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  • Site conducted

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GAP Depot audit

  • Audit Name

  • Location

Audit Checklist Guidance

  • This checklist is an advisory one and must be read as such. It has no statutory force and nothing in it should be construed as conferring absolution from compliance with legal requirements. All reasonable care has been taken in its preparation and it is provided for general guidance without liability. This checklist supports the EU Supplier Qualification Guide especially in the Warehousing Services area from third parties. It sets the targets and controls based on different standards (ISO/TL9000, ISO14001, ISO45001 and ISO27001) to support the selection and monitor its performance regarding Warehousing Services. It should be considered as best practice requirements for Warehousing Services from third parties and be part of the SLA and in respect of ISO27001.


Warehouse area

  • Suitable for use as a warehouse?

  • Located with easy access for large delivery vehicles?

  • Large enough for the contents held without causing excess hazard?

  • Wind and watertight?

  • Standard of maintenance?

  • Windows and roof lights intact?

  • Are windows clean and can they be open and closed where required?

  • Roof watertight and gulley's clear?

  • Is the general work area clean and bins emptied?

  • Are all safety signs in a good condition?

  • Are all areas accessible (i.e. no clutter on the floor)?

  • Are the final exits clear and operational?

  • Are all other exits free of obstruction and clearly marked?

  • Is asbestos content of buildings – labelled where present and protected from damage from lift trucks or goods


  • Are they suitable, in a good and clean condition? (No trip hazards!)

  • Free from debris and other obstructions?

  • Loading and unloading areas – preferable that no reversing is required by delivery vehicles?

  • To be well lit areas to ensure safety of pedestrian workers?

  • Are barriers in place where a fall from height could occur?

  • Mezzanine floors to be labelled with their safe working capacity and afford easy escape (more than one exit) in the case of fire or other emergency. (Loading openings to be barriered using flip over barriers.)

Electrical Installation

  • Are safe and conform to regulations? (regular check , like INAIL MAT and half year check on switchboards)

  • Light fittings as high as possible to avoid risk of damage. (Also placed to illuminate stored items.)

  • Traction battery charging points clearly marked and in a safe, well ventilated place? (Must not be positioned where hydrogen gases could ‘pool’, for instance not near to inspection pits etc. High and low ventilation should be provided.)

  • Are extension cords used for temporary work only? (Not placed where lift trucks or pedestrians would be crossing them.)

  • No exposed wires or frayed cords identified?

Fuel Storage

  • Reserves of bottled gas (LPG) and diesel for fork trucks to be kept outside in a locked cage conforming to requirements of LP Gas Association Code of Practice 7 – Storage of Full and Empty LPG Gas Cylinders and Cartridges

  • Diesel storage tanks adequately bunded? (110% of largest item rule to apply.)


  • Heating units, fuel pipes and tanks safe and protected? (Annually checked including underground pipe work.)


  • Sufficient loading doors for traffic involved?

  • Are roller doors placed on insurance checks register to ensure safe operation?

  • Adequate and properly positioned personnel doors? (Separation of pedestrians and lift trucks / delivery vehicles to be maintained. Denial of access to the public.)

  • All external doors closefitting?

  • All fire doors to be kept clear inside and outside with egress to a safe position outside?

  • Locking arrangements to insurers' requirements? (physical security)

  • Fire doors to be open able from the inside without the need to search for keys (as per fire regulations)

Staff facility

  • Lavatory, washing and mess room accommodation provided?

  • Have hand cleaner and towels been provided?

  • First Aid Box – provided and stocked? (and in date)

  • Is the break/ eating area clean?


  • Visitors Book available?

  • Easily accessible for staff, drivers and visitors?

  • Clearly sign posted?

  • Access safe and unobstructed?

  • Office adequately staffed and equipped to provide stock control and goods Inwards/Outwards documentation?

  • Office clean, well lit and adequately furnished?

  • Lavatory, washing and refreshment facilities provided to minimum statutory requirements?

Site and perimeter

  • Area used for manoeuvring, vehicle parking or open storage adequately surfaced?

