
  • Conducted on

  • Frequency of Audit: Weekly

  • All Housekeeping must be done thoroughly as this helps feedback our performance to enable us improve continually.

  • Participants

  • GMP Housekeeping Audit- Filling and Packaging
    Frequency: weekly
    Date: 28/08/2021

Filling Room

  • Floor/ wall adequately cleaned

  • Pooling of water on floor or stagnate waterm

  • Discoloured pipes/ hoses and/or leaking hoses

  • Hoses not hung up when not in use

  • Foul odor present

  • Excess condensate from product lines

  • Chemicals in production area, improper storage of lubricants, chemicals and/or solvents

  • Spillage of raw material/ products on floor/ equipment

  • Ingredients not stored properly, boxes left open, not covered

  • Containers not labeled properly

  • Tables / carts clear and organized

  • Gasket, clamp, parts, on floor

  • Items stored directly on the floor

  • Hand wash or sanitizer empty, not used by personnel accessing production areas

  • Condition of sink, soap, hot water

  • Employees- proper wearing of uniforms, missing uniforms

  • Employees- proper wearing of hairnets

  • Exterior of equipment cleanliness

  • Strip curtains in the production area are clean and well maintained

  • Is there evidence of staff eating and chewing gum in the production area

  • Are the manual filling areas maintained and tidy looking

  • Use of tape, cardboard or temporary repairs

  • Maintenance placed tools, parts on product contact surfaces

  • Wooden pallets, crates in area

  • Chemicals and sanitation supplies in production area (Brushes, Pails, aprons, masks, etc.)

  • Are personnel in compliance with the hygiene policy?

  • Is the curtained storage area for bottled products kept clean and tidy

  • Are workers in the curtained storage area wearing proper workwear and hairnets

  • Do all workers in the filling area comply with the hygiene policy

Packaging Room

  • Is the handwashing process being observed?

  • Is the handwash area kept clean ?

  • Are materials stored directly on the floor?

  • Is compressed gas cage securely locked?

  • Is the roller shutter door shut when not in use?

  • Are floors clean?

  • Are all areas easily accessible?

  • Are there any unlabelled chemicals (including spray bottles) in the area?

  • Are there tools lying around the packaging machines?

  • Are materials being stored in the electrica;l control panel casing?

  • Are waste bins full?

  • Are employees wearing the approved workwear?

  • Are hairnets and beard snoods worn where required?

  • Are personnel in compliance with the hygiene policy

  • Completed By:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.