Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
ISO Standards being audited
- π ISO 9001:2015 (Quality)
- π³ ISO 14001:2015 (Environment)
- π·π½ ISO 45001:2018 (Health and Safety)
- Other
Clause 4 Context of the Organisation.
4.1 Understanding the organisation
Have external and internal issues have been identified that are relevant to the business?
Were these issues and any recent changes been discussed at a senior level?
Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
4.2 Understanding the needs of interested parties.
Has senior management identified interested parties and their requirements?
Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
4.3 Determining Scope.
Has the business scope been reviewed within the last 12 months?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.
4.4 QSHE Management System
Does the a top level business overview determine the business process and including inputs, processes and outputs?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.
Clause 5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
Provide examples of how the management has demonstrated involvement with the management system.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide examples how the management demonstrates a commitment to customer focus.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
5.2 Communicating the Policy
Is the policy integrated across multiple standards?
Which standards are integrated? (add evidence of most current version)
- π ISO 9001:2015 (Quality)
- π³ ISO 14001:2015 (Environment)
- π·π½ ISO 45001:2018 (Health and Safety)
- Other
Does this cover the scope of this audit?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is it approved by senior management?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.
Is the current policy available to stakeholders?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the availability of the policy.
Which policies are available?
- π ISO 9001:2015 (Quality)
- π³ ISO 14001:2015 (Environment)
- π·π½ ISO 45001:2018 (Health and Safety)
- Other
Please expand on the response 'other'
Does this cover the scope of this audit?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Are the separate policies approved by senior management?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the discussion of policies at a senior level.
Are the current policies available to stakeholders?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the availability of the policies.
5.3 Organisational Roles
Is there a company organisational chart available?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the organisational chart.
Clause 6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities
Have the risks to the business been identified in the business continuity plan for the facility?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the business continuity plan.
Has the plan been tested within the last two years?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of the business continuity plan test
Have branch opportunities been identified via the business KPI's or via a SWOT analysis?
Add evidence of the business KPI's and/ or SWOT analysis
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
π³ Have all the environmental impacts of the companies activities been recorded on the Aspects and Impacts Register, including Normal, Abnormal and Emergency situations within?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence of at least three impacts identified by the business
π³ Compliance obligations - Has the environmental legal register been reviewed to ensure compliance and has identified any actions?<br>
Add evidence demonstrating at least three relevant pieces of legislation identified by the business and how they comply
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
π·π½ Compliance obligations - Has the health and safety legal register been reviewed to ensure compliance and has identified any actions?<br>
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence demonstrating at least three relevant pieces of legislation identified by the business and how they comply
Clause 6.2 Objectives and planning
Has the business completed the requirements for reporting business objectives?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
How are the objectives reviewed and communicated?
- Regular staff meetings
- Annual report
- Website/ Internal intranet
- Newsletters
- Social media
- Other
Please specify how the objectives are reviewed and communicated
Clause 6.3 Planning of Changes
π Provide an example of how the business has recently managed change e.g. refurbishment programme, customer requirements changes, new approval of an external provider.
Clause 7 Support
7.1 Resources
People - Are there sufficient and suitably trained staff members within the facility in order to adequately process the requirements of the business?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence a sample of relevant training records
Infrastructure - Are the facilities, equipment and IT systems suitable to operate effectively?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence and images to demonstrate the suitable infrastructure
Environment for the operation - Is the environment and work culture suitable for productive working.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence and images to demonstrate the suitable infrastructure
Does the business use equipment that requires maintenance/ calibration?
Are the maintenance/ calibration certificates for equipment available.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is the certification/maintenance report within validity period?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide a sample of evidence demonstrating calibration/ maintenance
Organisational Knowledge - Have the operators' job descriptions taken into consideration the requirements of the role?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of job descriptions and knowledge requirements to carry out the role.
How does the business obtain information regarding the customer's future requirements?
- No monitoring of Customer satisfaction
- Customer meetings
- Customer surveys
- Customer feedback
- Other
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of how the customer's future requirements are considered
Please specify how the business obtains information regarding customers future requirements (include evidence)
7.2 Competence
Do the staff members have the education, training or experience deemed necessary to fulfil their job role.
Is there a program to enhance the staff members competence level?
Provide evidence of training records and knowledge in order to carry out the role.
7.3 Awareness
Are staff members aware of the QSHE policy? Are they aware of current branch KPI's and their contribution towards it? Are they aware of the latest outcomes to an incident investigation?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of staff awareness of their role within the management system
7.4 Communication
How is the Internal workforce communicated with?
- There is no communication internally
- Employee representataive meetings
- Social Media
- Newsletters
- Internal Intranet
- Notice boards
- Other
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of internal communication
Please specify other methods internal workforce is communicated with (include evidence)
How are external stakeholders communicated with?
- There is no external communication
- Website
- Social Media
- Marketing newsletter/ e-mails
- Other
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of external communication
Please specify other methods external stakeholders are communicated with (include evidence)
7.5 Documented Information
Creating and Updating - Are documents created using standardised, controlled templates?.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of templates and their method of control
Control of Documents - Are the documents controlled in a manner that can not be edited by unapproved personnel?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of controlled documents
Retention of Documents - Is document retention managed relevant to the process?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Clause 8 Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and Control
Are there processes available to meet the requirements of the services provided by the business?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business processes
π³ Are processes consistent with a life cycle perspective?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business process including life cycle perspective
This should include goods and services that have been outsourced. Controls and influences can extend to waste disposal, transportation for delivery/collection, use and end of life treatment.
