Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Flowers & Plants
Are there any removal dates issues? (>2 items is RED)
Are the flowers on display of an acceptable quality?
Fruit & Veg
What is F & V quality like? Would you buy it? (>2 items is RED)
Has F & V stock been rotated correctly?
Dated lines are within freshness T-Dates (e.g. Bunched beetroot, radishes & Herbs?)
Quality Freshness Safety Assurance checklist (QFSAC) has been completed & signed?
Is the Cherry tray clean?
What is convenience quality like? Would you buy it?
Has stock been rotated correctly?
Are there any T-Dates issues? (>5 items is RED)
Are there any out of dates found? (>2 items is RED)
Temperatures of cabinets are compliant?
Bread & Cakes
Are there any T-Dates issues? (>5 items is RED)
Any issues on rotation?
Are there any out of dates found? (>2 items is RED)
Are Chiller products fit for sale?
Are there any T-Date issues in LO?
Are there any T-Dates issues? (>5 is RED)
Are there any out of dates found? (>2 items is RED)
Temperatures of cabinets are compliant?
Are there any issues in the reduced to clear bay?
Meat & Poultry
Are Meat & Poultry products fit for sale?
Are there any T-Dates issues? (5 items is RED)
Are there any out of dates found? (2 items is RED)
Temperatures of cabinets are compliant?
Are there any issues in the reduced to clear bay?
Are there any products over the load lines? (RED if any found)
Are there any products over the load lines? (RED if any found)
Are there P line rotation issues? (1 line each for - crisps, baby food & Till dumps)
"Root Cause (N/A questions as non scoring)
Has there been any impacts contributing to issues highlighted above? (E.g. Sickness, freezer breakdown, late delivery etc)
Is there anyone accountable on the rota for freshness for am? (If so who is it?)
Is there anyone accountable on the rota for freshness for pm? (If so who is it?)
When were T-Dates completed? Is it to procedure?
Is there a member of staff wearing a green Freshness shirt?
If so, where they engaged with freshness (ask open questions to establish)