Title Page

  • ID Property #

  • Audit type

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel



  • This procedures will be carried out by a certified Electrical Technician under electrical safety standards and guides as well according NEC rules and regulations. Estos procedimientos serán llevados a cabo por un técnico electricista certificado siguiendo los más estrictos estándares de seguridad así como también las reglas y regulaciones de la NEC.

Electric supply service. (Servicio de suministro eléctrico).

  • Type of property to be evaluated? (Tipo de propiedad que será evaluada).

  • Select type of electric service? (Seleccione tipo de servicio electrico en la propiedad).



  • Select size of wiring finding in meters:<br><br>(Seleccione el calibre de cable encontrado en la alimentacion del medidor:)

  • Specify size of wire: (Especifique el calibre del cable:)

  • MAX LOAD 26 to 30 kW

  • MAX LOAD 21 to 25 kW

  • MAX LOAD 16 to 20 kW

  • MAX LOAD 15 kW.

  • White color for neutral wire, phases in different color according NEC?<br><br>Cable color blanco para el neutro, las fases en diferente color de acuerdo a la NEC?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Minimum size cable #8 AWG for grounding,<br><br>(Calibre #8 como minimo para la tierra)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Grounding electrode in good condition with wire connector?<br><br>(Electrodo de tierra en buenas condiciones con su conector para cable?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Grounding electrode must not exceed 25ohms of resistance. <br><br>(Electrodo de tierra no debe exceder los 25ohms de resistencia.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Rigid conduit 1 1/2 inches in good condition, not bending and rusted, as well mufa connector.<br><br>(Tubo conduit metalico de 1 1/2plg. En buenas condiciones, no doblado, ni oxidado, tambien la mufa en buenas condiciones.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • No branch trees around electrical supply installation. Remove branch trees.<br><br>(No ramas de arboles alrededor de la acometida electrica, remueva en caso necesario.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of electrical supply installation. (Tome una foto de la instalacion electrica principal.)

  • Did you finish with survey in Electrical supply section? (Termino con la evaluacion del sistema de alimentacion electrico principal?)

Main switch disconnect. (Interruptor de desconexion principal)

  • Main switch thermo magnetic or fuse type?<br><br>(Interruptor principal de tipo thermo magnetico o de fusible?)

  • The panel has ground and neutral bus installed? (El gabinete tiene terminales para tierra y neutro?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Main switch capacity equal or greater than 100Amperes?<br><br>(Capacidad del Interruptor principal igual o mayor a 100Amperes?)

  • What is the size of interrupter? (Cual Es la capacidad del interruptor?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Main switch waterproof type? Or at least covered under roof if not. <br><br>(Interruptor principal a prueba a de agua y humedad? si esta bajo techo esta bien.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Distance of main switch to meter no more than 18 feet?<br><br>(Distancia del Interruptor principal al medidor no mayor a 6 metros?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Breaker/fuse panel working clearance of 30"W and 36"D<br><br>(Gabinete de interruptores y fusibles con espacio libre frontal de 30 plg. por 36 plg.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Missing knock out and twist out must to be fill plates.<br><br>(Orificios y conectores sin uso deben ser tapados y reparados)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Same size of cables incoming meters to Main switch? (Mismo calibre de cable de entrada en medidor hacia el switch principal?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Color wires according NEC: white color for neutral, green color for grounding, phases different color. Good arrangement of wires.<br><br>(Color del cableado de acuerdo a Norma NEC: blanco para neutro, verde para tierra, fases diferente color. Cableado arreglado.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Grounding system must not exceed 25ohms of resistance. <br><br>(Sistema de tierra no debe exceder los 25ohms de resistencia.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Main switch. (Tome una foto del Interruptor de desconexion principal)

  • Did you finish with Main switch disconnect survey? (Término con la evaluación del interruptor principal eléctrico?)

Circuit capacity distribution. (Gabinetes de distribucion electrica.)

  • Qty of panel board circuit distributions? (Indique la cantidad de los paneles de distribución eléctricos?)

  • Where is located this circuit distribution panel? (Donde se localiza este gabinete de distribucion electrica?)

  • What is the hallway with electrical panel? (Cual es el pasillo con el gabinete electrico?)

  • What is the bedroom with electrical panel? (Cual es la recamara con el gabinete electrico?)

  • What is the stair with electrical panel? (Cual es la escalera con el gabinete electrico?)

  • Same size of cables incoming Main switch to Circuit distribution panel? <br><br>(Mismo calibre de cable entrando a el switch principal hacia el gabinete de distribucion electrica?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Panel board has neutral terminal block? (El gabinete de distribucion tiene barra de neutro?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Panel board has ground terminal block? (El gabinete de distribucion tiene barra de tierra?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Missing knock out and twist out must to be fill plates.<br><br>(Orificios y conectores sin uso deben ser tapados y reparados)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Circuit distribution panel working clearance of 30"W and 36"D<br><br>(Gabinete de interruptores y fusibles con espacio libre frontal de 76cm. Ancho X 92cm. Profundidad)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • No overlapping circuits in panel board. (No empalmar circuitos en el mismo interruptor termico)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wiring color according NEC: white for neutral, green for grounding. Phases different color. Good arrangement of cables.<br><br>(Color de cableado de acuerdo a NEC: blanco para neutros, verde para tierras, las fases en diferente color. Cableado arreglado.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Grounding system must not exceed 25ohms of resistance. <br><br>(Sistema de tierra no debe exceder los 25ohms de resistencia.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Breaker and fuses labeled as function/area served?<br><br>(Interruptores térmicos y fusibles identificados de acuerdo a su función o área de servicio)

  • Select appliances or equipments connected to panel board: (Seleccione los electrodomesticos y equipos conectados en este gabinete electrico)

  • 20A branch for dishwasher? (Circuito de 20A para lava vajillas?)

  • 30A branch for kitchens freezer? (Circuito de 30A para congelador?)

  • 20A branch for garbage disposal? (Circuito de 20A para destructor de deshechos?)

  • 20A branch for microwave. (Circuito de 20A para microondas)

  • 20A branch for range hood. (Circuito de 20A para campana extractora)

  • 20A branch for kitchens refrigerator? (Circuito de 20A para refrigerador?)

  • 20A branch for stove? (Circuito de 20A para estufa)

  • 20A branch for wall oven? (Circuito de 20A para horno de pared)

  • 20A branch for washing machine? (Circuito de 20A para lavadora de ropa?)

  • 20A branch for dryer? (Circuito de 20A para secadora de ropa?)

  • Select grounding receptacles locations connected this panel: (Seleccione las localizaciones de los receptaculos polarizados conectados a este gabinete:)

  • Select lighting locations connected this panel: (Seleccione las localizaciones de la iluminacion conectados a este gabinete:)

  • What is the size of bathtub breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la banera?)

  • What is the size of hydro pneumatic breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la hidro neumatico?)

  • What is the size of water pump breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la bomba del agua?)

  • What is the size of water heater breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del calentador del agua?)

  • What is the size of A/C central unit breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la unidad central de aire acondicionado?)

  • What is the size of Mini split breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del mini split?)

  • What is the size of A/C window unit breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la unidad de ventana de aire acondicionado?)

  • What is the size of Other breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del equipo sin descripcion?)

  • Take a picture of circuit distribution in panel board. (Tome una foto del panel de distribucion electrica)

  • Circuit distribution panel

  • Panel #
  • Where is located this circuit distribution panel? (Donde se localiza este gabinete de distribucion electrica?)

  • What is the hallway with electrical panel? (Cual es el pasillo con el gabinete electrico?)

  • What is the bedroom with electrical panel? (Cual es la recamara con el gabinete electrico?)

  • What is the stair with electrical panel? (Cual es la escalera con el gabinete electrico?)

  • Same size of cables coming from Main switch to Circuit distribution panel? <br><br>(Mismo calibre de cable desde el switch principal hacia el gabinete de distribucion electrica?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Panel board has neutral terminal block? (El gabinete de distribucion tiene barra de neutro?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Panel board has ground terminal block? (El gabinete de distribucion tiene barra de tierra?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Missing knock out and twist out must to be fill plates.<br><br>(Orificios y conectores sin uso deben ser tapados y reparados)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Breaker/fuse panel working clearance of 30"W and 36"D<br><br>(Gabinete de interruptores y fusibles con espacio libre frontal de 30 plg. por 36 plg.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • No overlapping circuits in panel board. (No empalmar circuitos en el mismo interruptor termico)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wiring color according NEC: white for neutral, green for grounding. Phases different color. Good arrangement of cables.<br><br>(Color de cableado de acuerdo a NEC: blanco para neutros, verde para tierras, las fases en diferente color. Cableado arreglado.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Grounding system must not exceed 25ohms of resistance. <br><br>(Sistema de tierra no debe exceder los 25ohms de resistencia.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Breaker and fuses labeled as function/area served?<br><br>(Interruptores térmicos y fusibles identificados de acuerdo a su función o área de servicio)

  • Select appliances or equipments connected to panel board: (Seleccione los electrodomesticos y equipos conectados en este gabinete electrico)

  • 20A branch for dishwasher? (Circuito de 20A para lava vajillas?)

  • 30A branch for kitchens freezer? (Circuito de 30A para congelador?)

  • 20A branch for garbage disposal? (Circuito de 20A para destructor de deshechos?)

  • 20A branch for microwave. (Circuito de 20A para microondas)

  • 20A branch for range hood. (Circuito de 20A para campana extractora)

  • 20A branch for kitchens refrigerator? (Circuito de 20A para refrigerador?)

  • 20A branch for stove? (Circuito de 20A para estufa)

  • 20A branch for wall oven? (Circuito de 20A para horno de pared)

  • 20A branch for washing machine? (Circuito de 20A para lavadora de ropa?)

  • 20A branch for dryer? (Circuito de 20A para secadora de ropa?)

  • Select grounding receptacles locations connected this panel: (Seleccione las localizaciones de los receptaculos polarizados conectados a este gabinete:)

  • Select lighting locations connected this panel: (Seleccione las localizaciones de la iluminacion conectados a este gabinete:)

  • What is the size of bathtub breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la banera?)

