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Inspection Area
Select area being inspected
Add a note to explain why this is not a full area inspection & check areas to be inspected below
Post Digester
Gas booster fan
Gas holder balloon
Digester Checks
Is Digester 1 (T2249) being checked in this inspection
Is water trap within the acceptable range 90-120mm?
PRV visual check. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
PRV physical test of movement (6 monthly) Does it move?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Visual checks of all light fittings. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Is Digester 2 (T2251) being checked in this inspection
Is water trap within the acceptable range 90-120mm?
PRV visual check. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
PRV physical test of movement (6 monthly) Does it move?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Visual checks of all light fittings. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Is Digester 3 (T2312) being checked in this inspection
Is water trap within the acceptable range 90-120mm?
PRV visual check. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
PRV physical test of movement (6 monthly) Does it move?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Visual checks of all light fittings. Any visible damage?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Confirm visual inspection of Biogas pipework from each digester to common point at T2312, Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
Confirm visual inspection of Biogas pipework from ground level from T2312 to Post Digester. Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
Post Digester
Post Digester visual check of water trap. Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
Post Digester visiual check of level. Is water level in visual indicator at correct point?
Please provide details & raise an action above
Gas Booster
Gas Booster fan area. Are all valves open routing Biogas through chiller to gas booster and flare?
Please provide details
Is Biogas Chiller available?
Please provide details
Is Gas Booster fan clear of any visual damage?
Please provide details
Confirm visual inspection of Biogas pipework from Post digester to Biogas CHP units. Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
Gas Holder Balloon
When was the gas balloon and its fixings last physically tested for leaks, this is a 6 monthly task
Please complete a physical test for leaks and confirm you have done this by selecting YES
Please explain why the test was not completed
Was the test successful with no leaks detected
Confirm visual inspection of the gas holder balloon. Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
Confirm visual inspection of gas holder balloon fixings . Is there any visual damage?
Please provide details of the visual damage
NOTES: Are there any other notes on inspection to be kept on file for further investigation or to be considered at next inspection?
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