Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Project Manager/Supervisor

  • Name of Subcontractor

  • Has the previous audit report been closed out?

  • Has all plant equipment been subjected to routine checks?

  • Has all staff and visitors singed in and out of the site

  • Have all staff been inducted?

  • Have all visitors including clients representatives been inducted?

  • Are there any slip, trip or fall hazards, such as trailing cables, frayed carpets, wet floors or unprotected changes of floor levels?

  • Are there any suitably trained First Aiders on site?

  • Are the names of the First Aiders detailed on the site notice board?

  • Are there suitable first aid boxes on site?

  • Are staff made aware of the location of the first aid boxes at induction

  • Are the first aid boxes checked and replenished at regular intervals?

  • Has a risk assessment been completed prior to work commencing?

  • Has a dynamic risk assessment been completed?

  • Do all staff understand the content of the risk assessment and method statement?

  • Is the content of the method statement being followed?

  • Are the site safety rules displayed in a prominent position?

  • Are all staff aware of the emergency and accident reporting procedures?

  • Is there adequate supervision provided for all activities on site, especially tasks that are high risk activities?

  • Is the working environment clean?

  • Have tool box talks been carried out?

  • Has an attendance register been taken for all tool box talks?

  • Is the general working environment adequately lit?

  • Is the general working environment adequately ventilated?

  • Has the appropriate signs/notices been erected around the site, i.e. mandatory use of PPE, No Smoking, First Aid points etc?

  • Is pedestrian signage still visable?

  • Is traffic signage still visible and correct?

  • Are floors and traffic routes even and well maintained?

  • Are pedestrian and vehicle routes free from obstruction?

  • Is there adequate dust control methods in place for demolition works?

  • Are there COVID-19 controls in place?

  • Have all staff and visitors been briefed on the COVID-19 controls?

  • Are the COVID-19 controls suitable and sufficient?

  • Are all staff and visitors following the COVID-19 controls?

Fire Safety

  • Are all emergency exit routes free from obstruction?

  • Are there adequate provisions for firefighting equipment on site?

  • Have staff been trained on the safe use of firefighting equipment on site?

  • Are all fire alarm devices free from obstruction?

  • Is the means for raising the alarm tested at least weekly?

  • Has a fire emergency plan been developed for the site?

  • Are all chemicals stored correctly?

  • Are flammable materials kept to a minimum?

  • Do all temporary coverings comply with LPS1207?

  • Is there a designated smoking area?

Control of Substances Hazards to Health

  • Have COSHH risk assessments been carried out for all potentially hazardous materials and substances being used on site?

  • Are material data sheets available to assist with COSHH assessments?

  • Have the hazards associated with the use of such materials been properly communicated to those affected?

  • Are all dangerous/hazards materials/substances clearly marked, identified and stored in a secure location appropriate to the substance?

  • Have appropriate control systems and PPE/C been provided and is the PPE/C being used?

  • Has face fit testing been carried out for RPE?

  • Has a competent person been appointed to oversee the demolition operations?

  • Has the structural stability been checked and are temporary supports in place where required?

  • Where required has the scaffolding been netter, monaflexed or hoarded off?

  • Have all services been disconnected?

  • Is the area barriered off and suitable signs in place?

  • Is there adequate dust suppression where required?

  • Are there suitable noise controls in place?

  • Is there suitable lighting?

  • Is material being removed from site on a regular basis and not allowed to accumlate?

  • Are all demolition operatives adequately trained, supervised and instructed?

Work Area

  • Are tools and equipment suitable for the tasks being carried out?

  • Are all guards in place on tools and equipment?

  • Are cutting discs in date and in good condition?

  • Has all electrical equipment been subjected to portable appliance testing?

  • Are there effective procedures to deal with spillages?

  • Is the working environment free from excessive noise and vibration?

  • Have precautions been taken to stop people being struck by moving platforms or falling objects?

  • Are all staff wearing the correct PPE/C

  • Is PPE/C in good condition?

Access and Egress

  • Is there suitable and sufficient safe access and egress to all work areas of the site?

  • Have pedestrian walkways been provided to protect them from moving vehicles?

  • Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?

  • Are access routes adequately lit?

  • Are there suitable barriers and warning notices to keep members of the public separated from the site works?

  • Where work at height is carried out adjacent to the public highway/footpath, are there protective fans or other measures in place to safeguard members of the public?

  • Are the following carried out at the end of each day. Tools secured away, plant and equipment secured, removal or boarding of ladders to restrict access, cover and fence excavations, store and secure hazardous materials and chemicals, and ensure all materials are properly stacked and chocked?

Asbestos Management

  • Has an asbestos survey been carried out in accordance with HSG264?

  • Have the results of the survey been communicated to the relevant parties?

  • Has the HSE been informed before any asbestos removal work has been undertaken (14 day notice)?

  • Is the removal company licenced to remove asbestos?

  • Are the medical certificates for the persons doing the work in date?

  • Is the work being carried out in a safe and controlled manner?

  • Has the asbestos been disposed off in accordance with the special waste regulations?

  • Are emergency procedures in place for inadvertant exposure?

  • Is the presence of asbestos covered in the site induction?

