Document No.
Audit Completed For
Conducted on
Audit Completed By
- George Gelston
- Julian Hunter
- Stella Segesdy
- George Tomkins
Health, Safety & Environmental Documentation
Has the site got the correct documentation? (CPP, EMP, SWMP, WPP, TBS & Safe System of Work Pack)
Has the above information been reviewed and accepted by the Principal Contractor/Network Rail?
Have all persons been Project/Site inducted and is it recorded?
Has the task briefing been signed by all personnel and has it been understood by all persons?
Have the Risk Assessments been brought to the attention of all employees and is it understood?
Do these assessments: Identify all relevant hazards; Identify at risk groups; identify appropriate control measures; specify necessary arrangements to ensure that such measures continue to be effective?
Are the employees aware of the hazards and the necessary procedures to protect themselves?
Are emergency procedures in place?<br>
Is there an accident book on site? If so, is it being used correctly?
Is the F10, Health & Safety Law Poster, ELI, Statement of intent etc? displayed or provided for all employees?
Are toolbox talks being carried out at least on a weekly basis? If so, are records being kept?
Does everyone on site hold a valid PTS card? If so, have these been checked with Sentinel to confirm their authenticity?
Health Surveillance
Does the organisation have access to a copy of HSG 61 - Health Surveillance at Work?
Does the organisation have an occupational health process in place?
Are occupational health personnel on site or are they remote (contractors)?
Are there any job specific health issues?
How often is occupational health reviewed/recorded?
Manual Handling
Has a risk assessment for Manual Handling been carried out for sharp, unwieldy, heavy, awkward packages and loads?
Have steps been taken to minimise handling?
Are full ergonomic assessments made for all hazardous operations?
Has Manual Handling training been provided for ALL staff?<br>
Do personnel make full and proper use of any handling equipment provided?
First Aid
Are there sufficient number of qualified first aiders available on site?
Are provisions made for special hazards in the workplace?
Is the first aid box located with the workgroup and is it suitably stocked?
Has the accident procedure been communicated to all staff with details of who telephones for the emergency services (TBS)?
Has the map and address of the nearest hospital been briefed to all operatives? (sample 3x Operatives)
Fire and Evacuation
Are the emergency evacuation procedures brought to the attention of all staff?
Have a sufficient number of Fire Extinguishers been provided and are they tested/inspected in accordance with the requirements?
If within a building/semi-permanent site has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out? Is the Fire Plan available for all staff to view/read?
Display Screen Equipment
Have all DSE users received the relevant training/information for Display Screen Equipment use?
Have the minimum requirements for the workstation been met with respect to the Display Screen, Keyboard, Software, Documents, Seating and working environment?
Electricity/Portable Appliance Testing/Work Equipment
Do you have a register of all portable appliances i.e. Extension leads, portable hand electric tools such as drills etc?
Are records available to demonstrate that portable appliances are tested and examined by component persons at regular intervals?
Are visual inspections, carried out as before use checks? (Sample equipment)
Do you ensure staff working on electrical equipment/systems, are trained?
Are staff instructed to report immediately, any faulty equipment?
Are staff aware not to attempt to make any temporary repairs?
Provision of Welfare Facilities
Are the sanitary conveniences and welfare facilities sufficient for the number of staff to the Network Rail standard?
Is there an adequate supply of potable drinking water available?
Are means provided to reduce excessive temperatures! I.e. Regular breaks, warm clothing etc.
Ladders: if there are step ups, step ladders, ladders etc. provided for all staff, have they been inspected and result recorded?
Have staff been briefed on the risks associated win working with ladders?
Scaffold: if there are fixed or mobile scaffolds provided for staff, have they been inspected and erected by component people?
Have staff been briefed on the risks associated with scaffolding?
Pressure Systems: have all relevant pressure systems received a recorded inspection in accordance with written schemes of examination?
Hazardous Substances: is there a register of hazardous substances and risk assessments for their use?
Signing In: are all persons signed into site with the GWE operations centre?
Do you have permits to work? (If required) If so, have all staff been briefed on the controls required with the use of such permit?
Are operators given adequate training and have they been checked for competence?
Is Access/Egress onto site adequate?
Is there any compressed gas/highly flammable liquids stored on site?
Is the storage of these adequate?
Is housekeeping to a good standard?
If not, does it hamper the emergency evacuation process or increase the likelihood of an incident?
Lifting Devices
Have the operators been properly trained?
Is there evidence of regular checks and maintenance to ensure the safety of the fork lift trucks/cranes/hoists/hydraulic rams/lifting chains/ropes/strops/pump up pallet trucks etc. ?
Are machinery and chain inspection certificates available?
Is the Safe Working Load (SWL) clearly marked?
Is the latest test date identifiable, and in date?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Have the risks, use, exposure and nature of the hazardous substance been assessed/briefed to all affected staff?
