Title Page

  • Inspection Title (Location):

  • Personnel Present

General Safety

  • Is the correct signage displayed on the door?

  • Is food and drink prohibited?

  • Does the lab have any restrictions in relation to unauthorised access?

  • What systems are in place to restrict access?

Space and Layout

  • Is there enough space to move around the area safely?

  • Is there enough space for safe storage of materials and equipment?

  • Is there enough clear bench space for safe use of materials and equipment?


  • Are floors in a safe condition?

  • Are floors free from obstructions and trip hazards?

  • Are surfaces clean?


  • Is there fresh air, without drafts?

  • Is local exhaust ventilation (LEV) provided to remove fumes and dust?

  • Has an air quality meter reading been taken?


  • Has the room temperature been measured?

  • Are windows clean and in a safe condition?

  • Are blinds fitted to reduce glare or temperature?

  • Is the lighting adequate in all work areas?

  • Is extra lighting provided for close work where needed?

  • Has a noise meter reading been taken?

Manual Handling

  • What type of manual handling takes place in this work area?

  • Has manual handling training been completed by those in this work area?

  • Can you provide a record of this?

  • Would manual handling training would be beneficial? Would you like to arrange training?

  • Are ladders, stepladders, or kick stools used in the work area?

  • Is there evidence of an up to date inspection sticker and record?

  • Is there evidence of pre-use inspections?

  • Is storage organised so that heavy and awkward items are stored at waist height?

  • What lifting aids are available?

  • Have suitable and sufficient manual handling risk assessments been developed?

  • Have all those who are involved in manual handling tasks read and signed these risk assessments?

  • Do you have records of these 'sign off sheets'?


  • Are fire exit and escape routes free from obstructions?

  • Are fire doors clearly marked and kept closed?

  • Are fire extinguishers provided and tested annually?

  • What type of fire extinguishers are available? Are these correct for this work area?

  • Are up to date fire notices displayed in work areas?

  • Are emergency phone numbers near a phone or outside the door?

  • Are up to date first aid posters displayed with names, locations and contact details for trained first aiders?

  • Are first aid boxes clearly marked and kept fully stocked with stock that in is date?

  • Are the locations of eyewash stations/showers posted?

  • Are inspections of eyewash stations/showers up to date?

  • Is there a spill kit available in the lab, with the location posted?

  • Where is the nearest appropriate spill kit?

Work Equipment

  • Does all the equipment work?

  • Who can use the equipment? Is equipment with specific hazards restricted? If so, who to?

  • What preventative maintenance/servicing takes place for the equipment?

  • Are inspections, tests, maintenance, services and repairs recorded in a log? If so, where is this held?

  • If there are guards and safety devices, are these tested and maintained?

  • Can these maintenance/service operations be undertaken safely?

  • Are measures taken to prevent or control specified hazards from the use of equipment?

  • Are hazard and danger points clearly marked?

  • Are there adequate warnings and warning devices?

  • Are there emergency stop controls for the work equipment?

  • Is there a means of isolation from the energy source?

Lifting Equipment/Working at Height

  • Is lifting equipment present in this work area?

  • Is there a work at height platform?

  • Are there cranes and lifting accessories?

  • Are there cradles and hoists?

  • Are there the appropriate inspection checklists?

  • Are there the appropriate examination certificates?

Hazardous Substances

  • Are hazardous substances used within this work area?

  • Is there an up to date inventory of the hazardous substances used, stored and produced in this work area?

  • Are hazardous substances correctly segregated?

  • Are Hazardous Safety cabinets being used properly and in good condition?

  • Are total flammable liquids under the maximum amount allowed per cabinet and laboratory?

  • Are all substances labelled correctly?

  • Are hazardous substances stored in appropriate containers?

  • Are all staff trained in the safe handling, storage and disposal of hazardous substances?

  • Are there process or storage CoSHH risk assessments in place to cover the handling, storage and disposal of hazardous substances?

  • Are these stored on the Alcumus SAT and in date?

  • What are the assessment ID's for the CoSHH risk assessments that are used for processes in this work area?

  • Have all staff read and signed the CoSHH risk assessments?

  • Can you provide evidence of this - sign of sheet?

  • Are students exposed to hazardous substances?

  • Have students received adequate training on the storage, handling and disposal of the hazardous substances?

  • Do you keep records of this training? (e.g., laboratory induction, CoSHH and risk assessment sign-off sheets)

  • Do you use Compressed Gas in this work area?

  • Are cylinders stored properly and capped if unused?

  • Are cylinders properly labelled and secured?

  • Are empty cylinders managed or returned?

  • Are lab users trained in the safe handling of gas cylinders?

  • Are there emergency procedures in place in the event of a release of compressed gas?

Autoclaves/Pressure Vessels

  • Are there autoclaves or pressure vessels in this work area?

  • Are there up to date lists of those who are authorised to use the autoclaves?

  • Is the register of autoclaves up to date? Is there written evidence that these have been regularly inspected?