  • Are loading areas demarcated and physical denial of access to the public of work areas?

Storage and handling equipment

  • Is area free of falling hazards? (Small or loose items well contained, large items suitably contained.)

  • No items able to roll from pallets – to be secured using cling film or other means

  • Equipment suitable for task and regularly serviced and maintained by competent engineers?

  • Shelves & cupboards in good condition? (No Lift truck damage to be present.)

  • Lifting & stacking aids in good condition?

  • Detailed maintenance records kept for all equipment on site? (Maintenance log should be mandated)

  • Small items of equipment stored under cover when not in use?

  • Safe working loads clearly marked?

  • Weight loading of racking and damage reporting procedures in place?

  • Pallets, post pallets, racking and mezzanine floor equipment suitable for goods stored; kept in a clean, sound condition and inspected regularly?

  • Are empty pallets properly stored? (Not stacked higher than head height. Removed from publically accessible places to reduce children playing on the site.)

  • Are loads stacked and/or properly secured? (Palletized loads must not be stacked if the pallets are not supported over their whole base area.)

  • Are heavier materials stored on lower shelves? (The heaviest materials stored at waist height if they are to be manually accessed. Colour coding system to be considered for items over 25kg.)

  • Are fork lift trucks properly maintained and operated? (In accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Thorough examination of lifting gear Minimum annually. Pre use records should be available for the auditor to check. Adequate ventilation if internal combustion engine powered?)

  • Are fork lift trucks operators properly trained?

  • If ladders used, are ladders in safe condition (safety feet, rungs, bracing, etc.)?

  • If ladders used, have ladders, nonslip surface on rungs?

  • If ladders used, are permanent ladders properly designed?

  • Are man baskets used on lift trucks? (If so these must be complete with retaining pins, and specific training provided to driver and riders.)

Specialized storage and fire protection

  • All specialized storage complies with relevant regulations? (Need to quantify specialized. Combustible? Corrosive? Explosive? Radioactive?)

  • Isolation & labelling of hazardous substances? (Also signage on building for fire fighter information.)

  • Chemicals/flammable stored correctly? (Emergency spill kit (with appropriate PPE) available close to the hazardous goods? Emergency instructions posted on the wall? Eyewash available local to the hazard?)

Health & Safety Management

Health and Safety Management (ISO45001)

  • Do supplier have ISO45001 certification?

  • Do supplier have procedure to comply with local regulations regarding Health & Safety?

  • Whole Body Vibration – Health Surveillance checks undertaken?

  • Training and Fire Drill records available for inspection?

  • Is noise considered to be an issue to the health or functioning of workers (issues such as barriers to communication)? Consider volume of radio systems…

  • Lift truck key discipline – only authorised persons able to use

  • First aid assessment carried out?

  • Display Screen Equipment assessment carried out?

  • Accident and near misses recorded as per local law requirement?

  • All staff properly trained and possessing certificate of competence?

  • Manual Handling assessments available?

  • Risk assessments available?

  • Manual Handling awareness of all workers undertaken?

  • Workplace temperature – If the warehouse is not heated warm areas must be established in cold weather

Statutory notice

  • Are following notices displayed:

  • "No Smoking" signs displayed?

  • • Health and Safety Information for employees?

  • • Is the name of the H&S representative on duty displayed?

  • • Safety signs – First Aid; Fire points; Exits?

  • • Safety Policy statement displayed for visitors and employees?

Fire Certificate or application (if required) available? (If self certificated building Fire Safety Risk Assessment made available)

  • Fire risk assessment undertaken?

  • Have emergency drills been performed within the previous 12 months?

  • Has fire separation between units been implemented? (Which means if fire starts somewhere, it is limited to that unit and does not impact the other units.)

  • Detection, warning, summon fire brigade, evacuation?

  • Fire escapes, fire doors and hydrant points clearly marked and kept free of obstruction?

  • Automatic fire suppression system in place? Is it routinely maintained?