  • What is the size of hydro pneumatic breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la hidro neumatico?)

  • What is the size of water pump breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la bomba del agua?)

  • What is the size of water heater breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del calentador del agua?)

  • What is the size of A/C central unit breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la unidad central de aire acondicionado?)

  • What is the size of Mini split breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del mini split?)

  • What is the size of A/C window unit breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico de la unidad de ventana de aire acondicionado?)

  • What is the size of Other breaker? (Cual es la capacidad del interruptor termico del equipo sin descripcion?)

  • Take a picture of circuit distribution in panel board. (Tome una foto del panel de distribucion electrica)

  • Did you finish with the Circuit capacity distribution section?<br><br>(Término la evaluación de los paneles de distribución eléctrica?)

Electrical safety. (Seguridad electrica)

  • Select locations with GFCI in property: (Seleccione lugares con Interruptor de Falla a tierra en la propiedad)

  • GFCI in kitchen working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en cocina operando correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in Canteen working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en cantina operando correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in atrium working properly with waterproof cover?<br><br>(GFCI en atrio operando correctamente y con tapa a prueba de humedad?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in carport working properly and with waterproof cover?<br><br>(GFCI en cochera operando correctamente y con tapa a prueba de humedad?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in garden working properly and with waterproof cover?<br><br>(GFCI en jardin operando correctamente y con tapa a prueba de humedad?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in patio working properly and with waterproof cover?<br><br>(GFCI en patio operando correctamente y con tapa a prueba de humedad?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • Where is located this service closet? (Donde se localiza este armario de servicio?)

  • GFCI in service closet working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en armario de servicio operando correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in terrace working properly and with waterproof cover?<br><br>(GFCI en terraza operando correctamente y con tapa a prueba de humedad?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • GFCI in laundry working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en lavanderia operando correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • Where is located this area? Do GFCI need waterproof cover? (Describa la localizacion de esta area? El GFCI necesita cubierta a prueba de agua?

  • GFCI in this place working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en este sitio esta operando correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • Outside hallway. (Pasillo exterior.)

  • GFCI in this place working properly? With waterproof cover? <br><br>(GFCI en este sitio esta operando correctamente? Con tapa a prueba de agua.

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • Add every bathroom evaluating GFCI conditions

  • Bathroom:
  • Where is located this bathroom? (Donde se localiza este bano?)

  • What is the bedroom with this bathroom? (Cual Es la recamara con este Bano?

  • GFCI in bathroom working properly?<br><br>(GFCI en bano operando correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in date: (Reparado como parte de lista de mejoras en fecha:)

  • Did you finish with the survey in Electric safety section? (Término con la evaluación de seguridad eléctrica?)

Electrical in general. (Electricidad en general)

  • Receptacles are grounding type and working properly in whole house? GFCI not included in this inspection.<br><br>(Receptaculos electricos son de tipo a Tierra. Y operan correctamente en toda la propiedad? no incluya los GFCI.)

  • Select locations whit grounding receptacles in bad conditions: (Indique los sitios donde hay receptaculos de tierra en malas condiciones:)

  • What is the hallway with wrong grounding receptacles?. (Cual es el pasillo con recptaculos electricos mal?)

  • What is the stair with bad grounding receptacles? ( Cual es la escalera con receptaculos de tierra en mal estado?)

  • Where is the bedroom with wrong grounding receptacles? (Donde se localiza la recamara con receptaculos de tierra en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the closet with bad grounding receptacles? (Donde se localiza el armario con receptaculos de Tierra en mal estado?)

  • Where is the service closet with wrong grounding receptacles? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con receptaculos de tierra en mal estado?)

  • THIS LOCATIONS MUST TO HAVE GFCI: Bathrooms, Laundry, Terrace, Atrium, Patio, Carport.

    (ESTOS LUGARES DEBEN TENER GFCI: Banos, Lavanderia, Terraza, Atrio, Patio y Cochera.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Electrical covers in good condition in whole house including waterproof covers where is required?<br><br>(Tapas electricas en buenas condiciones en toda la propiedad incluyendo las de a prueba de agua donde se requiere?

  • Select locations with electrical covers bad: (Indique los sitios donde hay cubiertas electricas en mal estado:)

  • What is the hallway with bad electrical covers? (Cual es el pasillo con tapas electricas en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the bathroom with bad electrical covers? (Cual es el bano con tapas electricas en mal estado?)

  • What is the stair with bad electrical covers? (Cual es la escalera con tapas electricas en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the bedroom with bad electrical covers? (Cual es la recamara con tapas electricas en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the closet with bad electrical covers? (Donde se localiza el armario con tapas electricas en mal estado?)

  • Where is located service closet with bad electrical covers? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con tapas electricas en mal estado?



  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Electric wall switch in good conditions and working properly in whole house?<br><br>(Interruptores electricos de pared en buenas condiciones y operan correctamente en toda la propiedad?)

  • Select locations with electrical wall switch in bad conditions: (Indique los sitios donde hay interruptores de pared en mal condiciones:)

  • What is the hallway with bad wall switch? (Cual es el pasillo con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • What is the stair with bad wall switch? (Cual es la escalera con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the bedroom with bad wall switch. (Donde se localiza la recamara con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the bathroom with bad wall switch. (Donde se localiza el bano con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the closet with bad wall switch? (Donde se localiza el armario con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • Where is located the service closet with bad wall switch? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con interruptor de pared en mal estado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Exposed wires, wrong size, or incorrect color according NEC in electrical box registered?<br><br>(Cables expuestos, calibre incorrecto, o color incorrecto de acuerdo a NEC en cajas electricas revisadas?)

  • Select locations with findings exposed wires, or not according NEC. (Indique los sitios donde hay cables expuestos o no conforme a la NEC:)

  • What is the hallway with wiring not according NEC? (Cual es el pasillo con cables expuestos, o no acorde a la NEC?)

  • What is the stair with wiring not according NEC? (Cual es la escalera con cables expuestos, o no acorde a la NEC?)

  • Where is located the bathroom with wiring not according NEC? (Donde se localiza el bano con cables expuestos o no acorde a NEC?)

  • Where is located the bedroom with wiring not according NEC? (Donde se localiza la recamara con cables expuestos o no acorde a NEC?)

  • Where is located the closet with wiring not according NEC? (Donde se localiza el armario con cables expuestos o no acorde a la NEC?)

  • Where is located the service closet with wiring not according NEC? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con cables expuestos, o no acorde a la NEC?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Intercom system working properly? (Sistema de intercomunicacion operando correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Telephone line working properly with at least two devices installed? <br><br>(Sistema de telefonia operando correctamente con al menos dos aparatos instalados?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish with the survey in Electrical in general section? (Término con la evaluación de electricidad en general?)

Lighting & Fixtures. (Iluminacion y Lamparas)

  • Types of light bulbs in property? (Tipos de lámparas presentes en la propiedad?)

  • Take a picture of each type of light bulb. (Tome una foto de cada tipo de foco para registro de inventario.)

  • Check lighting fixtures, light fixtures waterproof in wet locations, brackets and candles in good conditions? No porcelain sockets.<br><br>(Verifique lamparas, lamparas a prueba de agua, lamparas de pared y candiles en buenas condiciones? No rosetas de porcelana.)

  • Select locations with incorrect porcelain socket or lighting fixtures, missing, or bad installed. (Indique los sitios donde se encuentran incorrectamente rosetas ceramicas y lamparas, faltantes, o mal instalados.)

  • What is the hallway with wrong socket or fixture? (Cual es el pasillo con rosetas ceramicas o lamparas mal?)

  • What is the stair with wrong socket or bad fixture? (Cual es la escalera con roseta ceramica o lampara mal?)

  • What is the bedroom with wrong socket or bad fixture? (Cual es el bano con roseta ceramica o lampara mal?)

  • What is the bathroom with wrong socket or bad fixture? (Cual es el bano con roseta ceramica o lampara mal?)

  • What is the closet with wrong socket or bad fixtures? (Cual es el armario con rosetas ceramicas o lamparas mal?)

  • Where is located this service closet with wrong socket or bad fixtures? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con rosetas ceramicas o lamparas mal?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Light bulbs working properly in whole house?<br><br>(Todos lots focos de la casa funcionan?

  • Select locations where light bulbs are burn out, missing, or bad installed. (Indique los sitios donde se encuentran focus fundidos, faltantes, o mal instalados.)

  • What is the hallway with bad light bulb? (Cual Es el pasillo con focos danados?)

  • What is the stair with bad light bulb? (Cual es la escalera con focos danados?)

  • What is the bedroom with bad light bulbs? (Cual es la recamara con focos danados?)

  • What is the bathroom with bad light bulbs? (Cual es el bano con focos danados?)

  • What is the closet with bad light bulbs? (Cual es el armario con focos danados?)

  • What is the service closet with bad light bulbs! (Cual es el armario de servicio con focos danados?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Emergency lights lit escape exit? (Lamparas de emergencia illuminan ruta de saliva?

  • Select locations with emergency lights installed: (Seleccione los sitios con luces de emergencia instaladas?)

  • Which hallway is located this emergency lights? (En cual pasillo se localizan las lamparas de emergencia?)

  • Which stair is located this emergency lights? (En Cual escalera se localizan las lamparas de emergencia?)

  • Do property has ceiling fans? (La propiedad cuenta con abanicos de techo?)

  • Select locations with ceiling fan installed: (Seleccione los sitios con abanicos de techo:)

  • What is the bedroom with ceiling fan? (Cual es la recamara con abanicos de techo?)

  • Ceiling fan works properly. (Los abanicos de techo funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish with the survey in Lighting and fixtures section? (Término con la evaluación de iluminacion y lamparas?)

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about electrical survey? (Comentarios en general sobre la evaluacion electrica?)



  • This procedure Will carried out by a certified HVAC technician, following safety standards about chemical and electrical system risks. Este procedimiento será llevado a cabo por un técnico certificado en aire acondicionado, siguiendo rigurosamente los estándares en el manejo de químicos de utilizados en aire acondicionado así como los riesgos implicados en el trabajo de electricidad.

