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Do you need to raise your voice communicate with someone about one metre away?
Do the workers notice a reduction in hearing over the course of the day?
Are the workers using noisy power tools or machinery?
Are there noises due to impacts or explosive sources?
Are personal hearing protectors used for some work?
Do the workers complain that there is too much noise or that they can’t clearly hear instructions or warning signals?
Do any of the workers experience ringing in their ears, blurred hearing or noise sounding different in each ear?
Are any long term workers hard of hearing?
Have there been any workers compensation claims for noise-induced hearing loss?
Does any of the equipment have manufacturer’s information including labels indicating noise levels equal or greater that any of the following?<br>a)80 dB (A) LAeq, T (T-time period over which noise if measured)?<br>b)130 dB(C) peak noise level?<br>c)99 dB (A) sound power level?
Does the noise in any part of the workplace sound as loud as or louder than 85 decibels?
Are any ototoxins being used in the workplace?<br>(butanol, organic tin, mercury, solvent mixtures, fuels)
Are any of the workers exposed to noise and hand vibration?
Are there any other issues that cause you to think there may be a noise hazard present?
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