Title Page

  • Site Name and Site ID:

  • Date of Inspection:

  • Site Address and Post Code:
  • Site Type:

  • Client:

  • Prepared by:

Site Personnel at Time of Inspection

  • Tap "+"

  • Personnel
  • Name

  • Company

1.00 The Worksite

  • 1.01 Is there a supervisor on site?

  • 1.02 Has the supervisor carried out a Site Induction to all personnel on site? (inc. visitors)

  • 1.03 Can the supervisor deomonstrate adequate health and safety competence on site?

  • 1.04 Have site risks and hazards been identified and suitable controls implemented?

  • 1.05 Have the risks and hazards from the site works been identified and suitable controls implemented?

  • 1.06 Have site environmental risks and hazards been identified and suitable controls been implemented? (e.g. needles, leptospirosis, bird faeces)

  • 1.07 Are site rules in place and are they adequate and sufficient?

  • 1.08 Is there safe access/egress to the site?

  • 1.09 Is housekeeping sufficient? (is the site clear, company vans tidy, adequate storage, waste managed and spoil stored correctly)

  • 1.10 Does the site demise have adequate barriers in place to segregate and protect the public? (i.e. compound fencing, chapter 8 barriers, pedestrian barriers)

  • 1.11 Is there suitable and sufficient safety signage in place with relevant company contact details displayed?

  • 1.12 Are there adequate first aid provisions on site?

  • 1.13 Are welfare facilities available on site? (if not, is the supervisor aware of the nearest welfare facilities)

  • 1.14 Are RF monitors available on site and being used where necessary? (have they been calibrated?)

  • 1.15 Are tools and equipment being used on site fit for purpose, in good condition and tested where necessary?

Traffic Management

  • 1.16 Is traffic management required for site works?

  • 1.17 Is there a Traffic Management Plan available on site?

  • 1.18 Has the Traffic Management Plan been implemented correctly and safely?

  • 1.19 Do traffic management personnel have sufficient training and is there evidence on site?

  • 1.20 Are all chapter 8 barriers (or alternative) on site completely connected to create a secure closed site demise?

  • 1.21 Is pedestrian management suitable and sufficient? (i.e. is there a minimum of 1.2m width walkway available at all times? 1m absolute minimum)

  • 1.22 Is a copy of the permit number, ETON permit and streetworks permit available on site and have they been displayed?

2.00 Site Personnel Safety Awareness

  • 2.01 Are identification cards available on site for all personnel? (if relevant)

  • 2.02 Is the relevant and correct PPE available and being worn by all personnel on site? (i.e. safety boots, hard hats, hi-vis clothing)

  • 2.03 Do employees understand the company accident, incident & near miss reporting process and forms?

  • 2.04 Are Emergency Arrangements in place? (evacuation, fire, muster points, accidents etc.)

  • 2.05 Are employees aware of the nearest A&E hospital?

  • 2.06 Are site personnel aware of any and all the site providers accident and emergency procedures and arrangements? (if relevant)

  • 2.07 Have employees received the latest tool box talks, safety alerts and H&S bulletins and is there evidence that they have been briefed to all site personnel?

  • 2.08 If asbestos is present is do employees know what action is to be taken

3.00 Documentation and Certification

  • 3.01 Is there an approved permit to work available on site? (if relevant)

  • 3.02 Have the relevant personnel booked on to site as per Client requirements?

  • 3.03 Is there a CPHSP available on site? Have all personnel been recorded on to the CPHSP following a site induction?

  • 3.04 Is there a site specific Risk Assessment available on site?

  • 3.05 Is there a Method Statement available on site? Is it accurate and adequate for the works taking place?

  • 3.06 Has a Dynamic Risk Assessment been carried out prior to the start of works? Is it thorough and accurate?

  • 3.07 Do all personnel on site have the necessary and relevant training to carry out their works and is there evidence on site? (i.e. certs for First Aid, Manual Handling, Electrical Competence, etc.)

  • 3.08 Is there an accident book available on site?

