Site Name:
FFF Site ID:
Site Partner (Vicinity, Woolworths, Liberty etc)
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel in Attendance
Site Specific Information
Site Map
Single Line Diagram
HSE / Safety Requirements
Have all personnel reviewed and signed onto JHA / SWMS?
If required, have inductions been completed?
Are all personnel aware of fire exits and emergency exits in close vicinity of inspection locations?
Are all personnel in attendance adhering to state mandated COVID-19 requirements? (if applicable) (e.g. social distancing, masks, etc)
Site Inspection - Proposed Solution A
Switchboard for Proposed Solution A
What is the Site Supply Type? (Underground, Overhead etc)
What is the Supply Transformer Rating and the Supply Fuse Rating?
Photos of Supply transformer and it's nameplate.
What is the Location of the MSB?
What is the Main Switch Rating?
What is the MSB Nameplate Rating?
Photos of MSB Nameplate, spare capacities and enclosures, including possible cable entry points.
Photo of front view of entire MSB
Close up photos of front view of MSB sections
What is the size of the Consumer Mains (Incomer) - Size and Type
What is the upstream SPD rating?
Close up photo of Service Protection Device (SPD)
What is the Busbar Chassis Rating?
Photo of distribution chassis.
How many Spares are available in the MSB?
What is the Retail Meter Set-up?
Has the Interval Data been assessed prior to site visit?
What is the Max Demand at peak, and what is the Max Demand 95% of the time?
Are there any fire-rating requirements?
What is Required?
Is the NMI number available?
What is the NMI number?
Does Capacity for a 250A Breaker or 250A load exist in the Board?
Photos of any spare spaces in board.
Will MSB require modifications or significant works to facilitate breaker install?
What is required?
Will the board need to be isolated to install new breakers / equipment?
Has this been explained to the site partner?
Is the Max Demand known?
What is the Max Demand?
Is further SLD information required for an accurate assessment?
What information are you seeking specifically?
Are the Phase Amp Values Known?
What are the Values for Phase A, B and C?
Is there space on the MSB / Enclosures to arrange metering?
Is there space inside the Switchroom for a JET Charge Core Enclosure to be mounted?
Are there any compliance issues or concerns with the MSB or if there were additions to the MSB?
Please explain further
Is there access to a data cabinet or data tie-in inside the Switchroom?
Where can site data network be accessed?
Is 4G mobile reception available at the MSB?
How many bars of Signal?
What Network are you currently using?
Photos of cable route out of board and out of Switchroom. i.e. will penetrations be required, does tray exist etc?
Additional Photos for Reference
Any Additional Comments?
Cable Run / Installation Details for Proposed Solution A
What is the estimated length of the Cable Run (in m)?
What is the estimated length of cable run for CAT6 or Fibre from the charger to the MSB/CORE? (in m)
What is the estimated length of cable run for CAT6 or Fibre from the MSB / Core / EVSE to the Network Tie-In? (in m)
Are Cable Tray's Required?
What size cable tray?
Are Civil Works (Trenching / Coring) Required?
What Civil Works Are Required?
Will these Civil Works need to be conducted out of hours?
Will these Civil Works require Scanning / Dial Before you Dig?
Will these Civils Works require Traffic Management control to be implemented?
Will these Civil Works impede walkways / thoroughfares during normal operating hours? Will barricading be required to be implemented?
Is the site partner aware and agreeing to this?
Will cable run be in an area of high visibility to the public?
Is Site Partner aware of this visibility to the public?
Specify (in detail) the proposed cable route and installation methods required (e.g. cable tray, mounting, mechanical protection covers etc)
Is it possible to include provision for future cable installs (e.g. second spare conduit or draw wire through civils etc)
How would futureproofing be best achieved?
EV Charger Location for Proposed Solution A
Has proposed location been discussed and agreed with Site Partner?
Has the Site Partner specified a preferred charger location?
Is this location suitable for charger installation?
Why is the Site Partner preferred location not suitable in this instance?
Does proposed location allow charging for two EV'S simultaneously?
What are the dimensions of the car park bays?
Is the car park multi level?
What is the height of the car park from floor to ceiling directly over the charger and what is the access height to the car park overall?
Where will the charger be installed? (Footpath, Garden Bed, Flat Road Surface etc)
What are the dimensions of the surrounding Charger location?
Will the charger require it's own designated parking bay?
Is the Site Partner aware and agreeing to the Charger being installed in it's own dedicated bay?
Will charger location impede walkways or thoroughfares?
Is the site partner aware and agreeing of this?
Are Bump Stops Required?
Is a Bollard Required?
Are the proposed EV charging bays located in general public parking areas (i.e. not in disabled parking, loading areas, designated parking, 15 min parking zones etc)
What is the estimated proximity of the EV charging bays to the shopping centre / retail site entrance? (In m)
What DC Charger would best suit this site and why?
What is a suitable alternative charger option? Why?
Have all parties agreed on the charger selection for this installation?
Is a Concrete Pad Required for Charger Mounting?
How would EV Charger be lifted / mounted in place given it's weight? Is there ample space for a forklift / crane truck?
Discuss and Specify the location of EV charger signage. Where will signage be located? Please provide Photos
Does Site Partner have a preference regarding bay painting. Do they have a site spec or preferred contractor?
