Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Has site safety checklist been completed
Has cover been reinstalled securely
Sub board securely installed
Switch board/s labelled correctly
Switch board fire rated
All sub circuits correctly protected by rated circuit breakers and RCDs
Neutral conductors in order
All sub circuits and installation pass insulation resistance test
Busbar installed correctly
All items fit off, as per plan
All external vents installed for exhaust fans and range hoods
Items at correct heights, as per plan
Items clear of down pipes
Items protected with silicone
Damage to exterior
Items minimum clearance from gas meter
All rubbish and cable scraps cleaned up
All wall items fit off, as per plan
All items at correct heights, as per plan
All GPOs in working order
I.P switches used where required
Wall items consistently straight, flush & level.
Damage or marks on walls
Damage or marks on walls, multiple.
Switching of lights in correct orientation, in reference to location of lights.
Switching of lights in correct orientation, in reference to location of lights. Multiple.
NBN & Tech fit off (data points, clear ends for cctv and waps, alarm system, speakers & TV wall boxes)
NBN GPO fit off. (Carlisle)
All ceiling items fit off, as per plan
Lights in working order
Roof items flush with ceiling
Roof items straight
Damage or marks on ceiling
Damage or marks on ceiling. Multiple.
Fan and tastic covers straight
Warning signage for recessed lights put up in roof
Roof work completed correctly
Smoke detectors interlinked and full batteries installed
Job swept up and rubbish put in bin
Rangehood plug base secured
GPO's minimum clearance from sinks and tubs.
All data points labeled at both ends
NBN surround installed to WSC
All exhaust fans ducted to roof penetrations
Fit off/count sheet uploaded on netsuite
Unfinished and/or Damage sheets completed correctly