Has an inventory been generated for hazardous substances with data on their use, control measures, necessary protective clothing/equipment, exposure levels, monitoring equipment and emergency procedures?
Are all harmful and dangerous substances clearly labelled?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Is everyone wearing the mandatory PPE? (Full orange, lightweight eye protection, head protection, midsole protection boots and gloves)
Has the PPE been provided to cover all the risks? e.g. Safety harnesses, all weather gear etc.
Is the equipment being maintained, cleaned and looked after as necessary?
Is the PPE being properly used?
Has all persons got their sponsor clearly printed on the back of their high visibility vest/top?
Is the sponsor their primary sponsor recorded on the Sentinel 2 Database?
Plant & Machinery
Is the machine/plant complete and correctly installed?
Are fastenings/holding down arrangements in place?
Are control systems, warning and markings in place?
Are safety instructions displayed at the operating positions?
Are emergency operating devices clearly identified?
Are sufficient and suitable safety devices fitted?
Are they subject to periodic working tests?
Is there protection against specified hazards e.g. Overheating, ejected material etc.
Are all moving parts adequately guarded?
Is the machine/plant used for its intended purpose?
Is the machine/plant regularly maintained and are the maintenance procedures carried out as per the manufacturers recommendations?
Are maintenance records kept?
Have risk assessments been carried out on all machinery including portable and hand tools?
Have the results of the Risk Assessments been communicated to all staff using the particular machinery/tools?
If sounds levels approach Lower Exposure Action Value (80db) has a noise risk assessment been carried out?
Does the organisation retain a register of its Environmental aspects and impacts appropriate to the scope of work?
Is all controlled waste stored in suitable receptacles (sacks, bins or skips) on the site?
Are registered controlled waste carriers used to remove and dispose of the waste from the site? (Are copies of the annual waste registration certificates available)
Are Waste Transfer Notes kept on site for a minimum period of 2 years?
Are waste products disposed of in a controlled manner by a registered carrier at licensed facilities?
Is the pollution prevention controls adequate? (Storage, bundling, containers, drips trays on static plant etc.)
Are the spillage plan/spill kits appropriate and available?
Does everyone understand their responsibilities and procedure?
Do they refuel on site?
Is there a nominated person?
Check refuel procedures are adequate and the procedure has been clearly communicated to all staff.
Is the excavation clearly demarcated?
Is there any edge protection to prevent falls?
If the excavation requires shoring or battering is it suitable and sufficient?
Is the access/egress into the excavation adequate and safe?
Does it hamper the emergency evacuation procedure?
Is there a permit to dig in place?
Is the permit to dig authorised and in date?
Is the buried services information/search available on site?
Is the ground CAT/Genny scanned at least every 200mm checking for buried services?
If a potential buried service is identified during scanning are insulated hand tools being used if the service requires to be exposed?
Are they using insulated hand tools with a protection of at least 500V?
Is it monitored and results recorded?
Are the mitigation measures adequate and is hearing protection provided?
Hand Arm Vibration (HAV)
Is it monitored and results recorded?
Are the mitigation measures adequate and workplace exposure limits being adhered too?
Railway Specific
Does the protection arrangements correspond with the WPP/TBS?
Have the protection/possession arrangements been correctly recorded in the RT3181 or RT3198?
Is the Safety Critical hours signing in register being used?
Has any person worked in the previous 12 hours?
Has the COSS briefed the Safe System of Work to all staff and have they signed the confirmation sheet?
Have all protection staff had their competences checked with Sentinel 2?
If they are still valid, do all persons wear the correct identification arm badge?
Have the latest Network Rail, Amey and GWE safety bulletins been briefed?
Have any TVPs been issued?
If a TVP has been issued has the permit, letter of authority and medical questionnaire been completed and returned?
Does anyone within the workgroup wear contact lenses and have they made the COSS aware?
Is the method of protection being used adequate and conform to the Track Access Policy?
Has the Site Warden/Lookout got the correct equipment with them at all times?
Is their any Site Warden or Redzone working being utilise and if so, do they have the correct authorisation in place?
If using Unassisted Lookout Protection is the sighting distance adequate to all the workgroup to be in their place of safety at least 10 seconds prior to the arrival of a train?
If any newly qualified PTS personnel on site, are they supervised at all times including the wearing of the correct blue coloured head protection?
Whenever a train passes do all members of the workgroup acknowledge the train?
Has the COSS had to change the TBS?
Has the change been briefed to all members of staff in a place of safety?
If using a vehicle on or near the line, is the vehicle displaying its 4-ways and is it keeping to the 5mph speed limit?
If there are any axle counters present are the workgroup ensuring that all metal objects including safety boots are at least 100mm away as to not interfere with the system?
If working on or near live OLE are the workgroup maintaining the 9ft rule? (Unless the OLE is isolated)
Distribution List: Principal Contracts Manager, Principle HSEQ, Network Rail HSEA, Project Manager, Interface Manager and Site Supervisor or COSS.