
Local Law General Activity Applications

  • Business name

  • Address
  • Date

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Prepared by

Application Details

  • Address

  • Parcel No:

  • Photograph of area and paths

  • Type of Application

Application information

  • Is there documents and materials as per the form?

  • Are the fees paid?

  • Is there any other information or approvals required?

Information Request

  • Is further information required Under Part 2 section 8 subsection 5 through 9?

General Criteria

  • Is a separate approval required under an Act, a Law of the Commonwealth or the Local Government Planning Scheme?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be adequate to protect public health, safety and amenity. and prevent environmental harm?

  • Will the granting of the permit be consistent with the purpose of the Local Law?

  • Will the proposed operation and Management of the activity be consistent with any additional criteria prescribed for the activity under the Local law?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be consistent with Best Practice Management?

  • Does the application relate to trust land, the grant of the permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the trust?

  • If the application relates to a prescribed activity mentioned in section 6(b) the grant of the approval would be consistent with any requirements or criteria specified in the relevant Local Government Act in relation to the approval or permit?

  • Is granting the permit beneficial for the good rule and governance of the Local government area?

  • The granting of the permit would not be detrimental to the good rule and governance of the area?

  • Has the applicant been convicted of a breach of a local law relevant to the subject matter of the application within the last three years?

  • Is the granting of the permit reasonable in the circumstance?

  • Has there been a similar approval under the repealed local laws?

  • Is the application the same as an application for which that the local government has already made a decision refusing the permit?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the amenity of the area, road, or the environment?

  • Will the activity constitute a nuisance or a danger to any person or property?

  • Will the activity obstruct access from the footway to kerbside parking?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the existing services located in, along, over or adjacent to a road?

  • Would not unduly interfere with the usual use and enjoyment of the area or road?

  • Can be lawfully conducted on the area or road?

  • Does not unreasonably detract from the established amenity in the neighbourhood/environment?

  • Is able to be conducted consistent with relevant environmental, health and safety standards?

  • Complies with the local government’s planning scheme?

  • Will not generate significant noise, dust or light pollution or other significantly adverse effects on the surrounding neighbourhood?

  • Would not adversely affect any services located in, on, or over an area or road?

  • Is appropriate having regard to any current permits issued, or application for permits, under this local law for the site including the number of permits, their duration and the nature of any approved activity?

  • Is appropriate having regard to the frequency at which the activity is proposed to be conducted on the site?

  • The number of customers proposed to be taken to the site at any one time is appropriate for the local government area or road?

  • Is the application appropriate having regard to the impact of the activity on other users of the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the adequacy of any amenities or facilities considered by the local government to be reasonably necessary for the conduct of the activity?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the economic impact on commercial operators immediately adjacent to the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the situation, suitability and amenity of the site in relation to neighbouring areas?

  • Is there plans attached showing any temporary structure intended to be erected as part of the activity is structurally sound?

  • Will not significantly distract from the capacity of a road to provide vehicular access and where relevant, pedestrian thoroughfare?

  • Will not obstruct access from the footpath to kerb side parking?

  • Has a current Public Liability Insurance to the value of $20 million which nominates Cairns Regional Council as an interested party been provided?

  • Has all the necessary appropriate safety equipment, warnings and instruction been provided?

  • Will vegetation, soil, sand, rocks, native animals or natural things be damaged or removed?

  • Will there by any damaged or removal of any building, structures, fixtures or fitting facilities provided by Local Council?

  • Will any permanent or temporary buildings, signs, or structures be erected?

  • Will there be any serving or selling food, refreshments or souvenirs?

  • Will the activity be conducted within 30 metres of a stinger net?

  • Has a first aid certificate and all other certifications required by any State or Commonwealth authority been provided?

  • What is the experience of guides, agents, supervisors that oversee the operation of the activity?

  • How will customers and all other person undertaking the activity be transported?

  • Has information, explanations, cautions and warnings been given to customers and all other persons undertaking the activity regarding the hazards likely to be encountered by them?

  • How will the operator access the site for the purpose of undertaking the general activity?

  • Has information been provided regarding the use of any roads, jetties, foreshores or other means of accessing the site?

  • Has public notification occurred in relation to the activity in writing by a letter drop, of the approximate activity date, the time, the nature and scale of proposed activities?

  • Are all approvals in place from DTMR, Police, etc?

Application Information

  • Is there documents and materials as per the form?

  • Are the fees paid?

  • Is there any other information or approvals required?

Information Request

  • Is further information required Under Part 2 section 8 subsection 5 through 9?

General Criteria

  • Is a separate approval required under an Act, a Law of the Commonwealth or the Local Government Planning Scheme?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be adequate to protect public health, safety and amenity. and prevent environmental harm?

