Gauges and checking fixtures
Conducted on
Prepared by
Drawings available?
Drawings are displayed and clearly visible?
Drawings are correct for machine and process?
Drawings up to date and current?
Drawings are able to be easily read and understood?
What is the location of the drawings, and who has access to them?
Checking Gauges
Gauges available?
Gauges are stored to avoid damage?
Gauges are labelled correctly?
Is there a serial number on all of the gauges and checking fixtures?
Gauges are in good condition?
Are all gauges and checking Fixtures Calibrated?
Are all gauges clean and all the writing on them visible?
Gauges are correct when compared to drawing profile?
Gauges are accurate?
Does the gauge or checking fixture correspond with the one on the gauge instruction?
Is the gauge or checking fixture in its proper location?
Operator Knowledge
Operator can locate drawings?
Operator can locate gauges?
Operator can confirm they have been trained in carrying out quality checks?
Operator understands checking process?
Is there a training register that can be used to demonstrate the operator's competence in the checking process?
Operator can demonstrate correct use of gauges?
Operator is aware of checking frequency?
Paperwork available to record check results?
What is the reason for not recording results on the quality control check sheet?
Checking is up to date?
Operator to demonstrate correct method of recording checks?
Evidence that regular checks are being carried out?
Operator can explain process for reporting out of spec products?
What does the operator do when the part fails on the gauge?
Operator knows who failed results are reported to?
Immediate actions
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