Title Page

  • Building Name

  • Photo of building

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Compliance areas covered:

  • Fire Safety

  • Asbestos

  • Gas Safety

  • Electrical Safety

  • Legionella

  • Lifts

  • Prepared by

  • Premise Service Lead undertaking day-to-day activities at the building

  • Document Number

Responsibilities for assets

  • Owner of building freehold

  • Leaseholders

Responsibilities for premise/assets

  • The owner/freeholder of the building has sole responsibility for the premise or has sole responsibility for the common parts of multi-occupied buildings - Owner/freeholder is 'Responsible Person/Duty Holder'

  • Under a tenancy agreement or contract, tenants are responsible for repairs and maintenance - Tenant is 'Responsible Person/Duty Holder'

  • Under a tenancy agreement or contract, the owner/freeholder keeps responsibility for maintenance and repair and the owner has control of access by maintenance workers into the building - Owner/freeholder is 'Responsible Person/Duty Holder'

  • Under a tenancy agreement or contract, responsibility is shared between parties e.g. owner/freeholder/tenant and managing company - Each party is responsible for those parts of the premise for which they have maintenance responsibilities or is otherwise set out in in a contract.

  • There is no tenancy agreement or contract - The person in control of the premise is the 'Responsible person/Duty holder'


  • Does the lease and Service Level Agreement adequately cover responsibilities for all repair/maintenance obligations?

  • Fire

  • Asbestos

  • Legionella

  • Lifts

  • Electrical

  • Gas

Responsible Persons Logbook

  • Has a Premise Service Lead been appointed to undertake selective day-to-day activities at the building with their details completed in the Responsible Persons Logbook?

  • Is the latest version of the Responsible Persons Logbook (Version 2) available?

  • Have all relevant sections of the Responsible Persons Logbook been completed?

  • Have the contact details of the Premise Service Lead been cascaded to occupants of the premises that may need to escalate H&S concerns?

  • Has the compliance checklist been completed bi-annually and returned to the Compliance Management Team where issues have been found?

Safety Policy

Policy Statement

  • Does the company have a Health & Safety Policy statement?

  • Company policy statement

  • LBE H&S policy statement - references the partnership company

  • Framework policy statement - a framework to link and allow for the use of LBE H&S Management systems (policy, arrangements and guidance). Acts as the over-arching policy for services within the partnership company.

  • Is the policy statement dated and signed at Executive level?


  • Is there an organisational structure that identifies the persons within the company with Health & Safety responsibilities (MD, Directors, Managers and employees)?

  • Are roles and safety responsibilities clearly detailed?


  • Are arrangements in place that describe a safety management system (or how they will access one) relevant to the undertaking?

  • Risk Management

  • Access to competent H&S advice

  • Landlord compliance

  • Fire Safety

  • Asbestos

  • Legionella

  • Electrical

  • Gas

  • CDM

  • Is the manager aware of the location of Corporate H&S Arrangements and Guidance documents (if they have adopted these)?

Fire Safety

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out on the common areas of the building?

  • Are there any overdue actions from the most recent Fire Risk Assessment?

  • Is the communal AFD system subject to a regular Periodic Inspection and test by a competent person (maximum period of 6 months between inspections) and a satisfactory report issued (BS5839:Part 1)?

  • Are weekly operational call point tests carried out on the communal AFD system?

  • Are emergency lighting systems subject to an annual full rated (e.g. 3 hrs) test by a competent person and a satisfactory report issued (BS5266)?

  • Are emergency lighting systems subject to a monthly short functional test and a satisfactory report issued?

  • In buildings over 18m, are dry risers serviced once every 6 months with a pressure test carried out once every 12 months and a satisfactory report issued (BS9990)?

  • Are AOV systems subject to yearly inspection and a satisfactory report issued (BS7346-8)?

  • Are fire extinguishers inspected annually by a competent person?

  • Is the Fire Alarm Panel accompanied with a zone plan?

  • Is a Premise Information Box present?

  • Are fire doors capable of closing to the frame with adequate self-closing devices or on mag locks that will release in the event of a fire?

  • Were fire doors closed or held open on an automatic release system at the time of audit?

