Title Page
Document No.
1.1 Date & time of inspection?
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Site inspection
1.1 Date & time of inspection?
Select date
1.2 Have all outstanding issues been finalised from this site visit?
Provide details:
2.0 Site details
2.1 Company name & address?
Provide details:
2.2 Company representative:
Provide details:
2.3 Does LOD have contact details for site operations (phone/mobile/email/fax)
Provide details: Phone: Mobile: Email: Fax:
- Yes
- No
- N/A
3.0 Site entry& induction
3.1 is site inductions required for the new supplier?
3.2 Are our carriers required to sign in/out on this site?
4.0 Site equipment & bookings
4.1 Is there equipment available for loading/unloading, e.g. pallet jacks/electrical forklifts?
Loading/unloading equipment:
- Pallet Jacks
- Electrical forklifts
4.2 Are time slot bookings needed for our carriers?
Provide details:
5.0 Site PPE equipment
5.1 Does the site require specific PPE requirements to be worn?
Provide details:
6.0 Site traffic management
6.1 Is their a site traffic plan to follow on site?
6.2 Is there sufficient parking space on site for our vehicles?
6.3 is the site suitable for single/b-doubles access?
Provide details:
6.4 Does the site have different types of docks?
Provide numbers: Rear docks: Finger docks: Side load/unload areas:
7.0 Emergency evacuation
7.1 is there a Emergency evacuation plan displayed on site?
8.0 Hazard & control measures
8.1 Are there any additional site hazards
Provide hazard control details:
Sign off
Select date