Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Deliveries, Dry Stores & Transport
Is the dry store clean and tidy?
Is all the stock in the dry store in good condition and not damaged?
Is there food stored on the floor?
Have the food delivery notes been checked and stored away ready for the stocktaker?
Are the team aware that all chilled/frozen deliveries need putting away within 15 mins?
Are food and none food items stored separately?
Is there FIFO (First in first out) in place? Check 5 items to see if they are in date and stored with the earliest dates first?
Fridges, Freezers & Probes
Are all fridge temperatures below 5 degrees C
Are all raw and high risk items stored separately where possible?
Are there no raw foods stored above cooked foods?
Foods covered and not exposed to risk of contamination?
Are all food items labelled with a day dot?
Can the chef explain to you the day dotting process?
All freezers below 18C ( ice cream freezers 15C) not frosted up?
Ice machine clean/scoop stored correctly?
Probe checks carried out as per paperwork? Can the chef explain how these checks are carried out?
Equipment temp. checks complete/accurate/actions recorded
Stock Controls
Is all food in date?
Is all food covered and well kept?
All food correctly labelled?
Shelflife guidance followed?
Food Preparation & Personal Hygiene
Foods defrosted in accordance with policy as outlined in the SFBB?
Are all salad items washed before use?
Is there any high risk foods such as fish stored at ambient temperature >30 minutes
Is there a separate area for preparing raw or high risk food items?
Sanitizer available and in use?
Is there any items around that could potentially fall into food unnoticed and become a foreign object?
Is the handwash area clean? Has Soap? Has blue roll / paper towels for drying?
Unobstructed basin hand wash use only?
Food preperation sink not used for any other purposes?
Have all watches and hand jewellery been removed other than a plain wedding band?
Clean appropriate uniform worn by kitchen staff?
Are aprons being worn when handling unwrapped food?
Is long hair tied back and are they wearing a hairnet or a hat?
Is the staff area clean and tidy and are all personal belongings stored away?
Is there a first aid and burns kits available? Are there blue plasters for use?
Are team members aware of glass policy in kitchen prep area?
Are team members aware of Calorie and Allergens policy if asked or know where to find the information?
No evidence of eating/smoking in food areas
Hand washing observed? Do the team know when to wash their hands as per the SFBB
Cooking, Re-heating & Cooling
Cooking core temp. monitoring and recorded achieving 80oC for at least 6 seconds
Are the team aware to cook through burgers and not serve them rare?
Foods reheated only once not using bain marie or hot cupboard
Can the team explain how to use a microwave correctly?
Are the team aware of the BBQ procedures should they do them? N/A if BBQs not used
Can the team explain how to cool hot food quickly before storage if they have to? N/A if process not used
No contamination risks during cooling?
Are all frozen foods, wrapped/dated and labelled?
Service & Display - Shop
Chilled displays with items requiring chilling at less that 8 degrees.
Can the team tell you that chilled food can be displayed for up to 4 hours but this can only be done once before being discarded? (this process would only really be necessary in the shop if at all)
Hot display for country choice etc kept at over 63 degrees.
Can the team tell you that hot food can be displayed for up to 2 hours at room temperature but this can only be done once?
Temperature records for food held in the SFBB?
Is there adequate allergen warnings and calorie information on display on country choice products?
All team aware of allergens and calorie information if asked or know where to find this information?
Cleaning, Waste & Pests
Are all areas clean and tidy with no food debris lying around?
Is all food equipment clean and disinfected/sanatised
Chemicals held and stored away from food production areas?
No chemicals in unmarked containers
No unsuitable chemicals held (e.g.pine disinfectant/bleach) chemicals should only be purchased from our approved suppliers
Is all cleaning equipment mops etc. stored correctly?
Are the bins cleaned and emptied regularly? Are the external bins secure and pest proof with the kids closed?
Has wastage been recorded if applicable?
Is the cleaning being done in accordance to Arpal Cleaning schedule?
Is there evidence of pest infestation?
Quality Control & Hazard Analysis
S.F.B.B diary up to date and in use?
Has N/A been selected in the S.F.B.B where processes are not applicable?
If there are specials available, is there a HACCP flowchart in place for them? (How they are prepared safely)
If there are specials available is there an allergen list available for them?
If there are specials available is there a food spec created for them to ensure consistent delivery to the guests?
Management & Training
Are the team aware of who their pest control contractor is and how to contact them?
Food hygiene training up to date - check a minimum of 2 people for their online training.
Have all team members received and induction and signed the training record in the S.F.B.B?
If there has been any equipment breakdown etc, do they know what stage it is at to it being rectified?
Records show opening and closing check lists are being completed
Has the weekly temp checks been signed off by the RM?
Is there evidence of a GM check in the past month?
Actions complete from previous visit/audits
Latest version of 2022 SFBB policy held
Structure & Equipment
No Dangerious structures or conditions
No defects to walls/floors/ceilings
No missing diffusers or light covers
No damaged seals to fridges/ freezers all handles in place
No damaged equipment