Conducted on
Determine if situation calls for coaching
1: Can the employee do it? If no it is a lack of skills not a coaching situation. 2: Is it about the employees attitude? If yes, coach them. 3: Is it about factors outside the employees control? If no reassess you answers to 1 & 2. If yes, the problem lies with something or someone other than the employee & will require different actions or just living with the reality of the situation.
Build Awareness.
1: Use open ended questions to establish some dialogue. 2: Use forward focused questions to get focus on what we are going to do different in the future. 3: Use advice free questions to get them thinking of own solutions instead of looking to you for answers. 4: Avoid Why? questions to prevent assigning blame & coachee getting defensive.
Move to action.
What actions is the coachee going to take and when as a result if the discussions?
Feed Back.
Good job Great observations Good thinking I appreciate your efforts
Follow up.
Action Follow Up Date.