  • Will the granting of the permit be consistent with the purpose of the Local Law?

  • Will the proposed operation and Management of the activity be consistent with any additional criteria prescribed for the activity under the Local law?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be consistent with Best Practice Management?

  • Does the application relate to trust land, the grant of the permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the trust?

  • If the application relates to a prescribed activity mentioned in section 6(b) the grant of the approval would be consistent with any requirements or criteria specified in the relevant Local Government Act in relation to the approval or permit?

  • Is granting the permit beneficial for the good rule and governance of the Local government area?

  • The granting of the permit would not be detrimental to the good rule and governance of the area?

  • Has the applicant been convicted of a breach of a local law relevant to the subject matter of the application within the last three years?

  • Is the granting of the permit reasonable in the circumstance?

  • Has there been a similar approval under the repealed local laws?

  • Is the application the same as an application for which that the local government has already made a decision refusing the permit?

  • Will the activity detract from the capacity of the road to provide a vehicular and, where relevant, pedestrian thoroughfare?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the amenity of the area, road or environment?

  • Will the activity constitute a nuisance or a danger to any person or property?

  • Will the activity obstruct access from the footway to kerbside parking?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the existing services located in, along, over or adjacent to a road?

  • Would not unduly interfere with the usual use and enjoyment of the area or road?

  • Can be lawfully conducted on the area or road?

  • Does not unreasonably detract from the established amenity in the Neighbourhood/Environment?

  • Is able to be conducted consistent with relevant environmental, health and safety standards?

  • Complies with the local government’s planning scheme?

  • Will not generate significant noise, dust or light pollution or other significantly adverse effects on the surrounding neighbourhood?

  • Would not adversely affect any services located in, on, or over an area or road?

  • Is appropriate having regard to any current permits issued, or application for permits, under this local law for the site including the number of permits, their duration and the nature of any approved activity?

  • Is appropriate having regard to the frequency at which the activity is proposed to be conducted on the site?

  • The number of customers proposed to be taken to the site at any one time is appropriate for the local government area or road?

  • Is the application appropriate having regard to the impact of the activity on other users of the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the adequacy of any amenities or facilities considered by the local government to be reasonably necessary for the conduct of the activity?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the economic impact on commercial operators immediately adjacent to the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the situation, suitability and amenity of the site in relation to neighbouring areas?

  • Is there plans attached showing any temporary structure intended to be erected as part of the activity is structurally sound?

Application information

  • Is there documents and materials as per the form?

  • Are the fees paid?

  • Is there any other information or approvals required?

Information Request

  • Is further information required Under Part 2 section 8 subsection 5 through 9?

General Criteria

  • Is a separate approval required under an Act, a Law of the Commonwealth or the Local Government Planning Scheme?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be adequate to protect public health, safety and amenity. and prevent environmental harm?

  • Will the granting of the permit be consistent with the purpose of the Local Law?

  • Will the proposed operation and Management of the activity be consistent with any additional criteria prescribed for the activity under the Local law?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be consistent with Best Practice Management?

  • Does the application relate to trust land, the grant of the permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the trust?

  • If the application relates to a prescribed activity mentioned in section 6(b) the grant of the approval would be consistent with any requirements or criteria specified in the relevant Local Government Act in relation to the approval or permit?

  • Is granting the permit beneficial for the good rule and governance of the Local government area?

  • The granting of the permit would not be detrimental to the good rule and governance of the area?

  • Has the applicant been convicted of a breach of a local law relevant to the subject matter of the application within the last three years?

  • Is the granting of the permit reasonable in the circumstance?

  • Has there been a similar approval under the repealed local laws?

  • Is the application the same as an application for which that the local government has already made a decision refusing the permit?

  • Will the activity detract from the capacity of the road to provide a vehicular and, where relevant, pedestrian thoroughfare?

  • Will the activity constitute a nuisance or a danger to any person or property?

  • Will the activity obstruct access from the footway to kerbside parking?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the amenity of the area or the environment?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the existing services located in, along, over or adjacent to a road?

  • Would not unduly interfere with the usual use and enjoyment of the area or road?

  • Can be lawfully conducted on the area or road?

  • Does not unreasonably detract from the established amenity in the neighbourhood/environment?

  • Is able to be conducted consistent with relevant environmental, health and safety standards?

  • Complies with the local government’s planning scheme?

  • Will not generate significant noise, dust or light pollution or other significantly adverse effects on the surrounding neighbourhood?

  • Would not adversely affect any services located in, on, or over an area or road?

  • Is appropriate having regard to any current permits issued, or application for permits, under this local law for the site including the number of permits, their duration and the nature of any approved activity?