Confined Spaces

  • Confined spaces include manholes, shafts, pits/tanks, pipes/culverts, certain excavations, silos and other confined/enclosed work. All work in confined spaces must be subject to a specific risk assessment and be carried out in accordance with a permit to work/enter a detailed safe system of work which must include a rescue plan. Only appropriately trained qualified and authorised persons who have undergone an accredited confined space entry course shall be permitted to enter a confined space and only fi the correct checks/monitoring have been made and the correct safety equipment (breathing apparatus, gas detection equipment, emergency escape equipment etc) are used

  • Is there a risk assessment for the confined space work?

  • Have all confined space permits been checked, are they valid and being strictly enforced?

  • Are the following controls in place: atmospheric monitoring, emergency escape arrangements, adequate supervision (top man outside of the confined space), method of raising the alarm and safe access and egress etc.?

  • Have all permits been closed following the completion of the work?


  • Are scaffold and towers being properly maintained and inspected i.e. at least once a week and always after it ha been altered or damaged following extreme weather?

  • Are towers constructed and inspected by a PASMA trained competent person?

  • Are all ladders and step ladders in good condition tagged and inspected?

Electrical Safety

  • Has an electrical permit to work been issued either by the client or the electrician to himself?

  • Are all relevant switches correctly identified, locked and tagged out with suitable signage displayed?

  • Have existing services e.g. electricity cables, gas mains etc been identified and effective steps have been taken to prevent danger from them?

  • Are only 100v or battery operated tools being used on site?

  • Are cables and leads protected from damage?

  • Are all connections properly made with suitable plugs?

  • Are all temporary supplies effectively bonded to earth?

  • Do all temporary supplies have a means if isolating both pole and locking off?

  • Is suitable and sufficient task lighting provided to enable operatives to carry out their work safely?

Environmental Management

  • Is there any evidence of nesting birds, if so are protection measures adequate?

  • Is there any evidence of invasive plants, if so are precautions adequate?

  • It is an offence to propagate or cause to spread Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Ragwort and Himalayan Balsam

  • Is the site free from trees that have tree protection orders on them?

  • Have all practical measures been implemented top increase the energy efficiency of the site?

  • Do all cabins comply with environmental minimum standards?

  • Is there an environmental emergency plan in place?

  • Are staff and sub contractors made aware of the plan at induction?

  • Are suitable spill kits available on site?

  • Are staff and subcontractors made aware of their locations at induction?

  • Are checks made to determine the presence of any buried services before and during excavation works?

  • is there a permit to dig in place?

  • Are all excavations carried out in accordance with a detailed method statement and permit to dig?

  • Is there adequate support and propping for the excavation or has it been sloped or battered back to a safe angle?

  • Is there a safe method used for placing supports, without the need for operatives to work in an unsupported trench?

  • Is there safe access into the excavation (a sufficiently long and secure ladder)?

  • Does the excavation affect the stability of neighbouring structures or services?

  • Is there suitable barriers or other protective measures in place to stop people or vehicles falling in?

  • Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation?

  • Is the excavation subjected to regular inspections by a competent person and are records kept of these inspections?

  • Is there a rescue/recovery plan in place?


  • Are toilet facilities clean and adequate for the number of staff on site?

  • Are washing facilities clean and adequate for the number of staff on site?

  • Are changing facilities clean and adequate for the number of staff on site?

  • Are eating facilities clean and adequate for the number of people on site?

  • Are staff encouraged to wash their hands regularly after spells of work and before eating food?

  • Is sun cream available for staff to use in hot weather?

Documents and procedures

  • Is there a health and safety notice board

  • Is the employers and Public liability insurance certificate displayed and is it valid?

  • Is the health and safety law poster displayed?

  • Is the health and safety law poster filled in correctly?

  • Is an F10 required for the site?

  • Is the F10 displayed on the health and safety notice board?

  • Is there a construction phase health and safety plan in place?

  • Is the plan meaningful and has it been communicated to all parties including sub contractors?

  • Are the responsibilities defined?

  • Has the plan been approved by the Principle Designer?

  • Has the construction phase health and safety plan been reviewed?

  • Has health and safety monitoring been carried out by the principle contractor or by others?

  • Do all staff on site have the required skills cards i.e. CSCS and is the registration appropriate for the work undertaken?

  • Has the risk assessments been audited and approved by the Principle Contractor?

  • Have all sub contractors been assessed and are they adequately resourced and competent for the work they are undertaking?

  • Is there an accident book on site?

  • Have accidents been recorded correctly?

  • Is there a Health and Safety file on site?

  • Is the Health and Safety file maintained as required?

  • Has there been liaison with adjacent parties affected by the works?

  • Have safety observations been carried out?

  • Has the action been taken to action safety observations?

  • Has drug and alcohol testing been carried out on site?


  • Has a system been established for employees and sub contractors to comment and be consulted on Health & Safety?

  • Is there a site suggestion box?

  • Is there a joint safety committee?

  • Are minutes and actions from safety meetings available and published on site?

  • Are actions being implemented?

Lifting Operations and Equipment

  • Are all lifting operations planned and coordinated by a competent authorised person?

  • Have all lifting operations got a valid lifting plan?

  • Has all lifting equipment been tested and installed by a competent person and is it inspected at regular intervals?

  • Are staff associated with the lifting plan competent (slingers, signalers, crane operator, SAP)

  • Is the safe working load/rated capacity clearly marked on the equipment?

Additional Observations

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.