  • 3.09 Is an F10 displayed on site? (if relevant)

4.00 Electricity

  • 4.01 Can the system that needs to be worked on be isolated? (if relevant)

  • 4.02 Is there a clearly defined method and electrical drawing for the works?

  • 4.03 Is a complete LOTO kit on site?

  • 4.04 Is there a proving unit on site?

  • 4.05 Is calibrated test equipment available on site, are leads fused?

  • 4.06 Are insulated hand tools available?

  • 4.07 Where applicable has equipment been PAT tested?

5.00 Substances

  • 5.01 Has the site been identified as having asbestos containing materials and has it been reported?

  • 5.02 Is there an asbestos survey available on site and has it been read and understood? (if relevant)

  • 5.03 Has any gas, fume, dust or spray hazards been identified and have adequate controls been implemented?

  • 5.04 Are COSHH Assessments available on site with the relevant information and have they been completed and understood?

  • 5.05 Have adequate COSHH Control Measures been implemented on site?

  • 5.06 Is there safe and suitable storage for COSSH related materials and liquids? (i.e. flammable materials, spoil etc.)

  • 5.07 Have all 'other' risks been considered and the relevant controls implmented? (i.e. drains protected from spills)

6.00 Excavation and Pre-Excavation Documentation

  • 6.01 Are excavation works taking place?

  • 6.02 Is there a STATS report available on site and dated within the last 3 months (28 days for gas)?

  • 6.03 Is there an adeqaute Trial Hole Report available on site showing relevant findings?

  • 6.04 Is there a Permit to Dig available on site and has it been completed by a competent person?

  • 6.05 Are the relevant drawings available on site and being followed correctly?

  • 6.06 Is a CAT Scanner and Genny available on site? (is it suitable and calibrated?)

  • 6.07 Is there evidence that the CAT Scanner and Genny have been used? (have services within the area been identified and marked?)

  • 6.08 Have the personnel on site been trained to use the CAT Scanner and Genny competently? (evidence of certification from an approved provider)

  • 6.09 Are safe digging practices being followed? As per HSG47, do employees have access to a copy of HSG47?

  • 6.10 Is plant used on site being operated in a safe manner? (i.e. has slewing zones been considered, is it being operated from a safe distance to excavation)

  • 6.11 Is there a Thorough Examination Report available on site for all plant?

  • 6.12 Has plant operator received the required training and is there evidence available on site? (tickets, certifications)

  • 6.13 Is there safe access and egress to excavation?

  • 6.14 Have adequate controls been implemented to protect nearby structures? (if relevant)

  • 6.15 Have adequate controls been implemented to protect nearby services? (if relevant)

  • 6.16 Have controls been considered to protect members of the public from excavations overnight or when there are no personnel present on site?

  • 6.17 Copy opening notice / Symology report available on site

  • 6.18 Permit number for Item 6.12 (Enter in comments/ Details column)

7.00 Working at Height

  • 7.01 Operatives had had appropriate training (e.g. roof top safety)

  • 7.02 Is working at height required for site works?

  • 7.03 Are all personnel taking part in Working at Height activities trainined to do so? (IPAF, PASMA, Rooftop Training, RF Awareness Certificates etc.)

  • 7.04 Is the relevant PPE available and worn where necessary for climbing activities? (Harness, Twin Lanyards)

  • 7.05 Is all PPE in good condition?

  • 7.06 Is required PPE tagged, seriallised and does it conform with expected standards?

  • 7.07 Are there PPE Inspection Reports on site for all climbing PPE and has it been inspected within the last 6 months?

  • 7.08 Are portable ladders in good order and inspected?

  • 7.09 Is there a suitable and adequate drop zone implemented for the works?

  • 7.10 Is there suitable means of communication in place for the Working at Height activities?

  • 7.11 Are site fixed ladders in good condition and are they tagged and inspected? (if relevant)

  • 7.12 Are all personnel taking part in Working at Height activities wearing RF monitors where working on a rooftop with RF generating equipment?

