General Information
Document No.
Space Owner (College)
- Hotel
- Law
Building Name
Room Number
Common Space Name (optional)
Conducted on
Prepared by (email)
Space Data
Link to AVDB Record (OPTIONAL)
Sketch of Room Floor Plan
Room Dimensions (Width, Length, Ceiling Height) Approx
Approx Age of AV Systems
Posted Seating Capacity
Room Type
- Seminar
- Flat Classroom
- Tiered Lecture
- Conference Room
- Group Study
- Flexible Learning Space
- Lab
- Studio
- Clinical Skills
- Other
Current Technology Tier
Projected Type Classificaion
Room Front
Room Rear
Podium/Teaching Station
AV Control Interface
Space Features
Lighting Type
Is Lighting acceptable to allow for note taking and instructional media?
Light level at average student desk measurement (OPTIONAL)
Light level at presentation wall (display system off), window coverings closed and lights on measurement. (OPTiONAL)
External Light Control Type
Do window coverings sufficiently prevent direct light from impacting presentation media?
Light level at presentation wall with window coverings closed and lights off measurement. (OPTIONAL)
Acoustics Type
Is the room without distracting echo?
RT-60 (echo) Decay Time Measurement (OPTIONAL)
Unwanted Noise Source
- Air Handling
- Hallway and/or Outside
- Equipment Noise
- none noticed
Is the room relatively quiet (no ambient noise)?
SPL Ambient Noise Level Measurement (OPTIONAL)
Room Controls ( screen, lights, shades, other) Co-Located?
Potential hazard or access issue (notes)
Potential Hazard Noted
AV Features
Audio- Sound System
- Reinforcement
- Program Playback
- Reinforcement & Program Playback
- none
Is sound system loud enough, balanced frequency response and generally equal coverage of seating area?
SPL nominal sound system measurement for level sufficient above ambient level (OPTIONAL)
RTA frequency response with pink noise measurement. (OPTIONAL)
Video Display
Is the video display system large enough, bright enough, and with sufficient contrast?
Size of video display with respect to furthest viewer.
Surface brightness of video display measurement. (OPTIONAL)
AV Control Interface
Are the basic functions of On/Off, Source selection, and Volume Control consistent with local standard?
Enhanced Technology
- Document Camera
- Electronic Whiteboard or Interactive Monitor
- Networked Display
- BYOD/Mobile Suppurt
- Standards VTV
- Soft CODEC Support
Does the room have dedicated ALS system?
Does the room have simplified usage instructions, including contact information for support?