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Are hazards associated with working at height are specified in the Permit To Work (PTW) and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)/Job Safety Analysis (JSA) / Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control (HIRARC) / Method Statement?
Are tools and equipment safely stored and secured to prevent fall from height or trip hazard?
Has working at height equipment (e.g. ladder, mobile scaffold) been inspected before use?
Is the ground area properly barricaded and warning signs displayed to protect personnel from falling objects
Has the work area been surveyed for harzard (eg: overhead power line, unsuitable ground condition moving machinery parts)
Does personnel use 100% tie-off (i.e. Y-lanyard or double lanyard) with full body harness when working at height with risk of fall e.g. working edge of platform, during installation/dismantling of scaffolding?
During working at height, there is competent person who can suspend work if the condition change (eg: weather, traffic, scope of work)
Have all workers who work at height have been trained by a competent person or closely supervised by someone who competent
Body Harness and Lanyards
Is ladder comply with approved standard as per FMA (eg : secured and properly supported)?
Does worker practice 3-point contacts while ascending/descending ladder?
Is ladder rested on level and stable ground?
Is ladder free from signs of corrosion, cracks, defects?
Is the locking mechanism for interlocking/extension ladder in working condition to prevent movement of the sections while in use?
Is the ladder used for electrical work has the rubber non-slip sheet?
Are portable ladder, steps and other equipment regularly inspected
Have workers been trained not to over reached on ladder
Working on Roof
Is scaffold used for roof access and egress?
Is 100% tie-off practiced and lifeline provided?
Are fragile roof identified, labelled especially where fragility is found
Are warning signed displayed on the approach to fragile roof
Removal of Guardrail, Grating, Cover Plate
Has risk of fall been assessed and control measures implemented?
Open Edges
Are open vertical drop identified and properly guarded or covered
Are handrails present on the open side of staircase
Is fixed edge protection provided to prevent fall where working at height can be avoided
Other Observation
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