  • Select A/C Conditioning system in the property: (Seleccione el tipo de unidades de aire acondicionado que cuenta en la propiedad:)

Central Unit A/C conditioner unit. (Unidades centrales)

  • Qty of A/C central unit in the property? (Cantidad de unidades centrales de aire acondicionado en la propiedad?)

  • Select type of A/C central unit: (Seleccione el tipo de unidad de aire acondicionadol:)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Where is located evaporator unit? (Indique lugar donde se localiza el evaporator de la unidad:)

  • Select area served by central unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad central:)

  • Which bedroom are feeding from this unit: (Cuales recamaras son alimentadas de esta unidad?)

  • Select location of thermostat control: (Indique donde se localiza el termostato:)

  • Which bedroom has thermostat control? (En cual recamara se localiza el termostato?)

  • Which hallway has thermostat control? (En cual pasillo se localiza el termostato?)

  • Amps reading with AC conditioning unit working: (Lectura de amperaje con la unidad de aire acondicionado en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of unit and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad, de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filters conditions in outdoor unit for package, or evaporator unit in split type.<br><br>(Verifique condiciones de filtros en unidad exterior en unidad de paquete, en unidad de tipo dividida chequelos en el evaporador.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check condensate drain line connected directly to manhole. (Verifique que linea de condensacion este conectada directo a drenaje.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Injection and return grids in good conditions and clean? (Rejillas de inyeccion y retorno en buenas condiciones y limpias?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Thermostat control working properly? (El termostato esta operando correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check unit central is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que unidad central esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Select type of heating system? (Seleccione el tipo de calefacción que usa la unidad?)<br><br>

  • Check gas valve conditions, no more than 6 feet away from unit and burner area is venting. <br><br>(Verifique condiciones de valvulas de gas no alejada mas de 1.8mts. De la unidad y area de quemador esta ventilada.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical resistance conditions. (Verifique condiciones de resistencias electricas con ohmetro.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of central unit. (Tome una foto de la unidad central.)

  • Central unit

  • Central unit#
  • Select type of A/C Unit? (Seleccione el tipo de unidad de aire acondicionadol:)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Where is located evaporator unit? (Indique lugar donde se localiza el evaporator de la unidad:)

  • Select area served by unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad:)

  • Which bedroom are feeding from this unit: (Cuales recamaras son alimentadas de esta unidad?)

  • Which hallway are feeding from this unit: (Cual pasillo son alimentadas de esta unidad?)

  • Select location of thermostat control: (Indique donde se localiza el termostato:)

  • Which bedroom has thermostat control? (En cual recamara se localiza el termostato?)

  • Which hallway has thermostat control? (En cual pasillo se localiza el termostato?)

  • Amps reading with AC conditioning unit working: (Lectura de amperaje con la unidad de aire acondicionado en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of unit and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad, de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filters conditions in outdoor unit for package, or evaporator unit in split type.<br><br>(Verifique condiciones de filtros en unidad exterior en unidad de paquete, en unidad de tipo dividida chequelos en el evaporador.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check condensate drain line connected directly to manhole. (Verifique que linea de condensacion este conectada directo a drenaje.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Injection and return grids in good conditions and clean? (Rejillas de inyeccion y retorno en buenas condiciones y limpias?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Thermostat control working properly? (El termostato esta operando correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check unit central is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que unidad central esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Select type of heating system? (Seleccione el tipo de calefacción que usa la unidad?)<br><br>

  • Check gas valve conditions no more than 6 feet away of unit and free access and burner area is venting. <br><br>(Verifique condiciones de valvulas de gas no alejada mas de 1.8mts y de facil accesso y area de quemador esta ventilada.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical resistance conditions. (Verifique condiciones de resistencias electricas con ohmetro.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Central unit. (Tome una foto de la unidad central.)

Mini Split A/C conditioner units. (Unidades tipo Mini split)

  • Qty of Mini Split in the property? (Indique cantidad de mini split sean la propiedad:)

  • Select service type of Mini split? (Seleccione tipo de servicio del mini split?)

  • What is the heating type? (Que tipo de calefaccion es?)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Select area served by mini split unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad:)

  • Which bedroom is using this mini split: (Cual recamara Es alimentada de esta unidad?)

  • Amps reading with Mini split working: (Lectura de amperaje con el mini split en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of mini split and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad, de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filter is clean and in condition in evaporator unit. (Verifique filtro de evaporador este limpio y en buenas condiciones)<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check condensate drain line connected directly to manhole. (Verifique que linea de condensacion este conectada directo a drenaje.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Remote control in good condition and working properly? (Control remoto operando correctamente y en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check mini split is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que mini split esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of mini split unit. (Tome una foto del mini split.)

  • Mini split

  • Mini split#
  • Select service type of Mini split? (Seleccione tipo de servicio del mini split?)

  • What is the heating type? (Que tipo de calefaccion es?)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Select area served by mini split unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad:)

  • Which bedroom is using this mini split: (Cual recamara es alimentada de esta unidad?)

  • Amps reading with Mini split working: (Lectura de amperaje con el mini split en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of mini split and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad, de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filter is clean and in condition in evaporator unit. (Verifique filtro de evaporador este limpio y en buenas condiciones)<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check condensate drain line connected directly to manhole. (Verifique que linea de condensacion este conectada directo a drenaje.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Remote control in good condition and working properly? (Control remoto operando correctamente y en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check mini split is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que mini split esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of mini split unit. (Tome una foto del mini split.)

Windows A/C conditioner units. (Unidades de ventana)

  • Qty of Window unit in the property? (Indique cantidad de unidades de ventana en la propiedad:)

  • Select service type of Window unit: (Seleccione tipo de servicio del la unidad de ventana:)

  • What is the heating type? (Que tipo de calefaccion es?)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Select area served by window unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad de ventana:)

  • Which bedroom is using this window unit: (Cual recamara es alimentada de esta unidad de ventana?)

  • Amps reading with Window unit working: (Lectura de amperaje con la unidad de ventana en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of window unit and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad de ventana de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filter is clean and in condition in evaporator unit. (Verifique filtro de evaporador este limpio y en buenas condiciones)<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check right level of unit to condensate drain goes to outside.<br><br>(Verifique correcta nivelacion de la unidad para que agua de condensacion no ingrese a la propiedad)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Remote control in good condition and working properly, in case apply.<br><br>(Control remoto operando correctamente y en buenas condiciones, en caso que la unidad tenga?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check window unit is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que la unidad de ventana esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of window unit. (Tome una foto de la unidad de ventana.)

  • Window unit:

  • Window unit#
  • Select service type of Window unit: (Seleccione tipo de servicio del la unidad de ventana:)

  • What is the heating type? (Que tipo de calefaccion es?)

  • Brand/Model/Serie. (Indique marca, Modelo, y serie de la unidad para la librería)

  • Capacity (BTU) in tons? (Capacidad en BTU, toneladas?)

  • Select area served by window unit? (Indique área de servicio de la unidad de ventana:)

  • Which bedroom is using this window unit: (Cual recamara Es alimentada de esta unidad de ventana?)

  • Amps reading with Window unit working: (Lectura de amperaje con la unidad de ventana en operacion:)

  • Service interrupter size according nameplate of window unit and in good conditions, no missing knock out?<br><br>(Interruptor de servicio de la unidad de ventana de acuerdo a la Capacidad de la unidad, en buenas condiciones, sin orificios?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Wire size and color feeder according NEC, and not exposed wires? (Cables de alimentacion de unidad de acuerdo a NEC, calibre, color, que no esten expuestos?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check filter is clean and in condition in evaporator unit. (Verifique filtro de evaporador este limpio y en buenas condiciones)<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check right level of unit to condensate drain goes to outside.<br><br>(Verifique correcta nivelacion de la unidad para que agua de condensacion no ingrese a la propiedad)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Remote control in good condition and working properly? (Control remoto operando correctamente y en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check window unit is working properly, low noise level, and right temperature.<br><br>(Verifique que la unidad de ventana esta operando correctamente, bajo nivel de ruido y temperatura correcta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of window unit. (Tome una foto de la unidad de ventana.)

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about HVAC systems in property: (Comentarios en general sobre los sistemas de aire acondicionado en la propiedad:)



  • This procedure will be realized by a certified Plumbing Technician according to rules and plumbing standards. Esta evaluación será llevada a cabo por un plomero certificado de acuerdo a las reglas y estándares vigentes en la plomeria.

Potable water and gas supply. (Suministro de agua potable y gas)

  • Register water meter reading: (Registre lectura de agua potable en el medidor:)

  • Register water meter brand, model, and serial number: (Registre marca, Modelo y número de serie del medidor de agua)

  • Water supply with back flow valve and shut off valve in good conditions and with ID number of property?<br><br>(Suministro de agua con valvula contra flujo en y valvula de cierre en buenas condiciones, asi con el numero de la casa a la vista?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Good conditions of pipes, not leaking or rusted?<br><br>(Tuberias en buenas condiciones, no fugas visibles u tubos oxidados?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of water supply installation. (Tome una foto de la instalacion del suministro de agua.)

  • Do the property has gas supply? (La propiedad tiene suministro de gas?)

  • Register gas meter reading: (Registre lectura del medidor de gas:)

  • Register gas meter brand, model, and serial number: (Registre marca, Modelo y número de serie del medidor de gas)

  • Gas supply with shut off valve in good conditions, and with ID number of property? <br><br>(Suministro de gas con valvula de cierre en buenas condiciones , asi como con el numero de la casa a la vista?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of the gas supplying installation. (Tome imagen de la instalacion de suministro principal de gas.)

  • Did you finish with survey in the meters supplies? (Término evaluación de medidores de suministros?)


  • Kitchen sink in good conditions, including strainer and stopper?<br><br>(Trastero en buenas condiciones, incluyendo contra canasta y tapon?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Kitchen sink faucet with shut off valve under sink in good conditions, as well hose connections?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora de trastero con valvulas de cierre en buenas condiciones, asi como las mangueras de conexiones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do the property has garbage disposals? (La propiedad cuenta con triturador de alimentos?)

