/frozen)

  • Are the cabinets free from damage?

  • Are kick plates in place?

  • Are there signs of any leaks?

  • Is the cabinet in a clean condition? (Check grilles)

  • Are lights operational?

  • Do night blinds work?

  • Is there any damage to Perspex dividers?

  • Are all doors free from condensation/frosting?

  • Date of last known PPM visit.

  • Date of last known case clean

General comments

Overall FCP evaluation.

  • Please rate your overall evaluation of the service delivery at this store. (1 being poor and 10 being excellent)

General comments

  • Enter any other useful photographs taken from site.

Cold rooms

  • Are there cold rooms on site?

  • Are the doors easily opened?

  • Are all the handles fit for purpose?

  • Are the emergency release buttons operational?

  • Do frame heaters work?

  • Is the general fabric/floor free from visible defects?

  • Are door curtains in place?

  • Is the evaporator and floor free from ice build up?



  • Add any agreed actions into this area. Please ensure actions are allocated an owner and realistic achievement date.

  • Action
  • Agreed action

  • Owner

  • Agreed completion date


Audit completed

  • Select date


  • FCP Name

  • Client name


  • Are there lifts on site?

  • Are they in good working order?

  • Are all car lights working?

  • Are the clean and presentable?

  • Are they sufficient to meet the clients demand?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.