
  • Please list: Audit Personnel

  • Conducted on

  • Please select: number of participants?

  • If More? Please specify:

  • Please select: All Representatives conducting this Audit?

  • If other? please specify:

  • Please select: climate condition at the time of Audit?

  • Please state: Any matters that may change or affect outcome of this Audit? I.e building works etc.

1.0 - Previous inspection

  • 1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?

  • 1.2 - Are there any outstanding actions?

2.0 - Policies & procedures

  • 2.1- Health & Safety policy in place and periodically reviewed?

  • 2.2 - First Aid policy in place and periodically reviewed?

  • 2.3 - Fire Evacuation procedures in place and periodically reviewed?

  • 2.4 - Disabled Evacuation procedures in place and periodically reviewed?

  • 2.5 - Bomb Evacuation procedures in place and periodically reviewed?

3.0 -Training

  • 3.1 - Evidence of Fire equipment training for staff present?

  • 3.2 - Training for FIRE MARSHALS carried out within the last 2 years?

  • 3.3 - Health & safety Training carried out for relevant working activity? e.g. Cleaners < COSHH < PPE etc.<br>

  • 3.4 - HSE approved First Aid Training?

  • 3.5 - Evac-chair Training < for carer's & site team members responsible for the disabled evacuations?

  • 3.6 - Child Protection Training with records to support?

  • 3.7 - Child Restraint Training with records to support?

  • 3.8 - induction programs for new staff? Including health and safety and fire procedures

4.0 - Displayed notice

  • 4.1 - Displaying an up to date certificate of public liability insurance?

  • 4.2 - Displaying current Energy Certificate?

  • 4.3 - Displaying Health & Safety Regulations? Please note if the relevant boxes are filled in an current

  • 4.4 - Asbestos register in place and reviewed? if applicable

  • 4.5 - Display screen equipment safety information for PC users (offices)

5.0 - Fire Prevention

  • 5.1 - Fire evacuation procedures displayed locally and understood by all employees?

  • 5.2 - Extinguishers in place and clearly marked for type of application?

  • 5.3 - Evacuation procedures in place and reviewed periodically?

  • 5.4 - Extinguishers clear of obstructions?

  • 5.5 - Are service inspection tags and pins present on all fire extinguishers?

  • 5.6 - Adequate direction notices for fire exits?

  • 5.7 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?

  • 5.8 - Extinguishers periodically serviced?

  • 5.9 - Fire Exits clear of obstructions?

  • 5.10 - Fire alarm system functioning correctly?

  • 5.11 - Fire panel, including fire detection systems tested regularly?

  • 5.12 - Weekly MCP test records present and up to date?

  • 5.13 - Fire drill log book present and up to date?

6.0 - Disabled requirements

  • 6.1 - Disabled refuge points signed and free from obstructions?

  • 6.2 - Evacuation chairs present and serviced regular?

  • 6.3 - Refuge call system working and serviced regular?

  • 6.4 - Lifts in good order and serviced regular?

  • 6.5 - PEEPs in place and periodically reviewed?

  • 6.6 - Are carers aware of evacuation procedures for disabled occupancy?

Building safety

7.0 - Building Maintenance

  • 7.1 - Are planned services in place?

  • 7.2 - Legionella water prevention in place?

  • 7.3 - Job requesting / Fault reporting systems in place?

  • 7.4 - PAT Testing completed annually with records to support?

  • 7.5 - Regular gas safety checks i.e boilers, kitchen, and hot working areas etc. with records to support?

  • 7.6 - Air conditioning systems serviced within 12 months with supporting records

  • 7.7 - Dust extraction systems (LEV) serviced within 12 months including reports?

  • 7.8 - Mechanical equipment serviced annually including detailed report?

  • 7.9 - Sports facilities and equipment serviced annually? Including Health & Safety report?

8.0 - General Lighting

  • 8.1 - Light fittings clean and in good condition?

  • 8.2 - Reflected light from walls & ceilings not causing glare to employees?

  • 8.3 - Good natural lighting?

  • 8.4 - Emergency exit lighting operable?

  • 8.5 - Periodic testing of emergency lighting in place? (by a reputable contractor)

  • 8.6 - In house weekly testing of emergency lighting in place and up to date?

9.0 - Floors, stairs and walkways

  • 9.1 - Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?

  • 9.2 - Entry and walkways kept clear?

  • 9.3 - Walkways adequate and clearly marked?

  • 9.4 - Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?

  • 9.5 - Stair and risers kept clear from combustible materials?

  • 9.6 - Are their sufficient floor mats at entry points?

  • 9.7 - Are footpaths in good condition?

10.0 - Cleaning

  • 10.1 - Are liquid spills removed quickly?

  • 10.2 - Loading area clean and tidy?

  • 10.3 - Are wet floor signs deployed?

  • 10.4 - Are COSHH data sheets available?

  • 10.5 - Colour coded cleaning system in place to prevent cross contamination?

  • 10.6 - Are cleaning cupboards clean, safe and equipped stored appropriately?

  • 10.7 - Are cleaning stores locked when not in-use?

11.0 - Washroom Facilities

  • 11.1 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the cleanliness? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 11.2 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the condition? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 11.3 - Are you satisfied with the overall health and safety of these facilities?<br>If NO please give reason(s)

12.0 - Changing Room Facilities

  • 12.1 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the cleanliness? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 12.2 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the condition? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 12.3 - Are you satisfied with the overall health and safety of these facilities?<br>If NO please give reason(s)

13.0 - Classrooms

  • 13.1 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the cleanliness? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 13.2 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the condition? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 13.3 - Are you satisfied with the overall health and safety of these facilities?<br>If NO please give reason(s)

14.0 - ICT Classrooms

  • 14.1 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the cleanliness? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 14.2 - On a scale of 1 - 10. On a whole How would rate the condition? (1 = very poor 10 = outstanding)

  • 14.3 - Are you satisfied with the overall health and safety of these facilities?<br>If NO please give reason(s)

15.0 - Office Hazards

  • 15.1 - Condition of filing cabinets in good working order?

  • 15.2 - Condition of chairs < are chairs in good condition and fit for purpose?

  • 15.3 - Desks in good condition? (No damage.)

  • 15.4 - Screen Based Equipment positioned to reduce glare from windows etc?

  • 15.5 - Photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes?

  • 15.6 - Tasks designed to prevent Occupational Overuse Syndrome? (Breaks included.)

  • 15.7 - Air conditioning systems regularly maintained?

  • 15.8 - Stable non-slip floor coverings in good condition?

16.0 - Vehicle Condition

  • 16.1 - Schedule maintenance performed?

  • 16.2 - Condition of tyres?

  • 16.3 - Brake performance?

  • 16.4 - Lights? (Check operation of brake, indicator and reversing lights)

  • 16.5 - Condition of drivers seat?

  • 16.6 - Condition of passenger seats < are passenger seats safe and in good condition?

  • 16.7 - Fire Extinguishers present? in date? and pressurised within the green section of the gauge?

  • 16.8 - First Aid box present? checked and restocked regularly?

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.