  • Are external metal fire escapes subject to survey every 5 years (BS8210) and a satisfactory report issued?

  • Is fire safety compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Corporate Landlord Policy?


  • Have the common areas of the building been surveyed for asbestos containing material?

  • Is the Asbestos Management Plan available that comprises the necessary sections?

  • The latest asbestos survey (available from the web register)

  • A copy of the Asbestos Action Plan (items that require action)

  • Asbestos Communication Plan (information to be communicated to staff/contractors)

  • Drawing/plan of premise

  • Does the responsible person know generally where asbestos may be present or where it should be presumed to be present (quick reference section on asbestos survey)?

  • Have staff been briefed not to damage or perforate asbestos material in any way (i.e. do not pin, staple or tack displays to walls

  • Are responsible persons able to outline suitable asbestos procedures to be followed before the fabric of the building is disturbed?

  • Suitable checks made on the asbestos register

  • Where necessary R&D survey carried out before the fabric of building is disturbed (unless built after the year 2000 and the materials to be worked on are highly unlikely to contain asbestos e.g. wood or metal and not likely to be concealing a void area)

  • Is asbestos compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Corporate Landlord Policy?


  • Has a 'Responsible Person' been appointed for the day to day management of the water systems?

  • Is there an up to date, legionella risk assessment in place?

  • Is there evidence that high and medium risks identified in the Legionella Risk Assessment have been addressed within stated timescales?

  • Has a water management plan or scheme setting out the controls to be implemented, the frequency of checks and details of persons responsible for undertaking them been prepared?

  • Has water temperature monitoring been implemented with satisfactory results?

  • Is the Premise Service Lead undertaking and maintaining records of any checks assigned to them under the water management plan (e.g. flushing of outlets in properties void for 7 or more days)?

  • Is legionella compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Landlord Policy?

Electrical Safety

  • Has the fixed electrical installation of the building been inspected within the last 5 years and a satisfactory Electrical Installation Report issued?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial works raised in the common areas Electrical Installation Condition Report have been addressed within the specified timescale?

  • Has the person managing rented properties made arrangements for electrical installations within properties to be inspected and tested at least every 5 years and a satisfactory EICR issued?

  • Where portable electrical appliances are supplied in common areas, are they subject to Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) on a risk based frequency with records available?

  • Where the premises have any electrically powered doors are these maintained on a regular basis with satisfactory records available?

  • Is there evidence that any Lightning Protection System is tested and maintained annually by a competent person with a satisfactory report issued (BSEN62305)?

  • Do electric intake/plant rooms have appropriate signage in place?

  • Is the general standard of lighting adequate throughout the premises? (Consider lighting levels, flickering strip lighting, over sensitive light sensors and timer switches)?

  • Is electrical safety compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Corporate Landlord Policy?

Gas Safety

  • Where gas mains are present, are records available demonstrating that gas appliances are subject to an annual safety inspection (CP12, CP15 or CP17) and a satisfactory report issued?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial works raised in the annual inspection have been addressed within stated timescales?

  • Has the person managing rented properties made arrangements for gas appliances within properties to be subject to an annual gas safety inspection?

  • Do gas/boiler rooms have appropriate signage?

  • Is the emergency gas shut off valve available and clearly labelled?

  • Is the floor of the gas/boiler room in good condition and free from slips/trips and any water residue?

  • Is gas safety compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Corporate Landlord Policy?


  • Is there evidence that passenger lifts are subject to a thorough inspection (e.g. equivalent to 6 monthly LOLER certificates of thorough examination)?

  • Is there evidence that any remedial actions raised in the thorough inspection have been addressed within stated timescales?

  • Is lifting equipment subject to a suitable maintenance regime (every 2 months)?

  • Are all fixed mobility aids (stair lifts/platform lifts) subject to a regular inspection and testing regime by a competent person with records available?

  • Is access to lift room or access to the use of specific lifting equipment (such as hoists including person hoists. vehicle lifts etc.) controlled?

  • Is lift compliance documentation available and accessible at all times - either held on site or electronically on an asset management system in accordance with Enfield Council Landlord Policy?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.