Title Page

  • Site conducted
  • Date of Assessment

  • Assessed by


  • Critical Items *

  • - Full compliance (>95% on observation)
    - Some evidence of compliance
    - No or insufficient evidence of compliance (<50% on observation)

Management of Health & Safety

  • Evidence of H&S policy deployment*

  • Evidence of Employers Liability Insurance

  • Risk assessement carried out and communicated and visible*

  • Risk controls communicated and visible*

  • Are Toolbox Talks in place

  • Legal requirements identified and communicated

  • Objectives and Targets practicable and communicated

  • H&S responsibilities clearly allocated and safety is a priority in meetings with sufficient air time

  • Competence requirements assessed and training ongoing

  • Communication of safety information visible

  • System for incident reporting available and known*

  • System for complaints available and known*

  • System for investigation and corrective and preventative actions*

  • Management review/Health and Safety Meetings.

Traffic Management

  • Site traffic plan available

  • Evidence of pedestrian and vehicle segregation

  • Evidence of driver licence checks.

  • Allocated parking (customers, employee, truck)

  • Roads and walkways clear and in good condition

Lift trucks

  • Daily & weekly checks completed and units serviced

  • Basic training, familiarisation and authorisation complete

  • Observed safe working practices*


  • Evidence of Statutory Inspections

  • Evidence of Maintenance


  • Tools, equipment clean and in designated place

  • Floor free of slip/trip hazards.

  • Work areas and walkways clear of tools and equipment *

  • Risk assessments and Safe Working Practices available.

Working at Height/ Fall Protection

  • Evidence of systematic approach to eliminate or reduce risks

  • Inspection pits (edge protection and adequate lighting)

  • WAH equipment labelled, registered and inspected also in good condition

  • Powered access equipment used by trained authorised personnel

  • Scaffolds and systems assembled and checked by trained authorised personnel

  • Ladders/steps/hop-ups inspected, controlled and used correctly

  • Harness or landyard used as last resort, anchor points tested, rescue plan

  • Records of work at height training availble

  • Observed correct selection of working at height equipment *

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Visible warning signs for use of PPE

  • Observed use of PPE (Overalls, steel toecap boots, gloves, bumpcap etc)*

Ergonomics (Manual Handling / Workstations)

  • Evidence of training/ refresher training

  • Assessment process in place*

  • Ergonomic aids (handlers/ tools) in use

  • Identification of excessive weights/ tasks

Hazardous Materials/ Industrial Hygiene

  • Materials safety data sheets available

  • CoSHH safety assessments completed

  • Is Health Surveillance required and in place

  • Staff aware on CoSHH assessment findings

  • Local exhaust ventilation operational, used and inspected/tested

  • Noise levels assessed, protection zones identified and marked

  • Vibration levels assessed, exposure controlled

  • Effectiveness of hygiene arrangements confirmed by health surveillance

  • Observed control of chemical and physical agents*

  • Observed use of correct PPE with hazardous materials*

  • Are Welfare facilities adequate e.g. hot water, sanitary bins

Electrical Safety

  • Electrical cabinets labelled and locked

  • Portable appliances tested according to guidance

  • Fixed electrical tested completed in past 5 years*

Lifting Equipment and Lifting Operations

  • Basic training, familiarisation and authorisation complete*

  • Lifting operations carried out in accordance with written plan*

  • Lifting equipment maintained and inspected including statuory inspection*

Machinery / Tools / Equipment

  • Power tools maintained and inspected regularly

  • Machines guarded, emergency stops visible and functional*

  • Knowledge of daily visual checks and issue reporting*

  • Calibration inspections completed and issues resolved

  • Racking/stillages and fixed vehicle ramps in good condition with load capacity marked

  • Rolling road, vehicle wash, parts wash, powered press, etc. serviced and inspected

  • Statutory inspections completed, issues resolved (presses, racking, pressure systems, etc.)*

  • Are roller shutters maintained

Control of Hybrid / Electric Vehicles

  • Managers/supervisors competent to supervise

  • Technicians competent to work on vehicles to the extent required*

  • Correct tooling available, maintained and used

  • Technicians have personal padlocks; no master key*

  • Instructions are available and followed

  • Handover and handback process is followed*

Control of contractors

  • Contractors have been inducted with site rules and their work is planned and authorised*

  • Contractors are managed and monitored to confirm safe working/compliance with site rules*


  • Fire risk assessment available

  • Is there a Fire Policy

  • Gas cylinders and bulk flammables stored securely

  • Flammables are segregated and minimised in work rooms

  • Fire detection, warning and emergency lighting systems in place and tested

  • Fire fighting equipment available and maintained

  • Suitable means of escape and suitable signage

  • Escape routes clear at all times.

  • Site evaccuation drill completed and recorded annually*

  • Observed control of chemicals and hazardous materials in CoSHH cupboard.

First aid

  • First aid needs identifed and assessed

  • Sufficiently equipped and resourced first aid provision provided*

Comments / findings

  • Comments / findings

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.