Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
H&S & Environment Policies signed by current MD and displayed?
Notice board quality of displayed items, plus items complete (re company standards) & up to date e.g. HSE Poster?
fragile roof signs in place?
ACM's labelling in place?
PAT & Microwave testing/labelling within company frequency date?
Thermometers in place?
Ladders, Steps and other access equipment in good condition, two handrails + being used safely. Ladders secured against unauthorised use?
Smoking points and containers, plus debris in other areas?
First aider details on display and up to date?
First aid kits and eye wash stations?
Site security access control and visitors signage to reception?
Safe segregation etc for pedestrians/vehicles?
Staff and company ancillary vehicle parking?
Walkways well sign posted & floor marking clearly marked/painted?
Adequate spaces between buses?
Speed control and compliance?
Road and parking surface condition?
Reversing process/banksmen?
Steering wheel covers in use as per company policy?
Contractors on site and safe working?
Chemical labelling & flammable items storage & incompatible storage?
Waste segregation, containers labelling, leaks and store storage?
Oil savers, dispensing containers, fuel tanks and bunds?
Containers used for drainage/transfer/replacement fluids?
Spill kits, bunded pallets, fuel delivery safeguards etc?
Stores housekeeping, security, safe racking, SWL markings, lighting etc?
PPE compliance - high visibility, gloves, overalls, footwear, hearing protection etc?
PPE Storage?
Poor electrical equipment, cabling defects including poor securing?
Fire escape routes, clear signage and routes, fire action notices consistent, assembly point in place and flammable items not stored?
Fire door effectiveness and secure closing?
Mezzanine floor access and protection?
Toilets, washing and drying facilities which are clean/usable condition and storage for staffs external clothing?
Rest rooms - adequate and clean?
Drinking water and tea/coffee arrangement?
Office standards - furniture/flooring etc?
Staircase and handrails?
Heating & lighting - offices/mess areas?
Racking marked with SWL?
General housekeeping?
Slips, trips and falls?
Access to electrical cupboards/rooms and unsafe storage?
Fire extinguishers - everything + fire hoses?
Hand and power tools condition/storage?
Welding equipment, PPE and area + Arc welding screen?
Vehicle fluids checks and vehicle separation?
Pit Safety e.g equipment available, in place, pit boards/back guards, edges painted, signage, deep enough, lighting etc?
Noise protection area signage?
Grinding wheels and machine guarding?
FLT key in ignition?
Battery charging area, intrinsically safe lighting etc?
Axel stands usage?
Elevated vehicle access equipment and safety harnesses?
Temporary scaffolding tower set-up?
Equipment group tags in place?
SWL's on all lifting equipment?
Rolling road guarding?
Site and workshop access restricted at all times?
Re-fuelling point - deliveries etc?
Safety signage - relevant and good positioning?
Safety signage - relevant and good positioning?
Unsecured cylinders?
LEV Equipment - condition, in use, labeled with test date?
Tagging of LOLER & PUWER equipment as per Group Standards?
Any further comments
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