  • Garbage disposal in good conditions, without leaks and odorless?<br><br>(Triturador en buenas condiciones sin fuga y libre de olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Sink drainage in good conditions, without leaks and odorless? <br><br>(Drenaje de trastero en buenas condiciones sin fugas y libre de malos olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • The property has dishwasher? (La propiedad cuenta con lava vajillas?)

  • Dishwasher with shut off valve in good conditions and free access?<br><br>(Lava vajillas con valvula de cierre en buenas condiciones y facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Dishwasher drainage without leaks and in good conditions, as well odorless?<br><br>Drenaje de lava vajilla sin fugas y en buenas condiciones asi como tambien libre de olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • What type of heating stove is? (Tipo de calentador en estufa?)

  • Gas valve away no more than 6 feet of stove, in good conditions and free access? <br><br>(Valvula de cierre de gas en estufa alejada no mas de 1.8 metros, en buenas condiciones y de facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Stove gas installation without leaks? verify with gas leak detector.<br><br>(Instalacion de gas en estufa sin fuga? Verifique con detector de fugas)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do the property has canteen area with sink?

  • Canteen sink in good conditions, including strainer and stopper?<br><br>(Trastero en cantina en buenas condiciones, incluyendo contra canasta y tapon?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Canteen sink faucet with shut off valve under sink in good conditions, as well hose connections?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora de trastero de cantina con valvulas de cierre en buenas condiciones, asi como las mangueras de conexiones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Sink drainage in good conditions, without leaks and odorless? <br><br>(Drenaje de trastero en buenas condiciones sin fugas y libre de malos olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish plumbing survey in Kitchen? (Termino la evaluacion de plomeria en la Cocina?


  • Laundry sink clean and in good condition? (Lavadero limpie y en buenas condiciones)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Laundry sink valves in good conditions, without leaks and identified , hot and cold water?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Laundry sink drainage in good conditions, pipes driven water to floor manhole, as well manhole odorless?<br><br>(Drenaje de lavadero en buenas condiciones, con tubos dirigidos al registro de drenaje, y el drenaje libre de olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Washer shut off valves in good conditions, without leaks and identified hot and cold water?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Washer drainage in good condition, odorless? (Drenaje de lavadora en buenas condiciones y libre de olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do the property has Dryer like part of inbuilt appliances?<br><br>(La propiedad tiene secadora de ropa como parte de elcetrodomesticos propios de la lavanderia?)

  • What type of heating use the dryer? (Que tipo de calentador usa la secadora?)

  • Gas valve away no more than 6 feet of dryer, in good conditions and free access? <br><br>(Valvula de cierre de gas en secadora alejada no mas de 1.8 metros, en buenas condiciones y de facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Dryer gas installation without leaks? verify with gas leak detector.<br><br>(Instalacion de gas en estufa sin fuga? Verifique con detector de fugas)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Exhaust dryer in good conditions, driven to outside?<br><br>(Exhaust de secadora en buenas condiciones, conducido al exterior?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do the Laundry has gas installation? (La lavanderia tiene instalacion de gas?)

  • Gas valve away no more than 6 feet of dryer, in good conditions and free access? <br><br>(Valvula de cierre de gas en secadora alejada no mas de 1.8 metros, en buenas condiciones y de facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Dryer gas installation without leaks? verify with gas leak detector.<br><br>(Instalacion de gas en estufa sin fuga? Verifique con detector de fugas)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Exhaust dryer in good conditions, driven to outside?<br><br>(Exhaust de secadora en buenas condiciones, conducido al exterior?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish plumbing survey with the laundry? (Término evaluación de plomeria en área de lavandería?)


  • How many bathrooms has the property? (Cuantos baños que tiene la propiedad:)

  • Select type of bathroom: (Seleccione tipo de baño:)

  • Where is located this bathroom? (Donde se localiza este baño?)

  • What is the bedroom with this bathroom? (Cual es la recamara donde se localiza este Bano?)

  • Bathroom sink clean as well faucet in good conditions without leaks? Include plug in revision.<br><br>(Lavabo limpio y en buenas condiciones, asi como la llave mezcladora sin fugas? Incluya el tapon en la revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink faucets with shut off valves free access and hoses in good conditions, without leaks and rusted?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora con valvulas de cierre de facil accesso, y mangueras en buenas condiciones, sin fugas in oxidadas?<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink draining properly, no leaks under sink, and odorless?<br><br>(Lavabo drenando correctamente, sin fugas y malos olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet clean, sealed base, and toilet seat in good condition?<br><br>(Sanitario limpio, base sellada, y asiento de sanitario en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet tank with fill valve and flapper in good conditions? No leaks inside tank.<br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de llenado y valvula y de descarga en buenas condiciones? Sin fuga dentro de tanque.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet with shut off valves with free access and hose connections in good conditions? <br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de cierre con facil accesso y mangueras en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet flushing properly, without leaks? (Sanitario descarga de mantra correcta y sin fugas?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • This bathroom has bathtub? (Este bano tiene bañera?)

  • Faucet set in good conditions, without leaks? Including shower head in revision.<br><br>(Juego de valvulas mezcladora en buenas condiciones, sin fuga? Incluya cebolleta en revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub clean and good conditions, including drain plug?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub draining properly, and odorless? (La banera drena correctamente, sin malos olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub with hydro pneumatic system?<br><br>(La bañera tiene sistema hidroneumático?)

  • Bathtub hydro system working properly? Include whole injectors in revision.<br><br>Sistema hidro neumatico de la banera funciona correctamente? Incluya inyectores dentro de la revision.

  • Faucet in good conditions, without leaks? Including shower head in revision.<br><br>(Llave mezcladora en buenas condiciones, sin fuga? Incluya cebolleta en revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Shower is clean and draining properly? Include drain cover in revision.<br><br>(Area de regadera esta limpia y drenando correctamente? Incluya tapa de drenaje en la revision.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of the Bathroom evaluated. (Tome una imagen sobre el baño evaluado.)

  • Where is located this bathroom? (Donde se localiza este baño?)

  • Guest bathroom. (Bano de visitas.)

  • What is the bedroom with half bathroom? (Cual es la recamara con medio Bano?)

  • What is the stair with half bathroom? (Cual es la escalera con medio Bano?)

  • Bathroom sink clean as well faucet in good conditions without leaks? Include plug in revision.<br><br>(Lavabo limpio y en buenas condiciones, asi como la llave mezcladora sin fugas? Incluya el tapon en la revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink faucets with shut off valves free access and hoses in good conditions, without leaks and rusted?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora con valvulas de cierre de facil accesso, y mangueras en buenas condiciones, sin fugas in oxidadas?<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink draining properly, no leaks under sink, and odorless?<br><br>(Lavabo drenando correctamente, sin fugas y malos olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet clean, sealed base, and toilet seat in good condition?<br><br>(Sanitario limpio, base sellada, y asiento de sanitario en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet tank with fill valve and flapper in good conditions? No leaks inside tank.<br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de llenado y valvula y de descarga en buenas condiciones? Sin fuga dentro de tanque.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet with shut off valves with free access and hose connections in good conditions? <br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de cierre con facil accesso y mangueras en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet flushing properly, without leaks? (Sanitario descarga de mantra correcta y sin fugas?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of the Bathroom evaluated. (Tome una imagen sobre el baño evaluado.)

  • Bathroom:

  • Bathroom #
  • Select type of bathroom: (Seleccione tipo de baño:)

  • Where is located this bathroom? (Donde se localiza este baño?)

  • What is the bedroom with this bathroom? (Cual Es la recamara donde se localiza este Bano?)

  • Bathroom sink clean as well faucet in good conditions without leaks? Include plug in revision.<br><br>(Lavabo limpio y en buenas condiciones, asi como la llave mezcladora sin fugas? Incluya el tapon en la revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink faucets with shut off valves free access and hoses in good conditions, without leaks and rusted?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora con valvulas de cierre de facil accesso, y mangueras en buenas condiciones, sin fugas in oxidadas?<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink draining properly, no leaks under sink, and odorless?<br><br>(Lavabo drenando correctamente, sin fugas y malos olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet clean, sealed base, and toilet seat in good condition?<br><br>(Sanitario limpio, base sellada, y asiento de sanitario en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet tank with fill valve and flapper in good conditions? No leaks inside tank.<br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de llenado y valvula y de descarga en buenas condiciones? Sin fuga dentro de tanque.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet with shut off valves with free access and hose connections in good conditions? <br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de cierre con facil accesso y mangueras en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet flushing properly, without leaks? (Sanitario descarga de mantra correcta y sin fugas?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • This bathroom has bathtub? (Este bano tiene bañera?)

  • Faucet set in good conditions, without leaks? Including shower head in revision.<br><br>(Juego de valvulas mezcladora en buenas condiciones, sin fuga? Incluya cebolleta en revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub clean and good conditions, including drain plug?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub draining properly, and odorless? (La banera drena correctamente, sin malos olores?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathtub with hydro pneumatic system?<br><br>(La bañera tiene sistema hidroneumático?)

  • Bathtub hydro system working properly? Include whole injectors in revision.<br><br>Sistema hidro neumatico de la banera funciona correctamente? Incluya inyectores dentro de la revision.

  • Faucet in good conditions, without leaks? Including shower head in revision.<br><br>(Llave mezcladora en buenas condiciones, sin fuga? Incluya cebolleta en revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Shower is clean and draining properly? Include drain cover in revision.<br><br>(Area de regadera esta limpia y drenando correctamente? Incluya tapa de drenaje en la revision.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of the Bathroom evaluated. (Tome una imagen sobre el baño evaluado.)

  • Where is located this bathroom? (Donde se localiza este baño?)

  • This is Guest bathroom. (Este es el Bano de visitas.)

  • What is the bedroom with half bathroom? (Cual es la recamara con medio Bano?)