Worker environment and PPE

  • Safety boots / shoes / trainers– At least ‘Safety Basic’ provided, used and in good condition?

  • At least high visibility waistcoats (in cold conditions high visibility coats) worn in the warehouse (with spares available for visitors)?

  • General work gloves available and used by warehouse staff?

  • Correct work gloves available for handling chemicals, with the glove material identified on the risk assessment for handling the substance (Most universal glove material is ‘Viton’.)

  • Safety goggles & respirator available to clean spills of hazardous liquids? (if applicable)

Environmental Management

Environmental (ISO14001)

  • Do supplier have ISO14001 certification?

  • Waste guidance in place and followed?

  • Environmental hazards identified?

  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available for all hazardous substances stored?

  • Environmental guidance given for handling and storage of hazardous substance?

Waste Temporary Depot (Deposito Temporaneo)

  • Waste disposal arrangements in place for:

  • • WEEE

  • • Wood

  • • Batteries

  • • Hazardous substances

  • • Packaging

  • Are "Schede di caratterizzazione rifiuti" available for stored waste?

  • Verify the correct layout of the temporary deposit as indicated in the operating procedures

  • Check for waste identification labels on packages

  • Check the presence of the label bearing black R on a yellow background for packages that must contain hazardous waste

  • Check correct delimitation of the temporary deposit

Waste Delivery

  • Registro di carico e scarico rifiuti shall be updated and filled according to FIR

  • Formulari di identificazione rifiuti (FIR) shall be available for any waste delivery

  • Check presence of first copy and closing copy of the assignment.<br>The c.d.fourth copy can be in original paper format or received by means of PEC.<br>In the latter case, print a copy of the form and text of the e-mail from which it is evident that sending by means of PEC is a substitute for the paper sending.<br>The electronic copy of the form must be stored on the Huawei server together with the copy of the email.

  • Verify that the indication has been affixed to the forms in the field "registration number" of the protocol number of the related discharge notation present on the loading and unloading register.The note must be affixed to the first and fourth cop

  • Check presence of copies of transporters authorizations used for waste management

  • Check presence of copy authorizations installations used for waste management

  • Check presence of copies of intermediate authorizations used for waste management

Quality Managment

Quality (ISO9001/TL9000)

  • Do supplier have ISO 9001 certification?

  • Do you maintain different stock categories (available, blocked stock, in quality assurance, and so on)?

  • Do you have an assigned packaging area?

  • Are damaged good separated an special labelled?

  • Will warehouse activities been planned and monitored to control the resources and tasks?

  • Are the sequences of the warehouse tasks been considered to find the optimal routs of the warehouse? (Ensures that, in the warehouse, the right task is processed by the right resource at the right time and the areas are clearly marked.)

  • Are incoming goods be regularly checked (quantity, visible damage etc

  • Are stocks managed in quantity and values?

  • Are regular inventory controls implemented e.g. : periodic inventory continuous inventory cycle counting inventory sampling?

  • Will serial numbers been tracked?

  • If necessary, is there a temperature and humidity controlled area of the warehouses where climate sensitive equipment is stored?

  • Equipment regularly tested and professionally maintained and records kept?

  • Is Radio Frequency / Barcoding used to ensure error free data transfer?

  • If necessary, are employees instructed and are controls in place to ensure ESD standard ANSI/ESD S20.202007?

Information Security

Information Security (ISO27001)

  • Do supplier have ISO 27001 certification?

  • Are following information in whatever format received, produced whether in paper, electronic, oral form or otherwise been handled only by authorized persons been indicated and kept confidential as there are:

  • • Goods inbound lists?

  • • Goods inbound inspection reports?

  • • Goods in Quality Assurance report?

  • • Complaints and complaint response report?

  • • Goods inventory reports (quantity and value)?

  • • Goods outbound list?

  • • Goods damaged during storage and delivery report?

  • • Goods outbound schedule?

  • • Goods customs clearance documents?

  • Are guidance and control in place that visitors and employees are not allowed to take photos in the warehouse?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.