JGI-AZ: Electrical Audit
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Specific Location of Audit/Inspection
If group Audit- list others involved
Electrical outlets- Are the outlet plates free of cracks, broken pieces and burn marks?
Electrical light switches - Are the light switch plates/covers free of cracks, breakage and is the switch in good working order?
Extension Cords - Are extension cords free of: burns, kinking, evidence of being over stretched, cuts in casing that expose wiring.
Extension Cords - Are all prongs in place and not loose or showing evidence of burns?
Extension Cords - Is the correct gauge of extension cord being utilized for the equipment/ work that is being performed?
Extension Cords - Is using an extension cord as a permanent source of power being avoided?
Extension Cords - have they been inspected and marked for the current month? (Refer to the monthly color chart)
Electrical pull boxes - are all boxes secure and covered with all sides closed?
Do electrical panels close correctly and have all screws in place?
Are the panels labeled on the outside and all breakers labelled inside? (Even un-used breakers need to labelled)
Inspect the panel box itself and breaker switch slots, are they covered properly to eliminate items from being inserted?
Is there a 36'' clearance around panels?
Inspect breakers for exposed wiring, looseness, and overall connection. Are they all in good condition?
Inspect welder leads and main power- are they free of burns and exposed wires?
Have the leads been inspected and marked for the current month ( refer to the monthly color chart)
Inspect lighting and fixtures- are they working correctly, with no burnt bulbs and guards in place where needed?
ELECTRICAL- Office Equipment
Inspect cords on printers and computers. Are they in proper condition with no exposed wiring, no cuts or burns, no signs of stretching, no signs of overheating?
Inspect appliances - are the cords in the proper condition- appliance itself not sitting on the cord and free of exposed wiring, cuts or burns, signs of over stretching, signs of overheating?
Inspect any surge protectors being used. Are they being used properly and are not being overloaded?
Are there any areas that positively stood out that need to be recognized?
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Are there any other items that were inspected that were not reflected in any section on this audit that need to attention?
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Completed audit/inspection needs to be sent to the assigned Manager and Supervisor of area for corrective actions to be addressed and to the Health and Safety Department for record keeping.
Auditors signature