  • What is the stair with half bathroom? (Cual es la escalera con medio Bano?)

  • Bathroom sink clean as well faucet in good conditions without leaks? Include plug in revision.<br><br>(Lavabo limpio y en buenas condiciones, asi como la llave mezcladora sin fugas? Incluya el tapon en la revision.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink faucets with shut off valves free access and hoses in good conditions, without leaks and rusted?<br><br>(Llave mezcladora con valvulas de cierre de facil accesso, y mangueras en buenas condiciones, sin fugas in oxidadas?<br><br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Bathroom sink draining properly, no leaks under sink, and odorless?<br><br>(Lavabo drenando correctamente, sin fugas y malos olores?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet clean, sealed base, and toilet seat in good condition?<br><br>(Sanitario limpio, base sellada, y asiento de sanitario en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet tank with fill valve and flapper in good conditions? No leaks inside tank.<br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de llenado y valvula y de descarga en buenas condiciones? Sin fuga dentro de tanque.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet with shut off valves with free access and hose connections in good conditions? <br><br>(Sanitario con valvula de cierre con facil accesso y mangueras en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Toilet flushing properly, without leaks? (Sanitario descarga de mantra correcta y sin fugas?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of the Bathroom evaluated. (Tome una imagen sobre el baño evaluado.)

  • Did you finish plumbing survey in bathrooms? (Termino evaluacion de plomeria en baños de la propiedad?)

Water Heater

  • How many water heater are in property? (Cuantos calentadores de agua hay en la propiedad?)

  • Where is located the water heater? (Donde esta ubicado el calentador de agua?)

  • Verify area is venting or exhaust connected to outside, check for leaks in gas connections.<br><br>(Verifique que el area este ventilada, o tenga conexion al exterior, Verifique por fugas de gas en conexiones.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • If water heater is outside , must to be under roof covering of rain and wet weather?<br><br>(Si el calentador esta en exterior debera tener una cubierta que lo proteja de lluvia y humedad?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Type of heating element in water heater? (Tipo de elemento en calentador de agua?)

  • Register brand and gallon capacity: (Registre marca y capacidad en galones:)

  • Verify conditions in water hose and nipples connections with shut off valve in cold water incoming?<br><br>(Verifique condiciones en mangueras, niples y valvula de cierre de agua fria y caliente?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Verify TPRV security valve installed and in good condition, as well piped to floor level with no more than one elbow? <br><br>(Verifique valvula de alivio en buenas condiciones, con tuberia hasta el nivel de piso, y no mas de un codo en su trajectoria?)z

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Gas valve away no more than 6 feet of water heater, in good conditions and free access? <br><br>(Valvula de cierre de gas en calentador de agua alejada no mas de 1.8 metros, en buenas condiciones y de facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • If water heater is outside , must to be under roof covering of rain and wet weather?<br><br>(Si el calentador esta en exterior debera tener una cubierta que lo proteja de lluvia y humedad?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Water heaters

  • Water heater#
  • Where is located the water heater? (Donde esta ubicado el calentador de agua?)

  • Verify area is venting or exhaust connected to outside, check for leaks in gas connections.<br><br>(Verifique que el area este ventilada, o tenga conexion al exterior, Verifique por fugas de gas en conexiones.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • If water heater is outside , must to be under roof covering of rain and wet weather?<br><br>(Si el calentador esta en exterior debera tener una cubierta que lo proteja de lluvia y humedad?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Type of heating element in water heater? (Tipo de elemento en calentador de agua?)

  • Register brand and gallon capacity: (Registre marca y capacidad en galones:)

  • Verify conditions in water hose and nipples connections with shut off valve in cold water incoming?<br><br>(Verifique condiciones en mangueras, niples y valvula de cierre de agua fria y caliente?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Verify TPRV security valve installed and in good condition, as well piped to floor level with no more than one elbow? <br><br>(Verifique valvula de alivio en buenas condiciones, con tuberia hasta el nivel de piso, y no mas de un codo en su trajectoria?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Gas valve away no more than 6 feet of water heater, in good conditions and free access? <br><br>(Valvula de cierre de gas en calentador de agua alejada no mas de 1.8 metros, en buenas condiciones y de facil accesso?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish with water heater survey? (Termino la evaluacion de lots calentadores de agua?)

Cistern tank and Hydro pneumatic system (Tanque cisterna y Sistema hidroneumatico)

  • The property has cistern tank? ( La propiedad tiene tanque cisterna?)

  • Where is located the cistern tank? (Donde esta ubicado el tanque cisterna?)

  • What is the capacity of the cistern tank? (Cual es la capacidad del tanque cisterna?

  • What is the capacity of the hydro pneumatic system? Register brand, model and Serie: Cual es la capacidad del sistema hidro neumatico? Registre marca, modelo, y serie.

  • The cistern tank is clean and his access is controlled? <br><br>(La cisterna esta limpia y su accesso es segura y controlado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Automatic fill valve of cistern tank works properly, and With shut off valve in good conditions?<br><br>(El sistema de llenado de la cisterna trabaja apropiadamente , y con valvula de cierre en buenas condiciones?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Hydro pneumatic system working properly, without leaks and shut off valves in good conditions?<br><br>(Sistema hidro neumatico opera correctamente, sin fugas y con valvula de cierre manual en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • The cistern tank is clean and his access is controlled? <br><br>(La cisterna esta limpia y su accesso es segura y controlado?)

  • Did you finish with cistern tank and hydro pneumatic system survey?<br><br>(Termino la evalauacion de la cisterna y del sistema hidro neumatico?)

Manhole drainage and Roof gutters. (Registros de drenaje y desagues de techo)

  • Do the property has manholes and roof gutters with downspouts?<br><br>(La propiedad cuenta con acceso a techo para chequeo de drenajes y ductos de drenaje de lluivia?)

  • Check manholes and caps in good conditions, odorless? <br><br>(Verifique registros de drenaje, tenga las tapas colocadas, libre de olores?)<br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check drainage gutters from roof, clean and good conditions.<br><br>(Verifique desagues de azotea que eaten limpios y en buenas condiciones.)<br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish with manhole and gutters drainage survey?

Garden and patio irrigation system. (Sistema de irrigacion de jardines y patios.)

  • Do the property has garden and back yard? (La propiedad cuenta con Jardin y patio con cesped?)

  • Do the property has irrigation system? (La propiedad cuenta con sistema de irrigacion?)

  • Check irrigation system working properly, without leaks and shut off valve in good condition?<br><br>(Verifique el sistema de irrigacion de los jardines que opere correctamente, sin fugas y con valvula de cierre manual en buenas condiciones? <br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Did you finish with irrigation system for patio and garden survey?

Water fountain. (Fuente de Agua.)

  • Do the property has water fountain? (La propiedad cuenta con Fuentes de agua.?)

  • If property has more than one water fountain add:

  • Water fountain #
  • Check fountain pump is working properly, without leaks and shut off valve in good condition?<br><br>(Verifique el sistema de bombeo de la fuente que opere correctamente, sin fugas y con valvula de cierre manual en buenas condiciones?)<br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about plumbing survey: (Comentarios en general sobre la evaluacion de plomeria:)



  • This checklist will carried out by a certified structural technician, according with civil regulations and standards, as well by SHEM recommends. (La evaluación de acabados y estructural será llevado a cabo por un técnico certificado con conocimientos en regulaciones y estándares en ingeniería civil, así como también los requerimientos de SHEM.

  • Interior of entire house must to be freshly painted white. Use lead Berelinte 843 for walls and Berelinte 823 for the ceilings. Paint exterior house as well.

  • Select rooms, interior and exterior areas in the property to evaluate: (Seleccione los cuartos y áreas interiores y exteriores a ser evaluadas en la propiedad:)

Main entrance finishing. (Acabados en entrada principal)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, hard wood, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, duela danada, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, weather strip, noise levels.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, cubre polvo, ventanas a prueba de ruido.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Kitchen finishing. (Acabados en Cocina.)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, spring hinge.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, bisagra de resorte.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Cabinetry in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Gabineteria en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Breakfast Nook finishing. (Acabados en Desayunador)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, spring hinge in door.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, bisagra de resorte en puerta.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Breakfast table in good condition? Check: paint, table.<br><br>(Barra desayunadora en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, Mesa.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Dining Room finishing. (Acabados en Comedor)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Living Room finishing. (Acabados en Sala)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table, parapets or barandals.)<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, parapetos y barandillas.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Fun Room finishing. (Acabados en Sala de Diversion.)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, parapets or barandal.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Family Room finishing. (Acabados en Sala Familiar)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, parapets or barandal.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Studio Room finishing. (Acabados en Estudio)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, parapets or barandal.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Loft finishing. (Acabados en Estancia)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • In built furniture in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Muebles en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, parapets or barandal.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Laundry finishing. (Acabados en Lavanderia)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Shelves in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table.<br><br>(Estanteria en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Other Room finishing. (Acabados en Cuarto)

  • Specify what type of room is? (Espcifique que tipo de cuarto Es?)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Basement finishing. (Acabados en Sotano.)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Atrium finishing. (Acabados en Atrio)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, concrete, hard wood.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Attic finishing. (Acabados en Atico.)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, concrete, hard wood.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Terrace finishing. (Acabados en Terraza)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, concrete.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Fence in good condition? Check: paint, tighten, safe.<br><br>(Barandillas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, ajustada, segura.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Stairs finishing. (Acabados en Escaleras)

  • Stairs

  • Stair #
  • Select stair to evaluate: (Seleccione escalera que sera evaluada:)

  • Where is located this marine ladder? (Donde se localiza esta escalera marina?)