8.2 π³ π·π½ Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Is the emergency contact list available and complete?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is the evacuation plan available and displayed ?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is the Fire risk assessment and First aid provisions assessment suitable and sufficient?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
When was the last emergency situation at the facility? Was this recorded?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
When was the last evacuation drill completed and recorded?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Are the first aid kits and fire protection/detection equipment adequate and regularly checked?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Are the spill kits suitable and checked?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is there adequate first aiders and fire wardens within the facility - demonstrate evidence of training?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Is there a loss of containment risk of chemicals and or hazardous materials being stored/ handled?
When was the last spill drill completed and recorded?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Was the last emergency drill reviewed? What were the results?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Which staff are trained as the spill team? How are emergency situations communicated to visitors?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Does this Audit include ISO 9001 in it's scope?
This part of the audit should be heavily supported by the ISO 9001:2015 standard and the operational processes of the business.
8.2 π Requirements of products and services.
Customer communication - Does the business communicate with customers in relation to feedback, handling customer property and provision of information regarding products and services.
Provide evidence of the business processes
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Determining Services- Can the business demonstrate it has considered the customer requirements and meet the services, ensuring that regulatory requirements have been complied with?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business process considering the customer requirements
Reviewing Services- Can the business demonstrate it has reviewed the customer requirements before and after services have commenced?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business process reviewing the customer requirements
8.3 π Design and Development.
Planning - Can the business demonstrate it has determined the stages and control of design and development?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business design and development of products planning process
Inputs - Can the business demonstrate it has considered the input stages and control of design and development?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business design and development of products input aspects
Controls - Can the business demonstrate it has considered the control of design and development processes?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business control of design and development
Outputs - Can the business demonstrate it has considered the output stages and control of design and development?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business design and development of products output aspects
Changes - Can the business demonstrate it has identified and managed the change of any design and development aspect?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the business managing change specific to the design and development of products
8.4 π Control of externally provided processes, products and services.
Does the business use external providers?
Can the business demonstrate it manages the external providers?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the management of external providers such as an internal process
Can the business demonstrate it has considered the adequacy and competency of the external providers and the services they provide?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the decision making process for choosing specific external providers
Can the business demonstrate it communicates performance with external providers?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the communication with external providers
Can the business demonstrate it reviews feedback of external providers?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the feedback with external providers
8.5 π Production and service (P&S) provision
Control of P&S Provision - Is the service provided and delivered to the customer as per the specific customer requirement?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the customer requirements and the process being followed
Identification and traceability- Is the service provided and delivered to the customer as per the specific customer requirement?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the customer requirements and the process being followed
Property belonging to customers - Is the service provided and delivered to the customer as per the specific customer requirement?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the customer requirements and the process being followed
Preservation - Have there been any reported damage of customers product since the last audit?
Has a damage report and investigation been communicated to the customer.
Provide evidence of the customer damage report and investigation
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Post-delivery activities - Has the final documentation been completed and present in the job file (e.g. POD, Customs report etc.)?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence and response/feedback from the customer (positive and negative)
Control of changes - Has the business considered and managed a contingency/ deviation from the expected service?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence that the business has considered and managed a contingency/ deviation
8.6 π Release of P&S
Has all the final documentation (e.g. invoice payment) checks been performed as per the customer SOP before the job file is retained.
Provide evidence of final documentation being provided to the customer
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
8.7 π Control of non-conforming outputs.
Have there been any failures/ complaints around external providers?
Have any failures by external providers been recorded and investigated using a non-conformance process?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Provide evidence of the a non-conformance investigation of an external providers
Clause 9 Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurements, analysis and evaluation
General - Can the business demonstrate recent KPI results?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence demonstrating the latest KPI results
π Customer Satisfaction - Does the business monitor customer satisfaction?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence demonstrating how customer satisfaction is monitored
How is customer satisfaction monitored?
- No monitoring of Customer satisfaction
- Customer meetings
- Customer surveys
- Customer feedback
- Other
π³ Evaluation of compliance - Can the business demonstrate specific environmental legal requirements, e.g. utilities measuring, waste management, permits/ licences.
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence demonstrating how environmental compliance is being monitored
Analysis and evaluation - How has the business reacted to KPI/ OKR/ objectives results?
- No reaction
- Celebrated success
- Reviewed targets
- Identified cause of inadequate performance
- Identified and acted upon inadequate performance
- Other
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Add evidence demonstrating how the business has reacted to
Please describe how the business has reacted to the KPI/ OKR/ Objective results
Add evidence demonstrating how environmental compliance is being monitored
9.2 Internal Audit
Has the audit schedule been followed? Have the results documented, recorded and communicated to management?
Does an internal audit schedule exist?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Has the schedule been followed?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Have the results from the internal audits been communicated with relevant parties?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
9.3 Management Review
General - Has there been a senior management meeting that discussed QSHE aspects as required on the ISO standards?
- Yes
- No
When was the last senior management meeting attended by QSHE? Have minutes been recorded?
Please add evidence of the adgenda
When was the last senior management meeting attended by QSHE?
Are minutes of the meeting available?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Please add minutes as evidence
Management review outputs - What opportunities for improvement, changes to the MS or resource were identified?
Clause 10 Improvement
General - What opportunities have been identified that require improvement to improve customer satisfaction, address future needs etc.
Non-conformity and corrective action - Is there a relevant non-conformance process available?
What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)
Demonstrate the last non-conformance and the investigation, closure and improvement processes
Continual Improvement - Provide evidence of an example of continual improvement within the business - process updates, customer satisfaction, environmental improvements etc.
Signature of Auditor
Name and signature of the auditor