  • Is appropriate having regard to the frequency at which the activity is proposed to be conducted on the site?

  • The number of customers proposed to be taken to the site at any one time is appropriate for the local government area or road?

  • Is the application appropriate having regard to the impact of the activity on other users of the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the adequacy of any amenities or facilities considered by the local government to be reasonably necessary for the conduct of the activity?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the economic impact on commercial operators immediately adjacent to the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the situation, suitability and amenity of the site in relation to neighbouring areas?

  • Is there plans attached showing any temporary structure intended to be erected as part of the activity is structurally sound?

  • Will there be any advertising?

  • Will the general activity have any adverse effect on the existing vegetation and landscaping of the area or environment?

  • Will the general activity case a nuisance to any person or a danger to any person or property?

  • Has information been provided regarding receptacles for refuse?

  • Are any structures going to be erected at the vending site?

  • Has a public liability insurance policy in the amount of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) in the name of the operator and noting the local government as an interested party been provided?

  • Will vegetation, soil, sand, rocks, native animals or natural things be interfered with, damaged or removed?

  • Will there be any damage or removal of buildings, structures, fixtures, fittings or facilities provided by Local Government?

  • Will litter be collected and lawfully disposed of at a local government waste transfer station?

  • How will waste be collected from portable toilets?

  • Will the environment be affected?

  • Will neighbouring areas be affected?

  • Where the application invoices any food other than whole fruit and vegetables, the applicant must submit evidence that the food was prepared in the approved premises?

  • If the application is for a vending activity that involves food preparation in the vehicle, the applicant must submit copies of the current certificate of Registration and Licence under the Food Act 2006?

Application information

  • Is there documents and materials as per the form?

  • Are the fees paid?

  • Is there any other information or approvals required?

Information Request

  • Is further information required Under Part 2 section 8 subsection 5 through 9?

General Criteria

  • Is a separate approval required under an Act, a Law of the Commonwealth or the Local Government Planning Scheme?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be adequate to protect public health, safety and amenity. and prevent environmental harm?

  • Will the granting of the permit be consistent with the purpose of the Local Law?

  • Will the proposed operation and Management of the activity be consistent with any additional criteria prescribed for the activity under the Local Law?

  • Will the proposed operation and management of the activity be consistent with Best Practice Management?

  • Does the application relate to trust land, the grant of the permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the trust?

  • If the application relates to a prescribed activity mentioned in section 6(b) the grant of the approval would be consistent with any requirements or criteria specified in the relevant Local Government Act in relation to the approval or permit?

  • Is granting the permit beneficial for the good rule and governance of the Local government area?

  • The granting of the permit would not be detrimental to the good rule and governance of the area?

  • Has the applicant been convicted of a breach of a local law relevant to the subject matter of the application within the last three years?

  • Is the granting of the permit reasonable in the circumstance?

  • Has there been a similar approval under the repealed local laws?

  • Is the application the same as an application for which that the local government has already made a decision refusing the permit?

  • Will the activity detract from the capacity of the road to provide a vehicular and, where relevant, pedestrian thoroughfare?

  • Will the activity constitute a nuisance or a danger to any person or property?

  • Will the activity obstruct access from the footway to kerbside parking?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the amenity of the area or the environment?

  • Will the activity adversely affect the existing services located in, along, over or adjacent to a road?

  • Would not unduly interfere with the usual use and enjoyment of the area or road?

  • Can be lawfully conducted on the area or road?

  • Does not unreasonably detract from the established amenity in the neighbourhood?

  • Is able to be conducted consistent with relevant environmental, health and safety standards?

  • Complies with the local government’s planning scheme?

  • Will not generate significant noise, dust or light pollution or other significantly adverse effects on the surrounding neighbourhood?

  • Is appropriate having regard to any current permits issued, or application for permits, under this local law for the site including the number of permits, their duration and the nature of any approved activity?

  • Is appropriate having regard to the frequency at which the activity is proposed to be conducted on the site?

  • The number of customers proposed to be taken to the site at any one time is appropriate for the local government area or road?

  • Is the application appropriate having regard to the impact of the activity on other users of the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the adequacy of any amenities or facilities considered by the local government to be reasonably necessary for the conduct of the activity?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the economic impact on commercial operators immediately adjacent to the site?

  • Is the activity appropriate having regard to the situation, suitability and amenity of the site in relation to neighbouring areas?

  • Is there plans attached showing any temporary structure intended to be erected as part of the activity is structurally sound?


  • Will the permit be granted unconditionally?

  • Will the permit be granted subject to conditions?

  • Will the permit be refused?

  • Why?

  • Send inspection to Regulated Admin

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