  • Marine ladder in good conditions? Check: paint, held tight, rust.<br><br>(Escalera marina en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, que este bien sujetada, no este oxidada.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Marine ladder must to have back support in whole way.<br><br>(Escalera marina debera tener el soporte trasero en todo el recorrido.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of marine ladder to keep record. (Tome una foto de la escalera marina para guardar como registro)

  • Flooring steps in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, concrete cracked, missing grout,side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, concreto danado,falta de emboquillado.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Railing in good condition? Check: paint, bars spaced less than 4", 34" - 36" height, no climbing design, tighten.<br><br>(Barandal en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, espacio entre barras no mayor a 10cm. , altura entre 85cm. Y 92cm., diseno no escalable, bien sujeto.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Hand rail in good condition? Check: paint, 34" - 36" height, right side in down direction, tighten.<br><br>(Pasamanos en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, altura entre 85cm. Y 92cm., colocado a la derecha en bajada.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, Sky lights clean.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring steps in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, hard wood, side lining, anti slip tape.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, duela danada, zoclo, cinta anti derrapante.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Railing in good condition? Check: paint, bars spaced less than 4", 34" - 36" height, no climbing design, tighten.<br><br>(Barandal en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, espacio entre barras no mayor a 10cm. , altura entre 85cm. Y 92cm., diseno no escalable, bien sujeto.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Hand rail in good condition? Check: paint, 34" - 36" height, right side in down direction, tighten.<br><br>(Pasamanos en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, altura entre 85cm. Y 92cm., colocado a la derecha en bajada.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Hallway finishing. (Acabados en Pasillos)

  • Hallways

  • Hallway #
  • Select Hallway to evaluate: (Seleccione pasillo que sera evaluado:)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, Sky lights clean.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, hard wood, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, duela danada, zoclo)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids Mylar screen.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores cubierta de Mylar.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Parapet in good condition? Check: paint, parapet height 44" , tighten.<br><br>(Parapetos en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, altura 112cmp.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Bedrooms finishing. (Acabados en Recamaras)

  • Bedrooms

  • Bedroom #
  • Select bedroom to evaluate: (Seleccione recamara que sera evaluado:)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, spikes, screws, holes.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, hard wood, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, duela danada, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, anti noise in Windows.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, ventanas a prueba de ruido.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Closet finishing. (Acabados en Armario)

  • Closet. (Armario)

  • Closet (Armario) #
  • Select location of closet to evaluate: (Seleccione localizacion del armario que sera evaluado:)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, anti noise in Windows.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, ventanas a prueba de ruido.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Built in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table, fancy mirror.<br><br>(Armario en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, espejo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Bathrooms finishing. (Acabados en Baños)

  • Bathrooms

  • Bathroom #
  • Select location of bathroom to evaluate: (Seleccione localizacion del baño que sera evaluado:)

  • Select hallway with this bathroom: (Seleccione el pasillo con este bano:)

  • Select stair with this bathroom: (Seleccione la escalera con este bano:)

  • Select bedroom with this bathroom: (Seleccione la recamara con este bano:)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Windows and doors in good condition? Check: paint, glass, slide and lock properly, fly screen, blinds, grids, anti noise in Windows.<br><br>(Ventanas y puertas en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, vidrios, cierren y deslizen correctamente,mosquiteras, persianas, protectores, ventanas a prueba de ruido.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Sink cabinet in good condition? Check: paint, doors ,hinges, drawers, shelves, table, fancy mirror.<br><br>(Gabinete de lavabo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas, bisagras , cajones, estanterias, madera, material de mesa de trabajo, espejo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Service Closet finishing. (Acabados en Armarios de servicio)

  • Service Closet. (Armarios de Servicio)

  • Service Closet (Armario de Servicio) #
  • Select location of Service Closet to evaluate: (Seleccione localizacion del armario de servicio que sera evaluado:)

  • What is the hallway with this service closet? (Cual es el pasillo con este armario de servicio?)

  • What is the stair with this service closet? (Cual es la escalera con este armario de servicio?)

  • What is the bedroom with this service closet? (Cual es la recamara con este armario de servicio?)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs, tiles.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Ceiling in good conditions? Check: paint, wet signs.<br><br>(Techo en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura , signos de humedad.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, side lining.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Doors in good condition? Check: paint, hinges, stoppers, and locks.<br><br>(Puerta en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, bisagra , topes, y cerraduras.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Shelves in good condition? Check: paint, slide door. <br><br>(Estanteria en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, puertas deslizantes.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Carport finishing. (Acabados en Cochera)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, concrete.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, falta de emboquillado concreto.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Doors and garage door in good condition? Check: paint, hinges, stoppers, locks, as well automatic system for garage door. Include Remote control.<br><br>(Puerta y puerta de cochera en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, bisagra , topes, y cerraduras y sistema automatico de cierre, incluyendo el control remoto.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Patio finishing. (Acabados en Patio)

  • Walls in good conditions? Check: paint.<br><br>(Muros en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pintura, signos de humedad, azulejos, clavos, tornillos, agujeros.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Flooring in good conditions? Check: visible crack, bonding, missing tiles, missing grout, concrete, hard wood.<br><br>(Piso en buenas condiciones? Verifique: Grietas visibles, hundimientos, azulejos faltantes, falta de emboquillado, zoclo.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Yard in good condition? Check: yard and trees in good conditions.)<br><br>(Pasto en buenas condiciones? Verifique: pasto cortado, arboles podados.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Demand application? Apply insecticide demand whole perimeter of house.<br><br>(Aplicar insecticida demand en todo el perimetro exterior de la propiedad.)

  • Insecticide applied in this date: (Insecticida aplicado en esta fecha:)

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Garden finishing. (Acabados en Jardin)

  • Garden in good conditions? Check: grass, trees pruned, clean.<br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Demand application? Apply insecticide demand whole perimeter of house.<br><br>(Aplicar insecticida demand en todo el perimetro exterior de la propiedad.)

  • Insecticide applied in this date: (Insecticida aplicado en esta fecha:)

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Roof finishing. (Acabados en Azotea)

  • Roof in good conditions? Check: Clean, waterproofing material, down spots, gutter.<br><br>(Azotea en buenas condiciones? Verifique: limpieza, impermeabilizante, bajadas de agua, canales.<br>

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of this area to keep record. (Tome una foto del area para guardar como registro)

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about finishing in property: (Comentarios en general sobre los acabados en la propiedad:)



  • This procedure will be performed by a certified Appliances technician following advertisements and manufacturing recommendations about electric hazard and mechanical dangerous in equipments evaluated. Este procedimiento sera llevado a cabo por un tecnico certificado en linea Blanca siguiendo rigurosamente todos los procedimientos de seguridad para evitar accidentes por choque eléctrico y mecánico en los equipos que serán evaluados.

  • Select inbuilt appliances in the property. Seleccione los aparatos de linea blanca que posee la propiedad)

Dishwasher survey. (Evaluacion de Lava vajillas.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of dishwasher? Check: door, assembly, canister, controls. <br><br>(Verifique que la lava vajillas este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, ensambles, canastas, controles de operacion.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check dishwasher connected properly into GFCI? Check: wire in one piece.<br><br>(Verifique que la lava vajillas este conectada correctamente en un GFCI?). Cheque: cableado en solo una pieza.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check dishwasher plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: shut off valves and drainage connection tight and in good conditions.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria de la lava vajillas este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones? Cheque: valvulas de cierre manual, y conexiones a drenaje aseguradas y sin fugas.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test running a cycle of washing, verify working ok?<br><br>(Haag una prueba corriendo un ciclo de lavado, verifique que funciona correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of dishwasher. (Tome una foto de la Lava vajillas.)

Freezer survey. (Evaluacion de la Congeladora.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of freezer? Check: door, assembly, canister, controls. <br><br>(Verifique que la congeladora este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, ensambles, canastas, controles de operacion.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check freezer wired properly into grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que la congeladora este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Verify is working ok? (Asegurese que esta trabajando bien?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of freezer. (Tome una foto de la Congeladora.)

Refrigerator survey. (Evaluacion del Refrigerador.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of refrigerator? Check: door, assembly, canister, controls, water filter, air filter.<br><br>(Verifique que el Refrigerador este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, ensambles, canastas, controles de operacion, filtro de agua, filtro de aire.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check Refrigerator wired properly into grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que el Refrigerador este conectado correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check Refrigerator plumbing installation in good conditions? <br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria del Refrigerador este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Verify is working ok? Check: Right temperature, water dispenser.<br><br>(Asegurese que esta trabajando bien? Cheque: Temperatura correcta, dispensador de agua.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Refrigerator. (Tome una foto del Refrigerador.)

Garbage Disposal survey. (Evaluacion de Triturador de Alimentos.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of garbage disposal? (Verifique que la lava vajillas este en buenas condiciones?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check garbage disposal connected properly into GFCI? (Verifique que el Triturador de Alimentos este conectado correctamente en un GFCI?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check garbage disposal plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: leaks, odorless.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria del Triturador de Alimentos este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones?, no fugas, in malos olores.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test running a cycle of garbage disposal, verify working ok? As well make sure wall switch is ok.<br><br>(Haga una prueba corriendo un ciclo de triturado, verifique que funciona correctamente? Asi mismo verifica que el interruptor de pared funciona correctamente.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Garbage Disposal. (Tome una foto del Triturador de Alimentos.)

Range Hood survey (Evaluacion de la Campana Extractora.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of range hood? Check: filters, lights, blower, clean and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la campana extractora este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: filtros, luces, motor, limpieza y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check range hood wired properly into Grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que la campana extractora este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check range hood plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: exhaust duct connected to outside.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria de la campana extractora este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones? Cheque: exhaust conectado al exterior.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on blower in every different speed, as well turn it on lights, and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda el motor, pruebe cada una de las velocidades, asi como encienda las luces y verifique que funcionan correctamente?

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Range hood. (Tome una foto de la campana extractora.)

Stove survey. (Evaluacion de Estufa)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Select type of heating stove in property: (Seleccione el tipo de calentamiento en Estufa:)

  • Select style of Stove: (Seleccione el estilo de estufa:)

  • The stove has electronic ignition system? (La estufa tiene encendido electronico?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check good conditions of gas heating stove with oven? Check: oven door, glass cover in case apply, grills, clean, spot burners and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la estufa de gas con horno este en buenas condiciones?). Cheque: puerta de horno, cubierta de vidrio en caso que tenga, parrillas, limpieza y quemadores y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating stove with oven wired properly into Grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que la estufa de gas con horno este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating stove with oven plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: gas valve away 6 feet. And free a access, No gas leaking.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria de la estufa de gas con horno este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones? Cheque: valvula de cierre a 1.8 metros y con facil acceso, Verifique no haya fugas de gas.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on every burner and oven as well turn it on oven lights and verify everything works properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda cada uno de lost quemadores incluya el horno y su lampara y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Gas Heating Stove with Oven. (Tome una foto de la estufa de gas con horno.)

