Job information
Flaggers on site
client name
Contractor Foreman
work order number
Work zone
Address of work area
What is the speed limit
How many lanes
What type of zone are you setting up
what spacing is used
take photos of signs
What kind of taper will you be using
do you have at least 6 cones with a proper taper
take a picture of your taper
describe the work zone
take photos of entire work zone
Are your wearing your proper ppe
- Yes
- No
Hard hat
Class 2 or 3 reflective vest
Safety glasses
Steel toe shoes/boots
Air horn
Walkie talkie
Hard hat halo
Night wand
Do you have a charged fire extinguisher
Is your first aid kit easily accessible
Did you pre stretch
What warning device will you have on you
Who do you contact (on site) if emergency happens
What is the nearest hospital
Hospital address
Hospital phone number
Road conditions
Do you have plenty of water
Do you have snacks
Do you have sun screen
Do you have bug spray
Potential harzards
Name 3 potential hazards and what we can do to prevent this
Do you have all requirements to perform all zones
Paddles with proper specifications
Do you have a black binder
What is your truck number
Did you complete a truck check today
Vehicles free of clutter? <br>
is the bed of the truck free of garbage
Is arrow-board used
Arrow-board number
Are tires in good condition
Are safety chains operating properly
All bulbs woork
Is the crank cable working properly
Are both taillights working properly
Are both brake lights working properly
Flagging Operations
Are you flagging
are you certified
is it visible
is it up to date
flagger is first on site and last to leave
flagger properly cleans up work zone
does flagger maintain 360 view while setting up the zone
does flagger have warning device at all times
is flagger wearing proper ppe
did flagger plan emergency exit in case of emergency
is the flagger at least 40 ft from the taper
can the flagger view the entire zone and not turn back to oncoming traffic
can both flaggers communicate properly by walkie and have back up
flagger does not place paddle inside cones for any reason
flagger is not sitting in truck, leaning on truck or sitting on tailgate
flagger is not on phone for any reason (calls, texting, games etc)
print name
supervisor (when applicable)