Site Name
Conducted on
- 1 - *Visual amenity areas >200mm *Other areas >250mm *Grass height untidy
- 2 - *Visual amenity areas 150mm-200mm *Other areas <250mm *Grass height untidy (uneven)
- 3 - *Visual amenity areas 100mm-150mm *Other areas <200mm *Lawn areas tidy (equal length)
- 4 - *Visual amenity areas 50mm-100mm *Other areas <150mm *Lawn areas tidy (equal length)
- 5 - *Visual amenity areas 30mm-50mm *Other areas 50mm-100mm *Lawns cut in neat lines or curves
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Hedges & Bushes
- 1 - *Hedges extremely untidy *Complete obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 2 - *Hedges very uneven *Much obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 3 - *Hedges slightly uneven *Slight obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 4 - *Hedges slightly uneven *No obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 5 - *Hedges provide an even barrier *No obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
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Plants / Shrubbery
- 1- *Plants / Shrubs have died *Obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 2 - *Plants / Shrubs are very overgrown but have good health *Obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 3 - *Plants / Shrubs are overgrown but have good health
- 4 - *Plants / Shrubs have good health *No obstruction of footways, internal access routes or functional spaces
- 5 - *Plants / Shrubs have good shape, form and health *No obstruction of paths, internal access routes or functional spaces
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Flower Pots / Beds
- 1 - *Flower pots / beds have no growth and are untidy
- 2 - *Flower pots / beds have growth but look untidy
- 4 - *Flower pots / beds are tidy and there is growth
- 5 - *Flower pots / baskets / beds are tidy and there is healthy growth
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- 1 - *Planted areas >7 weeds *Paved / hard surfaces >7 weeds *Hard surfaces covered by moss
- 2 - *Planted areas 4-6 weeds *Paved / hard surfaces 4-6 weeds *Hard surfaces covered by moss
- 3 - *Planted areas 1-3 weeds *Paved / hard surfaces covered1-3 weeds
- 4 - *Planted areas - dead weeds *Paved / hard surfaces - dead weeds
- 5 - *Planted areas free from weeds *Paved / hard surfaces free from weeds *Hard surfaces free from moss
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- 1 - *Trees have damaged branches that could be a public hazard (h&s risk)
- 2 - *Trees restrict paths and car spaces
- 5 - *Trees do not have low hanging branches that ccause restrictions to paths / car parks and have no damaged branches that form a public
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Leaves / Litter
- 1 - *Litter clearly visible across site *Paths covered by dead / mulched leaves
- 2 - *Litter in planted areas and hedges *Paths covered by dead / mulched leaves
- 3 - *1-3 pieces of litter in planted areas and hedges *Dead leaves on path
- 4 - *No litter in planted areas or hedges *Paths free from dead / mulched leaves
- 5 - *No litter visible on site *Paths free from dead / mulched leaves
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Audit Result
- Pass - All areas scored 3+
- Fail - One or more areas scored 2 or less
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