Title Page

  • Company name

  • Location
  • Type of business

  • Company representative (name and title)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by (name and title)



Confidentiality Statement

  • In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the risk analysis processes and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that Haylo People and its representatives will not divulge to unauthorised persons any information obtained during this WHS Evaluation unless legally obliged to do so.

Copyright 2024

  • All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by an information storage or retrieval system, except as may be permitted, in writing, by Haylo People.

Section 1 - Injury / Illness Information

  • 1. Have any injuries occurred in the past year? (note: this includes minor injuries)

  • 1.a) What are the most common causes of injury/illness at your worksite?

  • 1.b) Will Haylo People on-hire workers be working in the areas where there are high rates of injury/illness?

  • Describe these areas

Section 2 - WHS Systems & Processes

  • 1. Is there a process in place to proactively identify hazards in the workplace e.g., regular workplace inspections, risk assessments, hazard reports, working from home checks? TIP: Explain this process, and take a photo, or request a copy of completed workplace inspections, task risk assessments, hazard report form and/or work from home checks as evidence.

  • 2. Are there written safe work procedures or other measures that describes how tasks should be done to ensure safety, and workers are instructed and trained on these? TIP: view safe work procedures that are applicable to the work your workers will perform. Take a photo of these procedures or request copies.

  • 3. Is there a process in place to regularly consult (talk and get feedback) with workers on health and safety? e.g. via team meetings, and stand up meetings, Teams, email. TIP: Explain this process, and take a photo, or request a copy of a record such as meeting minutes where workers are involved in health and safety discussions as evidence.

  • 4. For each of the listed workplace hazards, indicate the status as follows:
    Yes: If the hazard exists and there are adequate controls in place.
    No: If the hazard exists but does not have adequate controls.
    Not Applicable (N/A): If the hazard does not exist at the workplace.
    Document how each hazard is managed, and validate the effectiveness of the safety protocols in place.

  • 4. a) Workstation ergonomics

  • 4. b) Working from home

  • 4. c) Mobile work, including driving

  • 4. d) Manual tasks

  • 4. e) Electrical Safety

  • 4. f) Step ladders (falls)

  • 4. g) Falling objects

  • 4. h) High job demand

  • 4. i) Low job demand

  • 4. j) Hazardous Chemicals

  • 4. k) Fatigue

  • 4. l) Manual Tasks

  • 4. m) Customer/client misbehaviour (aggression and violence)

  • 4. n) Trauma or vicarious trauma

  • 4. o) Traffic Management

  • 4. p) Other Hazards

  • 5. Has an emergency plan been prepared for the worksite and includes response procedures for the different types of emergencies that could occur? TIP: take a photo of the site emergency plan, or explain in the notes the types of emergencies covered by the plan, and how this information is provided to workers.

  • 6. Are workers provided with a WHS induction prior to commencing work? TIP: Explain how the induction is delivered to workers, and take a photo of the induction content and/or induction record identifying the content, or explain in the notes what is covered in the induction.


  • If you have answered “no” to any of the above mandatory criteria you must esclate to the Senior Leadership Team for review and consideration before the placement of workers.

  • Is all mandatory WHS criteria satisfied?

  • Report to the Senior Leadership Team for next steps.

  • Proceed with the Site Assessment

Section 3 - Site Assessment

  • Location of the worksite
  • Date of site assessment

General housekeeping and environment

  • 1. There is adequate lighting and ventilation to safely perform the work.

  • 2. Adequate facilities including toilets, drinking water, washing and eating facilities, are maintained in good working order, are clean, safe and accessible. TIP: take a photo of the work areas where Haylo People workers will be working, or explain in the notes what you observed at the time of the visit.

  • 3. Floors, stairs and surfaces are designed, installed and maintained for the tasks being undertaken, and do not present a slip, trip or fall risk. TIP: take a photo of floor surfaces, and stairs, or explain in the notes what was observed at the time of the visit.

  • 4. Walkways and emergency exits are clear of obstructions. TIP: take a photo of walkways and emergency exits, or explain in the notes what was observed at the time of the visit.

Information and Instruction

  • 7. Are workers provided with information on an Employee Assistance Program and/or mental health support contact details? TIP: take a photo of the EAP or mental health support contact information provided to workers, or explain in the notes how workers are informed of mental health support available to them.

Hazard Management

  • 8. Work areas are arranged in a suitable manner, and aides are provided to minimise the risks associated with manual tasks.

  • 9. A register containing all hazardous chemicals is prepared and maintained, and Safety Data Sheets for these chemicals are readily available.

  • 10. The electrical equipment appears to be in good condition and has been tested and tagged by a qualified person, ensuring that it is current.

  • 11. The design of chairs and workstations allows for flexibility and adjustability, giving individuals control over how their workspace is set up and organised to meet the changing demands and variety of tasks they perform.

  • 12. There is a traffic management plan in place to separate pedestrians from forklifts and other powered mobile equipment. It should be noted that a painted walkway alone is insufficient to prevent a vehicle from colliding with a pedestrian.

  • 13. Step ladders are designed for the specific task they are being used for and are not domestic rated, and are observed to be in good condition with instructions provided for safe use.

  • 14. The workplace displays evacuation diagrams, and the location of the assembly point is indicated by signs.

  • 15. The location of first aid kits is clearly signposted, and they are easily accessible.

Next Review

  • Next review date Note: the review date is 12 months from the date the site assessment was completed.

  • Set a reminder for the review in JobAdder


  • Will Haylo People proceed with placement?

  • Explain the reasons why Haylo People will not proceed with placement.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.