Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Please confirm that the installation has been completed to the Commencement of Work Order document

  • Please confirm that the customer’s Solar System circuits are working accordingly

  • Please confirm that all monitoring / mapping has been set up with both customer & SPOT ON SOLAR INTERNATIONAL

  • Has the customer been shown how the inverter and monitoring system operates

  • Has all of the rubbish been cleaned up and removed from site

  • Ensure that all documentation has been provided to the customer

  • Installer to sign off on the Installation, Testing & Commissioning Checklist

  • The PV Solar System’s Installer shall prepare a complete list of documents and a complete set shall be provided to the Solar PV System’s owner upon completion of the installation.


  • Please confirm that the installation has been completed as per the contract / Commencement of Work Order document

  • Please confirm that YOUR Solar PV Installation is operating

  • Please confirm that YOUR monitoring / mapping has been set up accordingly

  • Please confirm that YOU have been shown how the inverter and monitoring system operates and that you have received a CCEW

  • Please confirm that all rubbish has been cleaned up and removed from YOUR site


  • Solar PV Systems are expected to have an extended lifetime, with maintenance expected of modifications likely at some point over this period. Building or Electrical Works in the vicinity of the Solar PV Array are very likely, for example roof works adjacent to the Solar PV Array or Modifications (structural or electrical) to a home that has a Solar PV System installed. The ownership of a system may also change over time, particularly for systems mounted onto buildings. Only by the provision of adequate documentation at the outset can the long term performance and safety of the Solar PV System and works, on or adjacent to the Solar PV System be ensured.

  • I am satisfied with my Solar PV installation that was completed in full. I do agree to pay SPOT ON SOLAR the balance owing that is due on the completion date of my Solar PV System being installed.

  • Customer Signature

  • Select date


  • The PV Solar System’s Installer shall prepare the following documents and a complete set shall be provided to the Solar PV System’s owner upon completion of the installation:

  • A list of actions to be taken in the event of an earth fault alarm

  • A shutdown and isolation procedure for emergency and maintenance

  • A basic connection diagram that includes the electrical ratings of the Solar PV Array, and the ratings of all overcurrent devices and switches installed

  • System Performance estimate

  • Recommended maintenance for the system

  • Maintenance procedure and timetable

  • The Commissioning Sheet and Installation Checklist

  • If required - array frame engineering certificate for wind and mechanical loading

  • Installers / Designers declaration of compliance to Clause 2.2.

  • Warranty Information

  • Equipment Manufacturer’s documentation and handbooks for all equipment supplied. As a minimum the following shall be included: (i) Panels / (ii) Mounting Frame / (iii) Inverter / (iv) Isolators / (v) Monitoring Devices


  • OFFICE CHECKLIST: Please contact and confirm with the customer that the installation has been completed / monitoring has been set up / ask for relevant feedback in relation to the install / ensure that all Commercial Customers have filled in and returned the RCTI Form.
    Please contact and confirm with the customer that their Final Payment has been made.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.