  • 7.13 Are all tools and equipment being used at height tethered?


  • 7.14 Are safe walkways designated and used?

  • 7.15 Are site personnel aware of RF hazard exclusion zones?

  • 7.16 Have adequate plans and processes been implemented to ensure site equipment and tools are transported on to rooftop safely?

8.00 MEWP Activities (Mobile Elevated Working Platform)

  • 8.01 Were MEWP activities being carried out on site?

  • 8.02 Is the MEWP in good condition and deployed safely?

  • 8.03 Are thorough examination records available and in date on site?

  • 8.04 Is the MEWP operator qualified and competent? (evidence of tickets and certifications)

  • 8.05 Is there a suitable and adequate berthing plan and has an adequate drop zone been implemented for the MEWP works?

  • 8.06 Is the operator aware of any height or ground load restrictions and have the restrictions been recorded?

  • 8.07 Are all personnel working in the MEWP basket wearing suitable fall arrest and restraint PPE?

  • 8.08 Are tools and equipment being used at height tethered?

  • 8.09 Have the relevant ground personnel been shown the MEWP emergency procedures?

9.00 Lifting Operations (Crane, Hiab, Rigging etc.)

  • 9.01 Are lifting operations taking place on site?

  • 9.02 Has a lift plan been produced for the lifting works? Is it suitable, sufficient and being followed correctly?

  • 9.03 Is all site equipment which comes under LOLER in good condition, tagged and serialised?

  • 9.04 Are there LOLER Inspection Reports available on site for all equipment which comes under LOLER?


  • 9.05 Has the crane been deployed safely and according to the Lift Plan?

  • 9.06 Are thorough examination reports available on site and are they in date?

  • 9.07 Are the relevant personnel taking part in the crane lifting operations qualified and competent? (i.e. crane operator, banksman, slinger with evidence of tickets)

  • 9.08 Have risks of slewing and the load moving been assessed and controlled?


  • 9.09 Has the Hiab been deployed safely and according to the Lift Plan?

  • 9.10 Are thorough examination reports available on site and are they in date?

  • 9.11 Are the relevant personnel taking part in the crane lifting operations qualified and competent? (i.e. crane operator, banksman, slinger with evidence of tickets)

  • 9.12 Is fall protection either in place or being worn by personnel who require access to the Hiab trailer? (i.e. edge protection, guard rail or personal fall restraint PPE)

  • 9.13 Have risks of slewing and the load moving been assessed and controlled?

Other Lifting Operation Considerations

  • 9.14 Have the risks of overhead cables been assessed?

  • 9.15 Is there a suitable and adequate drop zone implemented for the lifting operations?

  • 9.16 Has the exclusion zone identified and non essential personnel/public excluded?

10.00 Environmental

  • 10.01 Is site waste correctly segregated and stored in receptacles that are fit for purpose and prevent waste escape?

  • 10.02 Does the personnel involved in the removal of site waste hold the relevant waste licence?

  • 10.03 Are spill kits available and accessible on site in the event of a spill?

  • 10.04 Have site personnel been trained to use spill kits?

  • 10.05 Are surface water drains protected from run off and spills from site? Are spoil and/or diesel generators correctly positioned away from surface water drains?

  • 10.06 Are generators kept in drip trays or nappies?

  • 10.07 Has noise or air pollution been considered when using plant? Is adequate noise suppression or dust suppression in place?

11.00 Other

  • 11.01 Is the correct type of fire extinguisher available, in charge and inspected?

  • 11.02 Are any suppliers/subcontractors on site approved for the works?

  • 11.03 Is there a COVID-19 Risk Assessment available on site?

  • 11.04 Are adequate COVID-19 provisions available on site?

  • 11.05 Are there aqeuate COVID-19 controls implemented on site?

  • 11.06 Are there any other issues employees are concerned with, which they feel are affecting their health and safety on site?

Inspection Notes

  • Report Summary:

  • NCR & Observations Raised:

  • Coaching, Toolbox Talks and Advice carried out:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.