  • The stove has electronic ignition system? (La estufa tiene encendido electronico?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check good conditions of gas heating stove cooktop? Check: glass cover in case apply, grills, clean, spot burners and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la estufa de gas este en buenas condiciones?). Cheque: cubierta de vidrio en caso que tenga, parrillas, limpieza y quemadores y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating stove cooktop wired properly into Grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que la estufa de gas este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating stove cooktop with plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: gas valve away 6 feet. And free a access, No gas leaking.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria de la estufa de gas este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones? Cheque: valvula de cierre a 1.8 metros y con facil acceso, Verifique no haya fugas de gas.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on every burner and and verify everything works properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda cada uno de los quemadores y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Gas Heating Stove Cooktop. (Tome una foto de la estufa de gas.)

  • Select style of Stove: (Seleccione el estilo de estufa:)

  • Check good conditions of electrical heating stove with oven? Check: oven door, glass cover in case apply, grills, clean, spot burners and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la estufa electrica con horno este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta de horno, cubierta de vidrio en caso que tenga, parrillas, limpieza y quemadores y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical heating stove with oven wired properly into Grounding receptacle. <br><br>(Verifique que la estufa electrica con horno este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on every burner and oven including oven lights and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda cada uno de lost quemadores incluya el horno y su lampara y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Electrical Stove with Oven. (Tome una foto de la estufa electrica con horno?)

  • Select style of Stove: (Seleccione el estilo de estufa:)

  • Check good conditions of electrical heating stove? Check: glass cover in case apply, grills, clean, spot burners and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la estufa electrica este en buenas condiciones?). Cheque: cubierta de vidrio en caso que tenga, parrillas, limpieza y quemadores y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical heating stove wired properly into Grounding receptacle. <br><br>(Verifique que la estufa electrica este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on every burner and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda cada uno de lost quemadores y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Electrical Stove Cooktop. (Tome una foto de la estufa electrica.)

Microwave survey. (Evaluacion de Horno de Micro ondas.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of microwave? Check: door, clean and controls. <br><br>(Verifique que el micro ondas este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, limpieza, y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check micro wave connected properly into Grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que el micro ondas este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, run a microwave cycle and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba, corre un ciclo del micro ondas y verifique que funciona correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Microwave. (Tome una foto del Microondas.)

Wall oven survey. (Evaluacion de Horno de pared.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Select type of heating oven in property: (Seleccione el tipo de calentamiento en Horno de pared:)

  • The oven has electronic ignition system? (El Horno de pared tiene encendido electronico?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check good conditions of Wall oven? Check: oven door, grills, clean and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que el horno este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta de horno, parrillas y limpieza y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating oven wired properly into Grounding receptacle? <br><br>(Verifique que el horno de gas este conectado correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas heating wall oven plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: gas valve away 6 feet. And free a access, No gas leaking.<br><br>(Verifique que la plomeria del horno de gas este bien conectada y en buenas condiciones? Cheque: valvula de cierre a 1.8 metros y con facil acceso, Verifique no haya fugas de gas.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on oven as well turn it on oven lights and verify everything works properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda el horno y su lampara y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Gas Heating Wall Oven. (Tome una foto del horno de gas de pared.)

  • Check good conditions of electrical heating oven? Check: oven door, grills, clean and controls.<br><br>(Verifique que el horno este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta de horno, parrillas, y limpieza y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical heating oven wired properly into Grounding receptacle. <br><br>(Verifique que el horno electrico este conectado correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, turning on oven including oven lights and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba encienda el horno y su lampara y verifique que funcionan correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Electrical Oven. (Tome una foto del horno electrico.)

Dryer evaluation. (Evaluacion de secadora de ropa)

  • Select type of heating element in dryer: (Seleccione tipo de calentador en secadora de ropa:)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of electrical dryer? Check: door, filter, clean, controls.<br><br>(Verifique que la secadora este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, filtro para pelusa y limpieza, y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check electrical dryer wired properly into Grounding receptacle. <br><br>(Verifique que la secadora electrica este conectada correctamente en un receptaculo aterrizado?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check ducting exhaust in good conditions, with grid to outside.<br><br>(Cheque ducts de exhaust en buenas condiciones, con parrilla en exterior.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, run a cycle of dryer and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba, corre un ciclo secado y verifique que funciona correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Electrical Dryer. (Tome una foto de la secadora electrica.)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of gas dryer? Check: door, filter, clean. controls. <br><br>(Verifique que la secadora este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, filtro para pelusa y limpieza, y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check gas dryer connected properly into GFCI.<br><br>(Verifique que la secadora de gas este conectada correctamente en un GFCI.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check ducting exhaust in good conditions, with grid to outside. As well gas valve away 6 feet without leaks.<br><br>(Cheque ducts de exhaust en buenas condiciones, con parrilla en exterior, asi como la valvula de gas este a 1.8 metros, sin fugas.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, run a cycle of dryer and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba, corre un ciclo secado y verifique que funciona correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Gas Dryer. (Tome una foto de la secadora de gas.)

Washer survey. (Evaluacion de Lavadora de ropa)

  • Brand, Model, Serie. (Marca , Modelo y Serie)

  • Check good conditions of washer? Check: door, clean and controls. <br><br>(Verifique que la lavadora este en buenas condiciones? Cheque: puerta, limpieza, y controles.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check washer connected properly into GFCI. (Verifique que la lavadora este conectada correctamente en un GFCI.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Check plumbing installation in good conditions? Check: shut of valves identified, hose water, and drainage without leaks.<br><br>(Cheque instalacion de plomeria en buenas condiciones? Cheque: valvulas de cierre, mangueras de alimentacion, y drenaje sin fugas.

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Do a test, run a washer cycle and verify working properly.<br><br>(Haga una prueba, corre un ciclo de lavado y verifique que funciona correctamente?)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date:

  • Take a picture of Washer. (Tome una foto de la lavadora de ropa.)

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about inbuilt appliances in property: (Comentarios en general sobre los electrodomesticos de la propiedad:)



  • This procedure shall to be carried out by a SHEM officer assigned to post, according to eliminate possible conditions that can cause injuries or fatalities. (Este procedimiento deberá ser llevado acabo por un oficial de SHEM asignado a la oficina consular, en acuerdo para eliminar posibles condiciones que puedan causar daños o incluso la muerte)

  • Select type of property to evaluate? (Seleccione el tipo de propiedad que será evaluada?)


  • Emergency lights in hallways and stairways? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Luces de emergencia en pasillos y escaleras? Detalles en seccion de electricidad.)<br>

  • Electrical panels with working clearance 30"W X 36"D? Details in electric section.<br><br>(Gabinetes electricos con espacio de trabajo de 76cm. Ancho X 92cm. Profundida? Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • Whole electrical panels labeled in English and Spanish? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Todos lots gabinetes electricos identificados en ingles y espanol? Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • Ground fault interrupter in wet locations and exteriors with waterproof cover? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Interruptores de falla a Tierra en lugares humedos y en exteriores con tapa a prueba de agua? Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • Wall switch in exterior areas with waterproof cover? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Interruptores de pared en areas exteriores con tapas a prueba de agua? Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • Wiring according with NEC? Size, color and arrays. Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Cableado de acuerdo a la NEC? Calibre, color y arreglo. Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • No wiring exposed or electrical panels with missing knock out? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Ningun cableado expuesto o gabinetes electricos con orificios sin uso? Detalles en seccion electrica.

  • Grounding electrode with less than 25ohms of resistance in all electrical panel? Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Sistema de Tierra con resistencia menor a 25ohms en cada uno de los gabinetes electricos? Detalles en seccion electrica.)

  • Whole appliances with right grounding? Including bathtub in case apply. Details in electrical section.<br><br>(Todos lots electrodomesticos con tierra bien conectado? Incluyendo la banera, en caso que exista. Detalles en seccion electrica.)<br><br>


  • Water heater with TPRV valve and piping to floor level? Details in plumbing section.<br><br>(Calentador de agua con valvula de alivio y con tuberia conectada hasta el nivel deal suelo? Detalles en seccion de plomeria.)

  • Gas valve spaced 6 feet from every unit that use gas? (Valvula de gas a 1.8 metros de cada unidad que requiera gas?)

  • Gas valves without use, removed and capped? (Todas las valvulas de gas, sin uso se removieron y se colocaron tapones?

  • Whole gas piping connections checked with gas detector? Details in plumbing section.<br><br>(Todas las conexiones de gas han side revisadas con detector de fugas de gas? Detalles en la seccion de plomeria.)

  • Cistern tank and hydro pneumatic with access controlled or locked? Details in plumbing section.<br><br>(Tanque cisterna y systematically hidro neumatico con acceso controlado o bloquedo? Detalles en seccion de plomeria.)


  • Stairs railing with anti climbing design, and starting after 4th step the railing? Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Escaleras con diseno no escalable, empezando desde el cuarto escalon la escalera? Detalles en seccion de acabados.)

  • Stairs railing gap in bars less than 4 inch. And 32" - 34" of height. Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Barnadal de escaleras con separacion entre barras menor a 10cm. X 86cm. De altura ? Detalles en seccion de acabados.)

  • Hand rail installed since 4th step, between 34" to 36" of height, in right side?<br><br>(Pasamanos instalado lado derecho empezando desde el 4to escalon y con altura entre 86cm. A 92cm.? )

  • Marine ladder with back support? Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Escalera marina con soporte trasero? Detalles en seccion de acabados.)