  • Are autoclaves marked with the date of the last inspection and when the next inspection is due?

  • Are there records of daily/weekly examinations for the proper functioning of safety devices? This can be recorded in a autoclave logbook.


  • Are there centrifuges in this work area?

  • Is there a nominated person responsible for each centrifuge?

  • Are there up to date lists of who is authorised to operate the centrifuge?

  • Is there is a log of rotor usage for each centrifuge and is this kept up to date?

  • Are centrifuge and rotors in a clean and dry condition with no evidence of corrosion on critical parts?

  • Are there written records of inspections and maintenance of centrifuges? Is it clear when the next maintenance visit is due?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Is adequate and appropriate PPE provided?

  • What PPE is provided?

  • Is PPE maintained properly?

  • Is PPE easy to clean, sanitise and maintain and replacement of parts is simple?

  • Is appropriate storage for PPE provided when not in use?

  • Are steps taken to ensure the correct use of PPE?

  • Is suitable PPE available for emergency use?

  • Is appropriate PPE available for use by visitors?

Waste Disposal

  • Is there an identified central location for hazardous waste?

  • Is waste being appropriate segregated?

  • Are proper waste containers being used with appropriate labels?

  • Are proper sharps containers in use?

  • Are needles and syringes being stored properly?


  • Is GM work carried out in this area?

  • Provide details of the GM work.

  • Has this work been approved by the Biological Safety Officer?

  • Have all those working in this area completed and returned the Biological Agent Health Assessment form?

  • Is there a biohazard sign on the laboratory door?

  • Is there an observation window or other means of viewing occupants?

  • Are bench surfaces impervious to water and easy to clean?

  • Are bench surfaces resistant to acid, alkalis, solvents and disinfectants (that may be used)?

  • Is there a hand washing sink (separate from the lab sink) with taps operable without being touched by hand; hot water and soap available?

  • Is there a suitable Microbiological Safety Cabinet (MSC) or enclosure available for procedures involving infectious materials?

  • Is the MSC/enclosure tested (and serviced) at least every 14 months?

  • Are MSC/enclosure user checks conducted (e.g., visual checks, alarm checks, good housekeeping)?

  • Is there an autoclave in the building?

  • Where is waste autoclaved?

  • How is waste transported to this location?

  • Is the autoclave cycle validated for the wild type pathogen/GMM waste load?

  • Are autoclave records kept; load parameters records; tested, maintained and serviced?

  • Are contingency or alternative autoclaves or waste disposal arrangements available (if required)?

  • How is the waste generated finally disposed of?

  • Is access restricted to authorised personnel only? (Door closed when work in progress and locked when not in use).

  • Is there any lone working?

  • Is there a risk assessment in place for this?


  • Are sources of radiation used in this work area?

  • Provide details of radiation source.

  • Have users of this equipment been trained?

  • Is access to this work area restricted?

  • Provide details of restricted access.

  • Are radiation warning sign(s) posted on entrance(s)?

  • Are emergency procedures and phone numbers clearly posted?

  • Are the local rules posted and adhered to?

  • Are the controlled area and supervised area (if applicable) clearly marked?

  • Are written procedures readily available? (if applicable).

  • Is the power supply clearly marked?

  • Is the power 'ON' lamp working?

  • Are the x-ray lights visible from outside the work area?

  • Are all electrical contacts guarded against operator contact?

  • Are all power leads insulated and undamaged?

  • Are records of use maintained?


  • Are lasers used in this work area?

  • What category of laser is used?

  • Are these lasers registered in the Laser Inventory?

  • Are the users of the lasers listed on the Laser User Register?

  • Is there appropriate warning/danger signage at the entrance to the laser area?

  • Provide a description of the interlock system.

  • Is the laser certification label visible?<br>

  • Is the laser class designation and appropriate warning label visible?

  • Is the radiation output information included on the label?

  • Is the aperture label present and clearly visible?

  • Is the laser operated at the lowest power setting appropriate for the activity?

  • Is the protective housing in good condition?

  • Is the beam attenuator present and in good condition?

  • Is the laser table below eye level?

  • Is the beam enclosed as much as is possible?

  • Is the beam directed away from doors and windows? Are windows blacked out?

  • Are beams terminated with fire-resistant beam stops?

  • Do users remove jewellery? Watches, rings, bracelets etc.

  • Is the eye protection appropriate for the wavelength used?


  • Are there appropriate Risk Assessments for the work carried out in this area?

  • Are there appropriate SOPs for the work carried out in this area?

  • Do you have induction records for those working in this work area?

  • Do you have training records for those working in this work area?

  • Are chemical fume hoods/biosafety cabinets/MSCs inspections in date?

  • Are chemical fume hoods/biosafety cabinets/MSCs functioning properly?

  • Do students and staff have access to the Shield remote reporting form?

  • Are students and staff aware of how to record any accidents with injuries, incidents without injuries and hazards?

  • Are all accidents with injuries, incidents without injuries and hazards reported on Shield?



The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.