Does proposed charger location allow for parking and access for contractors vehicles and equipment during installation? (e.g. are there height restrictions etc)
What are the restrictions and what is the distance to where contractor vehicles located?
Site Inspection - Proposed Solution B
Is Solution B Available?
Is Solution B switchboard the same as Solution A?
Switchboard for Proposed Solution B
Photos of MSB Nameplate, spare capacities and enclosures, including possible cable entry points.
Photo of front view of entire MSB
Close up photos of front view of MSB sections
What is the size of the Consumer Mains (Incomer) - Size and Type
What is the upstream SPD rating?
Close up photo of Service Protection Device (SPD)
What is the Busbar Chassis Rating?
Photo of distribution chassis.
How many Spares are available in the MSB?
What is the Retail Meter Set-up?
Has the Interval Data been assessed prior to site visit?
What is the Max Demand at peak, and what is the Max Demand 95% of the time?
Are there any fire-rating requirements?
What is Required?
Is the NMI number available?
What is the NMI number?
Does Capacity for a 250A Breaker or 250A load exist in the Board?
Photos of any spare spaces in board.
Will MSB require modifications or significant works to facilitate breaker install?
What is required?
Will the board need to be isolated to install new breakers / equipment?
Has this been explained to the site partner?
Is the Max Demand known?
What is the Max Demand?
Is further SLD information required for an accurate assessment?
What information are you seeking specifically?
Are the Phase Amp Values Known?
What are the Values for Phase A, B and C?
Is there space on the MSB / Enclosures to arrange metering?
Is there space inside the Switchroom for a JET Charge Core Enclosure to be mounted?
Are there any compliance issues or concerns with the MSB or if there were additions to the MSB?
Please explain further
Is there access to a data cabinet or data tie-in inside the Switchroom?
Where can site data network be accessed?
Is 4G mobile reception available at the MSB?
How many bars of Signal?
What Network are you currently using?
Photos of cable route out of board and out of Switchroom. i.e. will penetrations be required, does tray exist etc?
Additional Photos for Reference
Any Additional Comments?
Cable Run / Installation Details for Proposed Solution B
Is Solution B cable run the same as Solution A?
What is the estimated length of cable run for CAT6 or Fibre from the charger to the MSB/CORE?
What is the estimated length of the Cable Run (in m)?
What is the estimated length of cable run for CAT6 or Fibre from the MSB / Core / EVSE to the Network Tie-In?
Are Cable Tray's Required?
What size cable tray?
Are Civil Works (Trenching / Coring) Required?
What Civil Works Are Required?
Will these Civil Works need to be conducted out of hours?
Will these Civil Works require Scanning / Dial Before you Dig?
Will these Civils Works require Traffic Management control to be implemented?
Will these Civil Works impede walkways / thoroughfares during normal operating hours? Will barricading be required to be implemented?
Is the site partner aware and agreeing to this?
Will cable run be in an area of high visibility to the public?
Is Site Partner aware of this visibility to the public?
Specify (in detail) the proposed cable route and installation methods required (e.g. cable tray, mounting, mechanical protection covers etc)
Is it possible to include provision for future cable installs (e.g. second spare conduit or draw wire through civils etc)
How would futureproofing be best achieved?
EV Charger Location for Proposed Solution B
Has proposed location been discussed and agreed with Site Partner?
Has the Site Partner specified a preferred charger location?
Is this location suitable for charger installation?
Why is the Site Partner preferred location not suitable in this instance?
Does proposed location allow charging for two EV'S simultaneously?
Is the car park multi level?
What is the height of the car park from floor to ceiling directly over the charger and what is the access height to the car park overall?
What are the dimensions of the car park bays?
Where will the charger be installed? (Footpath, Garden Bed, Flat Road Surface etc)
What are the dimensions of the surrounding Charger location?
Will the charger require it's own designated parking bay?
Is the Site Partner aware and agreeing to the Charger being installed in it's own dedicated bay?
Will charger location impede walkways or thoroughfares?
Is the site partner aware and agreeing of this?
Are Bump Stops Required?
Is a Bollard Required?
Are the proposed EV charging bays located in general public parking areas (i.e. not in disabled parking, loading areas, designated parking, 15 min parking zones etc)
What is the estimated proximity of the EV charging bays to the shopping centre / retail site entrance? (In m)
What DC Charger would best suit this site and why?
What is a suitable alternative charger option? Why?
Have all parties agreed on the charger selection for this installation?
Is a Concrete Pad Required for Charger Mounting?
How would EV Charger be lifted / mounted in place given it's weight? Is there ample space for a forklift / mechanical lifting aids?
Discuss and Specify the location of EV charger signage. Where will signage be located? Please provide Photos
Does Site Partner have a preference regarding bay painting. Do they have a site spec or preferred contractor?
Does proposed charger location allow for parking and access for contractors vehicles and equipment during installation? (e.g. are there height restrictions etc)
What are the restrictions and what is the distance to where contractor vehicles located?
Recommendations / Conclusion
What solution do you recommend and why?
Is any further information required to make an accurate assessment? (e.g. SLD's, Interval Data etc)
What information is required? (Please be as specific as possible)
Additional Photos / Reference Material
Add any further Photos or Reference Material