Title Page
Depot Audited
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1 - Offices and Welfare
Have noticeboards got all the up-to-date Policies? (Reviewed within the last 12 months)
Have noticeboards got all the up-to-date ISO Certificates?
Have noticeboards got all the up-to-date Insurance Certificates?
Is there a Health and Safety Poster visible and does it have the correct contact information on it?
Is there an Accident Book available at the Depot and do Depot Managers know how to fill it in?
Is there a Visitor Book and is it being used?
Is the Emergency Evacuation plan visible?
Are floors maintained and in good condition?
Is the lighting suitable and sufficient?
Are the walls, ceiling, furniture and equipment clean?
Are all work stations comfortable and spacious?
Are all Toilet facilities clean?
Is there access to clear cold and warm water?
Is there soap and hand towels/drier available?
Is the Canteen and rest areas clean?
Is there Clean drinking water available?
Is the workplace temperature comfortable and sufficient?
Are all walkways clear from any obstructions?
What is the status of the general housekeeping?
Have all DSE users completed an assessment?
Are there any unauthorised items being stored at this location?
Section 2 - First Aid
Are First Aiders identified and visible within the depot? (On the noticeboards etc)
Are all First Aid stations including Eye wash present, well stocked and in date?
Are regular First Aid checks being carried out by the First Aiders?
Is there a First Aid Risk Assessment in place and in date?
Are there any overdue actions from the Risk Assessment?
Section 3 - Fire Safety
Are Fire Marshalls/Wardens listed and visible within the depot? (On noticeboards etc)
Are all Fire Escape routes and Fire doors clear from obstructions?
Are all Fire doors easily opened and well maintained?
Is all Fire directional signage in place, compliant and visible?
Is Emergency Lighting present and compliant?
Are Fire Extinguishers present, accessible, secure and signage present for each extinguisher type?
Are Fire Extinguishers correct for the task?
Is there a Fire Risk Assessment in place and in date?
Are there any overdue actions from the Risk Assessment?
Are regular Fire checks being carried out?
Has 6 monthly Fire Evacuations been carried out? (Practice)
Are all heating systems clear of flammable and combustibles?
Are No smoking signs erected and visible around the depot?
Are smoking alarms in place and regularly tested?
Section 4 - Statutory Depot Compliance (Quality)
Is there a Fixed Installation Inspection completed and in date?
Is there a PAT testing certificate in date and in place?
Is there a Gas Safe certificate in date and in place?
Has the Boiler been serviced and inspected?
Has an Asbestos Survey been conducted and in date?
Is the Depot compliant on unauthorised or disturbance of asbestos?
Are there any actions outstanding from the above inspections?
If there is a Contractor working on the premises are they adequately controlled?
Are all property issues being managed and repairs being actioned out in a timely manner?
Have there been any External Audits carried out with findings needed to be closed out?
Are there Manual Handling Assessments accessible for all employees carrying out lifting activities?
Do all employees know how to report Accidents/Incidents and Safety Observations?
Is the Depot recording PPE being issued correctly?
Section 5 - Workshop and Yard
Are the floors maintained and in good condition?
Is the lighting suitable and sufficient?
Are the walls, ceiling, furniture and equipment clean?
Are all working stations comfortable and spacious?
Is the workplace temperature suitable and sufficient?
Are all walkways clear from obstructions?
What is the status of the general housekeeping?
Do operatives know how to access the Generic RAMS for activities within the workshop and yard?
Are all materials/equipment suitably stacked/racked?
If welding activities are carried out is their suitable ventilation?
Have all welding equipment received regular checks?
Are all gas bottles stored correctly and labelled correctly?
Have all untested gas torches/hoses/regulators been removed/quarantined?
Is the Work equipment maintained and in good condition?
Are all tools and materials stored away when not in use?
Is suitable PPE being worn?
Are vehicles complying with the speed limits?
Is there a Smoking Area?
Are Traffic light batteries stored correctly?
Have Battery chargers been tested?
Are the Battery Charging areas clean and tidy?
Are Battery caps placed on batteries when they are fully charged?
Have Forklift checks been carried out?
Are the keys removed from the forklift/vehicles that are not in use?
Is the perimeter fence free from damage, rubbish and overgrowth?
Are there any unauthorised items being stored at this location?
Is there a Quarantine area for non-compliant/unsafe equipment to ensure that it is not used?
Is correct signage being used throughout the depot?
Are all workshop equipment being adequately guarded?
Are all ladders/step ladders and podium platforms stored correctly and inspections being carried out?
Are all Safe Working Practices posters erected by tasks?
Does all lifting equipment/plant have in date and thorough examination certificates?
Section 6 - Environmental
Has the Depot got suitable waste bins for the activities carried out?
Is all waste being stored in correct waste bins?
Are all waste bins suitable and not overfilled?
Is correct signage installed by the waste bins to ensure the correct waste is being disposed of in the correct bin?
Are there any Noise concerns?
Does the depot have waste certification?
Is there any third party waste being disposed of in the depot?
Are we receiving and signing for consignment notes and are they stored digitally in the Depot folders?
Is there an up-to-date Drainage plan for the Depot available?
Is there a consent to discharge certificate for the Depot?
Is there any Air Conditioning, if so are relevant checks conducted?
Section 7 - COSHH
Is there a COSHH cabinet within the Depot?
Do all substances within the Depot have a COSHH Assessment?
Are all chemicals clearly identifiable with contents?
Are all chemicals that are not in use returned to the COSHH cabinets?
Are there any empty COSHH items around the Depot?
Do operatives know how to access the COSHH assessments?
Are all COSHH items stored within a bunded tray in case of spillage?
Is the Depot ground clear of contamination?
Are there Spill Kits available for use in the Depot?
Section 8 - Summary
Did you notice any Safety Observations during this audit?
What is the overall condition of the Depot?
Executive Summary?
Any other information worth noting down?