Job Reference:
Fibre Blow by:
Fibre Blowing
Site Information
Confirm that every effort has been made to check ill-fitted connectors/gel wraps or any other air leakage
Confirm the team is blowing back to the right SN as per civils drawing/as-built.
Confirm that the Blowing team have tried blowing both ways and where possible using multiple blowing points
Sprayed up X on the ground where the blockage is believed to be (multiple photos may be required to show location)
Meterage from SN where the blockage is believed to be
Meterage from Toby where the blockage is believed to be
If it is a slow stop (build-up of friction etc) or a hard stop (a kink or something that stops the fibre instantly). Provide details
Civils drawing annotated with an X on where the blockage is believed to be
Please state cable type being blown
Please confirm the amount of wasted fibre cable in attempted blows (metres)
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