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Have all items from previous inspections been closed out?
1. Lifting Operation Documentation
Complete Section
1. Do all lifting operations and items of plant have a approved lifting plan?
2. Are all members of the lifting team signed up to the relevant lifting plan?
3. Does all lifting plant hold current hold a current 12 month thorough examination certificate?
4. Have daily/weekly checks been complete for items of plan used for lifting? (eg excavators, cranes , telehandlers)
5. Are items of plant used for lifting on good order?
6. Do all members of the lifting team hold current competence card CPCS/NPORS?
7. Are weekly LOLLER reports completed for all lifting accessories? is the LOLER checks being completed correctly?
8. Are lifting accessory certs printed out and stored in the lifting folder?
9. Do all lifting accessories have 6 monthly certification? Pick 5 items at random and check entry on LOLER, and that current certification is held.
2. Site Environment
Complete Section
1. Have proximity hazards such as overhead cables, near by structures or other plant and machinery likely to cause risk to personal or the lifting operation been highlighted?
2. If using excavator HIAB or Mobile crane are the ground conditions suitable for lifting operations?
4. How safe is access route to the lifting area or crane base, lighting, trip hazards, etc..
5. Are suitable access steps being provided and used to access delivery vehicles?
6. Is suitable edge protection fitted to delivery vehicles protecting the slingers from falling?
7. Are suitable storage areas provided for materials. Are materials stacked neatly without risk of falling.
8. Are flood lights attached to the crane, are they positioned at a suitable height and are all the elements working(if illuminated)
3. Lifting Operations
Complete Section
1. Is the lifting plant set up on level ground? And the correct mats being used as per the lift plan where applicable
2. Are Suitable tag lines fitted? is the load controlled?
3. Are Lifting personnel using suitable communication methods for the working area?
4. Are lifting operations suitably supervised?
5. Are lifting operations conducted using an excavator done safely, and with the bucket off,
6. Are lifting operations being carried out by competent slingers with relevant training and experience?
7. Is there a suitable exclusion area set up? is the area suitably controlled?
8. Are the witnessed lifting operations (Cranes) being done in a safe manner and as per the lifting plan.
9. Are slingers using a suitable means of access to attach or detached lifting accessories when working at height?
Complete Section
1. Are all lifting accessories checked during inspection in good order.
2. Are lifting tags attached to lifting accessories display the test expiry date?
3. Is there suitable storage on site for lifting accessories
4. Is the provided storage being used for unused accessories
5. Are slings being removed from loads after lifting
6. Have loads been landed on suitable bearers allowing slings to be removed.
7. Is rebar being landed on timber bearers, protecting the one-use slings from damage.
8. Are one-use slings only being used for unloading rebar
9. Are delivery slings being removed from use and stored for shipping back to the supplier? Eg: Oshea slings
6-Yard Waste skips
Are skips fitted with lifting eyes and is current certification held on site?
Are waste skips in good condition and deemed safe to use/lift.
Concrete Skips
Are concrete skips clean and in serviceable condition?
Is the safety chain fitted with suitable hook/catch for storage with the bail arm upright?
If fitted with chains (in place of Bail Arm) are the chains clean, free of concrete, can be visually inspected.
Have Canti Deck/s been installed correctly, Back Propped, Legs Plumb with the gates locked preventing unauthorised opening.
Boat skips
Does the automatic locking function work correctly,
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