  • Anti slip tape in whole steps of stairways covering step width? Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Cinta anti derrapante a lo largo de la escalera, cubriendo el ancho de todo el escalon? Detalles en la seccion de acabados.

  • Grid Mylar in glass windows and glass sliding doors? Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Pelicula protectora en ventanas de vidrio y puertas de vidrio deslizante? Detalles en la seccion de acabados.)

  • Signal tape in glass sliding doors, to identify that is closed? Details in finishing section.<br><br>(Cinta para senalizar que la puerta de vidrio esta cerrada? Detalles en seccion de acabados.

FIRE PROTECTION (Proteccion contra Incendios)

  • What is the floor of apartment? (En que piso se encuentra el departamento?)

  • Do the building apartment has fire alarm system? (El edificio de departamentos tiene escalera de emergencia?)

  • Do the building apartment has emergency stairways? (El edificio de departamentos tiene escaleras de emergencia?)

  • Do the building apartment has extinguisher in hallways or lobby? (El edificio de departamentos tiene extinguidores en pasillos?)

  • Do the building apartment has fire pump system? (El edificio de departamentos tiene bomba contra incendio?)

  • Do the building apartment has smoke detectors? (El edificio de departamentos tiene detectores de humo?)

  • Windows bedrooms open full fully to escape through in case of fire? <br><br>(Ventanas de recamaras Bren completamente para escapar en caso de incendio?<br><br>

  • There is extinguisher in kitchen located to 3.5 feet from floor with date revision updated? <br><br>(Tiene la cocina extinguidor localizado a una altura de 1.40 metros del suelo con su tarjeta de revision actualizada?

  • CO alarm in bedroom hallway at 5 feet of height with new batteries?<br><br>(Alarma de CO en pasillo de recamaras a una altura de 1.5 metros, con baterias nuevas?

  • Smoke detectors in every bedroom, hallway, stairs and living room, with new batteries? <br><br>(Detectores de humo en cada recamara, pasillo, escaleras y sala, con baterias nuevas?


  • Do the cluster neighborhood has evacuation signals ? (El complejo residencial tiene senales de evacuacion?)

  • Do the cluster neighborhood has carport signals designated?<br><br>(El completo residencial tiene senales designando espacios de estacionamiento?

  • Do the cluster neighborhood has designated fire department spaces?<br><br>(El complejo residencial tiene senales designando espacios de estacionamiento para bomberos?)

  • Do the cluster neighborhood has gas meters, water meters, and electric meters with ID of apartment?<br><br>(El complejo departamental tiene con identificacion cada uno de lots medidores del departamento?)


  • Do the building apartment has evacuation signals ? (El edificio de departamentos tiene senales de evacuacion?)

  • Do the building apartment has extinguisher signals location? <br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene senales de localizacion de extinguidores?)

  • Do the building apartment has carport signals designated?<br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene senales designando espacios de estacionamiento?

  • Do the building apartment has carport signals designated? <br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene senales designando espacios de estacionamiento?

  • Do the building apartment has handicap signals designating car spaces?<br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene senales de minusvalidos designando espacios de estacionamiento?

  • Do the building apartment has designated fire department spaces?<br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene senales designando espacios de estacionamiento para bomberos?)

  • Do the building apartment has gas meters, water meters, and electric meters with ID of apartment?<br><br>(El edificio de departamentos tiene con identificacion cada uno de lots medidores del departamento?)

  • Do the building apartments has community pool?<br><br>(El complejo de departamentos tiene alberca comunitaria?


  • With barrier at 4 feet? (Tiene barreras a 1.22 metros?)

  • Pool height marks? (Tiene marcas de alturas?

  • Directions for use of the pool? (Tiene instrucciones para uso de alberca?)

  • First AIDS equipment? (Tiene equipo de primeros auxilios?)

  • Emergency contact number available? (Tiene números de emergencia disponibles?)

  • Control chemical for pool water? (Tiene control y análisis químico del agua?

  • Do the property has pool? (La propiedad tiene alberca?

  • Ok, we finish with the SHEM evaluation checklist.

    (Muy bien, se ha terminado con la evaluación SHEM de la propiedad.)

  • The SHEM recommends to uninstall pool area.

    (SHEM recomienda desinstalar él área de alberca)

Comments in general. (Comentarios en general.)

  • Comments in general about SHEM evaluation: (Comentarios en general sobre la evaluacion de SHEM:)



  • This punch list it's only unexpected issue finding during make ready revisions.

    (Esta lista de pendientes, se desarrollo durante las evaluaciones de la reparacion de la propiedad.)

  • Select location where the findings has been detected: (Seleccione el lugar donde ha sido detectado algun hallazgo)

  • Findings in Main Entrance. (Hallazgos en Entrada Principal)

  • Finding #
  • List findings in Main Entrance

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Kitchen. (Hallazgos en Cocina.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Kitchen. (Describa el hallazgo en la Cocina:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Breakfast Nook. (Hallazgos en Desayunador:)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Breakfast Nook. (Describa el hallazgo en el Desayunador:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Dining Room. (Hallazgos en Comedor:)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Dining Room. (Describa el hallazgo en el Comedor:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Living Room. (Hallazgos en Sala.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Living Room. (Describa el hallazgo en la Sala:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Atrium. (Hallazgos en Atrio)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Atrium. (Describa el hallazgo en el Atrio)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Bedrooms. (Hallazgos en Recamaras)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this bedroom? (Indique donde se localiza la recamara:)

  • Describe finding in Bedroom. (Describa el hallazgo en Recamara:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Bathrooms. (Hallazgos en Baños)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this bathroom? (Indique donde se localiza el baño?)

  • Describe finding in Bathroom. (Describa el hallazgo en el Baño.)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Closet. (Hallazgos en Armario:)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this Closet? (Indique donde se localiza el Armario:)

  • Describe finding in Closet. (Describa el hallazgo en el Armario:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Closet. (Hallazgos en Armario:)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this stair? (Indique donde se localiza la escalera:)

  • Describe finding in Stair. (Describa el hallazgo en la escalera:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Hallways. (Hallazgos en Pasillos:)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this Hallway? (Indique donde se localiza el Pasillo:)

  • Describe finding in Hallway. (Describa el hallazgo en el Pasillo:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Service Closet. (Hallazgos en Armarios de Servicio:)

  • Finding #
  • Where is located this Service Closet? (Indique donde se localiza el Armario de Servicio:)

  • Describe finding in Service Closet. (Describa el hallazgo en el Armario de Servicio:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Loft. (Hallazgos en Estancia.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Loft: (Describa el hallazgo en la Estancia:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Studio. (Hallazgos en Studio.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Studio. (Describa el hallazgo en la Studio:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Family Room. (Hallazgos en Sala Familiar.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Family Room. (Describa el hallazgo en la Sala Familiar:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Laundry. (Hallazgos en la Lavanderia.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Laundry. (Describa el hallazgo en la Lavanderia:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Other. (Hallazgos en Cuarto.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Other. (Describa el hallazgo en el Cuarto.)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Patio. (Hallazgos en Patio.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Patio. (Describa el hallazgo en el Patio:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Garden. (Hallazgos en Jardin.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Garden: (Describa el hallazgo en el Jardin:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Terrace. (Hallazgos en Terraza.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Terrace. (Describa el hallazgo en la Terraza:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Attic. (Hallazgos en Atico.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Attic. (Describa el hallazgo en el atico:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Carport. (Hallazgos en Cochera.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Carport. (Describa el hallazgo en la Cochera:)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Basement. (Hallazgos en Sotano.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Basement. (Describa el hallazgo en el Sotano)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:

  • Findings in Roof. (Hallazgos en Azotea.)

  • Finding #
  • Describe finding in Roof. (Describa el hallazgo en la Azotea)

  • Take a picture of issue: (Tome foto del asunto:)

  • Has been repaired? (Ha sido reparado el hallazgo?)

  • Has been repaired in this date:


Inventory. (Inventario.)

  • The purpose of this section is to get a inventory list of every inbuilt appliance, inbuilt furniture, special candle lighting, ceiling fan, and blinds mechanism that property has and his respective conditions.

  • Add item. (Agregue articulo para inventario.)

  • Item #. (Articulo #) :
  • Name of item? (Nombre del articulo a inventariarse?)

  • Brand, model, serial, or information useful? (Marca, modelo, serie, o Laguna informacion until?)

  • Where is located this item? (Donde se localiza este articulo?)

  • What is the bedroom with this item? (Cual es la recamara donde se localiza este articulo?)

  • What is the bathroom with this item? (Cual es el bano donde se localiza este articulo?)

  • Where is the closet with this item? (Donde se localiza el armario con este articulo?)

  • What is the hallway with this item? (Cual es el pasillo donde se localiza este articulo?)

  • What is the stair with this item? (Cual es la escalera donde se localiza este articulo?)

  • Where is located this service closet with this item? (Donde se localiza el armario de servicio con este articulo?)

  • Where is located this area with this item? (Donde se localiza esta area con este articulo?)

  • Working properly? (Opera correctamente?)

  • Report to landlord! (Reporte al propietario del mal funcionamiento!)

  • Take a picture to register item conditions. (Tome una foto del articulo inventariado?)



  • This section will be covered by Facilities Supervisor to recognize any special equipment in the property. Esta seccion será llevada a cabo por el supervisor de facilites, y dará un reconocimiento a algún tipo especial de equipo presente en la propiedad para la coordinación de un experto.

  • Do the property has any special equipment?<br><br>(La propiedad tiene algún tipo de equipo especial?

  • Housing evaluation has finished. (Se ha terminado la evaluación de la propiedad.)

  • Get information of equipment such as nameplate, brand, model, serial. (Onbtenga information del equipo, tal como su dato de placa, marca, modelo y serie.)

  • Take pictures of equipment. (Tome fotos del equipo.)

  • Get information of equipment such as nameplate, brand, model, serial. As well information of problem or damage. (Onbtenga information del equipo, tal como su dato de placa, marca, modelo y serie., asi documente informacion visual del dano.)

  • Take pictures of equipment. (Tome fotos del equipo.)

  • Repaired by make ready in this date.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.