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All scheduled wastes (SW) generated at the site have been identified correctly
SW generated was notified to DOE within 30 days of the generation date via 2nd Schedule form / E-Consignment Note System
SW storage area is designed, constructed and maintained adequately
The storage area is properly ventilated
The roof for scheduled waste area is large enough to prevent rain water from entering the storage area
The storage area is fenced properly and locked
The storage area provided with concrete floor
The storage area are bunded containment to be 110% of the largest container stored in the storage area.
The bund is impermeable. (e.g the inside wall of the bund is plastered with concrete)
Sump is provided at the storage area
Spill kit is provided at the storage area
Signages must be put up clearly and visible.
Containers used for storage of scheduled waste are durable.
Signages must have words:<br>• Danger<br>• Scheduled waste storage area<br>• No smoking<br>
Segregate incompatible scheduled waste in different containers.
Containers are always closed.
Scheduled Waste stored not exceeding 180 days from date of generation or 20 metric tonnes.
Inventory list accurate and updated
All spillage on site are cleaned up immediately.
Scheduled Waste to be labelled in accordance with the First Schedule and Third Schedule of Scheduled Waste Regulations 2005.
Waste characteristic labels shall be:<br>• Square <br>• Place at 45 degrees angle <br>• Not less than 10 cm x 10 cm in dimension <br>
Information to be included at the container’s label: <br>• Date of Scheduled Waste first generated<br>• Name of waste generator <br>• Address of waste generator<br>• Telephone number of waste generator <br>
The marking and labels cannot be alter.
Appoint SW Handler / Contractor for disposal. SW shall be disposed at the prescribed premises approved by DOE only. Keep a copy of the Contractors’ license.
Complete 6 copies of Part I of the Consignment Note as per Sixth Schedule / E-Consignment Note and forward to waste collector upon collection of SW
Ensure that 2 copies of Consignment Notes (Part II) are received from the SW collector.
Submit 1 copy of the Consignment Notes (Part II) to DOE within 30 days from SW collection date.
All relevant employees and workers shall be trained on the responsibilities, methods and procedures to ensure full compliance to the SW Regulations
At least 1 person from the Contractor’s organization is a Scheduled Waste Competent Person (CEPSWAM or equivalent)
List of records:<br>• Second Schedule Form / copy from E-consignment<br>• Inventory Record <br>• LOA to Scheduled Waste Contractor<br>• Copy of SW Contractor’s License <br>• Transfer of Waste Generator (TWG) Form <br>• Consignment Notes - Copy from E-consignment <br>• Training records <br>
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